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SimplyScripts Screenwriting Discussion Board  /  Getting to know you, getting to know all about you...  /  Mental pictures you have of the other writers here
Posted by: Balt (Guest), November 12th, 2004, 12:32am
I just stopped in to say my hello's to Wes and thank him again for reading my screenplay, but... this came to my mind as I was doing so.

What is the mental pic of another memeber on the board... Not an actual pic, we don't need all that... I'm curious to find out what "said" writer here thinks "said" writer over here is like or looks like.

It might be fun... It might not be... We don't know.

It's 11:30 and I'm tired and I'm going to bed now... Thanks to everyone on the board for their imput.

Posted by: Old Time Wesley, November 12th, 2004, 12:52am; Reply: 1
Well it's about 1am here and I'm watching Connan's monologue but honestly I have a few

First there is Casey Wrenn who for one reason or another has disappeared but anyways I always thought he was my age and he's under 15 which shocked me because of all the screenplays he writes

Than Baltis or balt as he is now, when you first came I would have thought you were an angry writer that had to move on to a real career when it didn't work out the first time (No offense) But than you kinda became a mean writer that everyone hated and I kinda thought you were just telling it as it was

Anyways than this time around now that I've actually got to read your screenplays I'm kinda thinking your just a normal man trying to do what he loves while doing everything else that he loves and from all of your other posts you seem to be doing it all good

I really can't think of mental pictures of other people because some I know a little more than others and some I couldn't tell you anything about accept what they're posts say

Lesley and Cindy almost seem like the same person, mostly because they are both nice, to me anyways and they usually are online the exact same times

Well I think that's about all I should say for now on that, at least tonight
Posted by: TheParadoxicalShaman, November 12th, 2004, 1:04am; Reply: 2
wellll....i get this picture of ME (how arrogant) as a tall, handsome, wavy haired teenager that is the epitome of perfection.  and with swords and trained as a ninja.

and then there's heretic.....its...its almost like i can tell what he looks like....its....psychic!

or maybe not...
Posted by: TheParadoxicalShaman, November 12th, 2004, 1:20am; Reply: 3
and wesley strikes me as a self-centered jerk with bad hygiene....


wes ;)

....the rest of you

don't hate me!
Posted by: Old Time Wesley, November 12th, 2004, 1:50am; Reply: 4
Bitter sweet, the smell of victory... Oh wait, that's just me

Eventhough I knew about it, it is still funny. Post of the year, if only we all could make fun of each other in a nice way
Posted by: Balt (Guest), November 12th, 2004, 5:10am; Reply: 5
Morning all... Quick few second to kill here.

Um... Thanks Wes... I think ;)

I can see where you got your mental pic of me actually, very funny that not too many others here get me.  I'm really not rude and or angry, I might come off a bit ego driven, but I'm hardly anything other than very sincere and have little to no ego at all.  I know I've made my fair share of Balt hating mad man fans here and I love and respect them all, lol

I just think I get a bum wrap a lot of times though... Hey, if you kill them with kindness they love ya.  If you kill them with the truth, they think you're an ass.


Wes, I picture you... for some reason as the guy in your avitar, lol!  I cannot get over how over the top that is and in the process of that, kinda view you as the same person in the avitar... It's strange. I know...

Too funny...

Hey, thanks to any and all who reply to this thread... really. I'm actually looking forward to some feedback on other members and how the perseve their fellow member/writer.  

Posted by: lesleyjl21, November 13th, 2004, 3:39am; Reply: 6
No, Wes, you should know Cindy and I are two different people.  I mean, how long do you and I go back?  Cindy has a picture up somewhere.  I respect her immensely.

I don't know how I envision you.  Since you say you lost so much weight, I see a really skinny...what...seventeen (?) year old about 5'10" or so who tends to keep to himself mainly.  Maybe you watch more from the sidelines than you play.

Shaman and Heretic I used to think were the same person until they straightened me out.  Not seen Heretic around in awhile.  But then I never seem to see myself around much anymore either. :)  Maybe after this year is over.  I think I remember looking at their pictures long ago.

Balt, I don't have a distinct enough impression to formulate my image of you.  I suppose because we're simply passing ships.  Perhaps I was wrong but didn't you email me about something at one point and I thought you might have been female?

Perhaps it might have been someone else... forgive me.  My 25 year old senility and all.
Posted by: Balt (Guest), November 13th, 2004, 6:04am; Reply: 7
LOL, well... no, I'm not a women... Atleast not the last time I checked.  ;)

Um... I'm not sure, are you the one who wrote, "A Song in my heart"?  Cause I e-mailed her once about wanting to read the final version... other than that, I've only ever P.M. or e-mailed one other person on here other than that time and a few times to Wes and some guy who like roasted me about some screenplay I liked and he thought was crap.  I don't use make much of an effort to know many here... well, it did give me a really fantastic friend though... so can't knock the P.M. here.

Oh, wait... I also had many many many many many P.M. and e-mail disputes with MARLA/PAULA  "whatches skies above for witches and full moons"  bad... bad... very bad.

Alright, now that's out of the way --

I take it, and no offense here at all -- TPSHAMAN, is nothing at all like he boast about... and is actually maybe a little meak and meager in his life. I think he has big idea's and an incredible imagination, which sometimes clouds up and rains all over his parade on a daily basis.

I kidd... I kidd...

Lesley -- You, well... I thought you were a man at one time... "joke" ;)  No, seriously... I think you said it so well... we are only passing ships.  It's hard to cast an opinion on someone you don't know and thus my above heading to SHAMAN is all in good fun.

I think you might have, redish brown hair, about shoulder length... you don't take much B.S. from anyone and you are honest on most fronts...  You wear glasses, but perfer contacts cause they don't leave impressons on your nose. You're favorite food is something you can make in under 3 minutes and you tape soap operas while away. You look to Dr. Phil for advice on life and you cuss in mix crowds without much reserve.

This of course is all in good fun and I'm probably all way way way wrong... However, that's the best part of this thread... we can be wrong and it can be ok!! These are own impressions of the people on this board.

I think it'd be funny to have people post pics at the end of it all or something to see how we all missed the mark.

I dunno... I've not been to bed and it's 5 something now... Peace and love and take care of yourselves all!

Posted by: Old Time Wesley, November 13th, 2004, 9:42am; Reply: 8
I know you're two different people it's just the two of you are so alike, probably not really but over the internet it seems that way

"I don't know how I envision you.  Since you say you lost so much weight, I see a really skinny...what...seventeen (?) year old about 5'10" or so who tends to keep to himself mainly.  Maybe you watch more from the sidelines than you play."

If that was how you invision me it's almost dead on accept I'm 20 and 5'10 and a half, weird how you'd almost have me dead on
Posted by: R.E._Freak (Guest), November 13th, 2004, 3:20pm; Reply: 9

Quoted from Heretic, posted November 13th, 2004, 2:01pm at here
I think Goose looks like the main character in Dog Soldiers.  

I'm thinking more along the lines of Spoon.
Posted by: lesleyjl21, December 7th, 2004, 10:28pm; Reply: 10
Wow, been awhile since I was last in here... Balt, you still reading this thread?

I used to have reddish brown hair once upon a time, but no that's not my normal color.  I tried this dye just to see what would happen.  This was about a year and a half ago.  Yeah, I guess my hair is about shoulder length.  Yeah, you got the B.S. part right, but I'm as vulnerable as any woman is I suppose, given the right man... I took a LOT of BS from a former member who shall remain nameless...but did he ever break my heart something awful.  I mean....well, anyway.  

Yes, I do wear glasses and I do wear contacts (though they are at the optometrists on order right now).  Glasses are more comfortable.  I strain my eyes a lot.  

You got the food part right (that or fast food or nothing at all, depending on how much time I have) and no, I despise soap operas and especially Dr. Phil and any other self help show.  Only daytime TV I watch is the Sundance Channel on Mondays (Monday is DocDay), I don't really have time any other time during the week.  Yeah, I can curse now and again.  But I am a lady and don't really tend to, unless I'm really angry.  But mostly I do just in my journal.

And no, I believe "A Song in My Heart" is Cindy's.  She's a fantastic writer.  I'll say it again and again.
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