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SimplyScripts Screenwriting Discussion Board  /  Questions or Comments  /  How to create an Indie Contract?
Posted by: subdual, February 1st, 2005, 4:58pm
I have an offer on my script by an indie film maker. I would like to say that at this point I have good faith in this person but realize that when money is involved things can happen beyond his and my control if not properly protected.
My questions Are:
1. Does someone have actual experience in this field that can lend advice?
2. Does anyone have any references that I may refer to?
3. If this producer is European, do I have the same protection since it appears it will be made there?
4. I am thinking a percentage is best, if so what percentage is reasonable?
Thank you, to anyone who can give thoughful answers!
Posted by: Dragan, June 3rd, 2005, 3:23pm; Reply: 1
Nobody didnt answer u?! That means nobody ever sold anything from here -- o my good?!

1. They ll not still u anything, if u dint yet make copright, do it right now... Wga east/west or i Eu... it doesnt metter, if thay preffer European contract, than u ll do it European... But always do copyright before u send to anyone...

2. dealing of the money...procentage or cash, is realy depense on your agent/lawyer how he ll set it up...and how your script god it is... But mostly thay ll speak with u how much thay can offer u... so u can calculate the precentige... Ps.. i have heard Indian buget is aprox. 60 000... :)... convert me if i am rong.

3. rest is easy
Posted by: subdual, June 6th, 2005, 9:35pm; Reply: 2
Thanks for the response. I did create a contract that I was comfortable with, but the filmmaker backed out from lack of funds. It would have been his first so I wasn't surprised.
Cheers, Thomas
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