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Posted by: CoronaExtra04, October 26th, 2004, 7:51pm
Sine Ash was knovked off from the porject (thank god on earth) Evil Dead series was so boring it wasn't even funny.

What does everyone want to see in the new sequel?
Posted by: Balt (Guest), October 26th, 2004, 8:13pm; Reply: 1
I don't wanna see one... I really don't.  I'm so so tired of all these uninspired remakes and follow ups and just... new horror in genreral.  I think the Dawn remake really showed, and is at the top of the list, how how not to do a horror movie.  The Grudge, is the only one I can really respect, cause it has the same screenwriter and director of the incredible Japanese version.  He wanted to tell the story in a different light and he did his job, although, I don't like the remake of Grudge in the least... I still respect it.

So, no, I think Hollywood in general has lost it's flair... for horror.  I see a few good movies in drama come out the pipe line every few years -- Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind, Vanilla Sky, Big Fish, Magnolia, Eyes Wide Shut, The cooler, the Big Empty and some others... but even still, them movies alone are not enough to make me want to spark interest in Hollywood again.

This is my opinion and my veiws only... I know you have others and I know you are probably looking forward to this ne FVJ movies and I fully respect your opinion on it.  I just think the 1st one was very very shallow and had nothing to offer but a few laughs at the absurd dialouge and story... the blood was also funny as was the use of CGI in the movie... the movie was silly to me, but all horror movies are silly to me anymore.
Posted by: Old Time Wesley, October 26th, 2004, 10:13pm; Reply: 2
Isn't that what there supposed to do? If every movie was the best ever than they'd be so good you'd never see half and people would still find things to complain about

Vanilla Sky is not a great film, Recently I've beenw atching smaller more indy films that went straight to dvd on a less than 2 mill budget

They're actually better than most of the film you think are bad but I also like some of the Hollywood films for entertainment purposes

Oh and on topic of FvsJ 2 uh I don't know if you can really do a sequel to a film like this but hey if they want to who cares, it's not like getting mad and talking about how much you hate it is going to change a thing
Posted by: Balt (Guest), October 26th, 2004, 11:11pm; Reply: 3
Wes, I don't know where you're coming from, not really.  I gave my opinion on it and even furthered it with a line of my deep regret for saying the above.  I'm not asking you to like the movies I listed, did I ask you to?  I just said that once in a blue moon they impress me with a few big budget blockbusters... and sometimes, more often than not, the smaller films like -- THE COOLER & THE BIG EMPTY are head and shoulders above the rest.

Personally, no, I don't wanna see a FVJ and I thought I made that clear "that I don't want to"  I know the topic creator wants one and I know he'll get one.  I'm well awhere how much he liked the 1st one and thus, I didn't want to discredit the film much... I just said in "my" own words, it was a bit silly and uninspired... much like all horror films are today.

I'm sorry you took offense to my post.  I'm sorry you thought I was trying to force my taste on you, cause I was doing anything but... this goes to the topic creator too.  I'm well awhere of how different peoples taste can be.. in music, movies, actors and polictics alike... I'm not one to force views on anyone, believe me.

I hope this helps, if not and you're still carrying a torch for being childish... I really hope you can get past it soon.

Also, look... this is what you said "Vanilla Sky is not a great film"  Why is this wes... cause you say it isn't?  I mean, I don't understand you... So, VS is a lousy move and all these movies made on 2 mil or less are better because...... you say so, right?  See, my whole post was in "MY" opinion only and actually gave any who disagree much respect in the process by saying so.  I don't agree with you... I simply don't. If we were to live by your rules, then no one is subject to an opinion of there own.

Posted by: Chris_MacGuffin, November 16th, 2004, 8:36pm; Reply: 4
I really don't want to see a sequel? Freddy vs Jason, was campy fun but a sequel would just suck.
Posted by: Kyle V., December 5th, 2004, 2:17pm; Reply: 5
I saw a cool Flash fan made trailer for Freddy vs. Jason 2. It had Ash, Freddy and Jaosn in it and it took my title for what I thought would be a good name for the sequel

Freddy vs. Jason 2: Ashes to Ashes

Anyways...if there is no Ash then they shouldn't make another one because it'll be the same old crap again. Ash would've at least added a awesome hero we can actually root for instead of boring teenagers....

i heard something about the F vs. J vs. Ash storyline involving the return of Ash's evil hand from the evil Dead 2 and I heard that the script was supposedly very good.

Posted by: CoronaExtra04, December 6th, 2004, 3:52pm; Reply: 6
I dought it, the evil hand was so gay. I have no clue why Bruce Campbell did those movies. They all sucked. If they were a horror film, they should have made it horror, and not a stupid comedy. Personally, it ruined the films.
Posted by: Kyle V., December 7th, 2004, 6:15pm; Reply: 7
Freddy vs. Jason isn't straight up horror neither though. A majority of freddy's movies are hilarious as well. If you don't watch Evil dead 2 expecting straight up horror and watch it with an open mind then it is one awesome movie, though the first is still the best ( mostly because the first one, IMO, was actually scary.). But, to each his own.

I highly enjoyed Freddy vs. Jason as a fun slasher flick and I think if Ash's character somehow appeared, the one liners between him and Freddy would pretty much make the film great.  you have to admit, Ash is one bad dude. Nothing says Bad ### like a dude with a chainsaw for a hand and a shotgun in the other hand.
Posted by: Old Time Wesley, December 8th, 2004, 4:54pm; Reply: 8
I don't think they are making it, imdb which has spiderman 3 already doesn't even have this film in the writing stage so it may be just a rumor

I also heard that Sam Raimi hates venom and he'll never be in the 3rd film
Posted by: Kyle V., December 10th, 2004, 7:16pm; Reply: 9
The 3rd Spider-man will most likely have Green Goblin 2 and The Lizard in it. Although I am...or was....writing a Spider-man 3 script that inolved The Lizard, GG2 and the symbiote suit which would soon create the menace known as Venom.
Posted by: Chris_MacGuffin, December 10th, 2004, 7:18pm; Reply: 10
Wasn't the second "Green Goblin" the "Hob Goblin"?
Posted by: Kyle V., December 10th, 2004, 11:03pm; Reply: 11
No.....Hobgoblin was a little later on I believe and was basically just a blatant rip off of the Green goblin only orange and, in the comics turned out to be a guy by the name of  Ned Leeds, I beleive. Harry becomes Green Goblin 2 sometime in the comics...
Posted by: Matt Mosley, December 17th, 2004, 7:05am; Reply: 12
Hob Goblin was/is stronger.

LIZARD & CRAVEN & BLACKCAT for Spidy 3  (set up 'The Suit')
VENOM for Spidy 4  (set up serial killer on loose)
CARNAGE for Spidy 5
Posted by: Old Time Wesley, December 17th, 2004, 12:06pm; Reply: 13
You forgot Harry as green goblin, Sam Raimi hinted toward Harry rejecting the suit and staying Peters friend but I know my Spiderman and if he did that it would be rather lame to people who know the story

But again he could become green goblin and help Spidey
Posted by: Kyle V., December 17th, 2004, 3:34pm; Reply: 14
The only storyline I actually cared much about after Stan Lee left the comics was the Venom storyline.....after that and before was a bunch of crap...and still is crap....

I personally thought Carnage was a very crappy villian as well....
Posted by: Chris_MacGuffin, December 17th, 2004, 7:10pm; Reply: 15

Damn, Ash would have been awesome for a sequel.
It'd be great to see him and Freddy bounce one-liners off each other.
Posted by: Scoob, January 20th, 2005, 2:46am; Reply: 16
I didnt even like Freddy V Jason in the first place.

Sure it milked millions from all the fans at the box office and the dvd made up for some of it, it did have some great features i thought.

But how can you make a sequal to it?

So Freddy will win this time will he? WOW

Im no hater of sequals, i just didnt like the orignal idea in the first place.

Jason is no longer the Jason of Friday The 13th since the awful New Line took him over, 9 and 10 both suck.

Im a horror fan and i know what most horror fans like. It is not pretty spaceships and monster vs monster, or wise cracking child molestors now becoming all nice and friendly.

Its a good old stalk and slash film like Halloween and the EARLY Friday 13ths,
Sure they are corny as hell, predictible, and damn right unoriginal.

But they are damn right good to watch and they are still being watched over and over and over again...,.
Posted by: Chris_MacGuffin, February 2nd, 2005, 6:53pm; Reply: 17
Personally, the only decent "Freddy" flick was the first "A Nightmare on Elm Street," basically all of the "Jason" flicks were bad.
So it was at least refreashing to see a film that had a tongue and cheek humour about itself.
Posted by: Agent Smith, September 6th, 2005, 12:29am; Reply: 18
This project is never going to happen
Posted by: Nixon, September 20th, 2006, 12:00pm; Reply: 19
Director Ronny Yu is interested in doing a sequel to his horror hit, Freddy Vs. Jason. And though previous word was that Evil Dead creator Sam Raimi had killed such an idea. Yu says the suggestion to team Freddy and Jason with Ash, from Evil Dead, is still very much a possibility. Read more at Moviehole.

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