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Posted by: lesleyjl21, October 4th, 2004, 1:36am
Okay, not a whole lot of nitty gritty here, just simply one of the funniest and best documentaries out there hands down.  I mean, even the DVD menu itself will make you laugh.  It's just so goofy.  ;D

"Super Size Me" was released earlier this year to the chagrin of the corporate types running fast food establishments, namely, the big one:  McDonald's.  Of course it's no secret to the rest of the world Americans eat waaay more than they do, but when two overweight American teens decided to sue McDonald's for making them fat, documentarian Morgan Sperlock set out to prove to everyone what these two girls could not:  that McDonald's is indeed a great detriment to your health.

He decides to go on a three meal a day binge of just McD's food for an entire month, vowing to eat every item on the menu at least once and only if asked to "super size" his meal would he say yes.  Needless to say, with an organic vegan chef for a girlfriend and plenty of health experts to predict doom and gloom for his body, Morgan goes through quite the ordeal completing his personal challenge to himself.  

But just to watch him go through it is hysterical beyond belief and incredibly disturbing at the same time.  You see how you feel picking up that Big Mac next time you're jonesing for Ronald and the gang!  Aside from being enjoyable, it's very informative and I think would be good for all American school phys ed classes to watch at least once during their terms.  I guarantee kids will be off their duffs double time.

**Not to be missed:  DVD extra "The Smoking Fry" in which Morgan charts the effects of time on items from the McD menu, including the french fries that simply will not mold!  

The deleted scenes are interesting (though you can see why they were deleted, they didn't really further the point he was trying to make and diverted away from the main storyline) though I didn't watch the extra interviews.  Those would have been overkill for me personally, but you might take an interest.

Movie:  Highly recommended.  5/5
DVD Extras:  The menu interface alone is hysterical.  That orange kills me!  But I give it 4/5, as I did like the requisite deleted scenes and added amusing goodies, but I would have liked film commentary or interviews with Morgan Sperlock himself.  Maybe like a, "Behind the Fry" or something like that.

Check this one out.

Posted by: R.E._Freak (Guest), October 4th, 2004, 11:25am; Reply: 1
Saw this last night, really liked it. I agree with you about the DVD though, I would've really liked a commentary. The Smoking Fry was kind of weird, though. If Family Guy taught us anything, it's that Twinkies will survive the apocalypse. Well, this movie proved that McDonalds fries will be right there with them.

Movie: **** out of ****
DVD: *** out of ****
Posted by: AndreaJones, October 5th, 2004, 8:41am; Reply: 2
There has been quite a few great documentaries released this year.  In a sort of wierd way, it was like a horror movie.  If you eat this food, you'll turn into a overweight person whose body is falling apart.  I highly recommend it to anyone who eats out, especially college students.
Posted by: R.E._Freak (Guest), October 5th, 2004, 8:46pm; Reply: 3
Ironically, I ate out at McDonalds twice today, two days after watching this movie.
Posted by: dabrast, October 5th, 2004, 9:36pm; Reply: 4
Ironically, I, too, ate out at McDonalds after watching this movie.  However,  I've gained a whole new respect for the Fiesta Salad (with Sour Cream and Salsa - I was weak).  I love McDonald's, however, everyday, three times a day?  How silly.  While the movie was a wake up call for a lot of people (myself included), a burger and fries once a week or so isn't going to kill me (provided, of course, the rest of the week I keep up with the All Bran for breakfast and lots of fruits and veggies.  

On the one hand, yes, the food is unhealthy.  On the other hand, I don't think that anyone every claimed that fast food as a diet was healthy either.  This would be like an expose~ on Jack Daniels - I drank nothing but Jack Daniels for breakfast, lunch and dinner and it dystroyed my life.  Or, Ben and Jerry's.  What would you look like if you ate ice cream three meals a day.   I think this needs to be put in perspective.  McDonald's, like Ben and Jerry's or Jack Daniel's is a treat.  Too much of it isn't good for you.  I think that  Supersize me is should be interpreted as more of an attack on own our behavior rather than McDonalds.  Jeez, how silly is that.  I'm fat because of McDonald's?  No, I'm fat because I eat McDonald's food three times a day.    Be responsible for your body.  

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