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SimplyScripts Screenwriting Discussion Board  /  Movie, Television and DVD Reviews  /  Alone in the Dark DVD Review
Posted by: AmericanSyCo (Guest), May 12th, 2005, 3:02pm
Ah... another year, another bad video game adaptation from Uwe Boll.  Well, he has officially done the impossible.  Boll has actually managed to create a film that is by and large much worse than "House of the Dead."  And while it would be easy to say that I was biased going in (I have a personal hatred for Boll for his shclocky attitude towards his films), it is actually much easier to say this one is bad simply because it is truly an awful shit mongerer of a film.

This is normally the part where I would try to summarize the story.  Well, if you haven't heard by now, there is no God damn story to summarize!  At least with "HotD" you knew what was going on and you understood why certain characters where acting the way they were.  In this, there is not one single part where I had an iota of a clue as to what was going on.  First we see Slater's character of paranormal investigator Edward Carnby as he... does stuff.

Later, we are introduced to paleontologist Aline Cedrac (played by Tara Reid... I'll let you digest that one for a second).

She joins Carnby in doing stuff.  Then there's a love scene.  A love scene that at no point fits into the rest of the film.  Not only are the participants almost fully clothed throughout the ordeal, but there is also one of the strangest 80's-esque love songs playing.  The part is so random, that it is as if one fell asleep during the movie, dreamt up the love scene, and then awoke and began watching the flick again.

Stephen Dorff (where the hell has he been since "Blade?") pops up as Commander Richards (another great example why the script sucks: a main character doesn't even get a first name).  He also does stuff until the end when (in proper Boll fasion) he kills himself to save the group despite the fact that there is no reason for him to kill himself to save the group.  Finally, we are treated to a complete rip-off of "Resident Evil" that doesn't even make sense (there is a big difference between the words "evacuated" and "destroyed").

Some tips for Boll for his next piece of shit:

1.) Let go of the bullet-time effects; it's time to stop while you're ahead (or behind for that matter).

2.) Learn to read a script and know when it is good and when it sucks.

3.) For the love of God, if you are going to copy somebody's style, does it have to be Paul W.S. Anderson's?

4.) You're not George Lucas; avoid text-scrolls (especially ridiculously long ones as seen in the beginning of "AitD").

For all my complaining about this movie, I actually should reverse the position of the thumb icon.  I reccomend this for two reasons: 1.) it's one of the best unintenionally funny films in a long time and 2.) I reccomend this to any inspiring filmmaker who wants to know exactly what not to when creating a movie.

To fans of the game (which I never really got into) all I can say is that you probably won't want to see this.  Trust me, it will make you weep.

Movie: ZERO STARS out of ****

DVD Extras: ***1/2 out of ****

Not only do we get two featurettes, but we also get one of the funniest commentaries ever.  Listening to Boll not only butcher the English language but also saddling up on the defensive front is hillarious.  To anyone who has ever bashed Boll, I reccomend you pick this up just to hear how he explains some of his own crap (my favorite is the summary for the completely bull shit ending where he specifically names and attacks users of the message boards).  Absolutely priceless.
Posted by: AmericanSyCo (Guest), May 12th, 2005, 3:08pm; Reply: 1
Just a quick P.S.: I moved the "Alone in the Dark" discussion from the Movie Reviews Board to the DVD Reviews Board simply because of a lack of a review.  It is now titled "Alone in the Dark (Discussion)."
Posted by: R.E._Freak (Guest), May 12th, 2005, 3:21pm; Reply: 2
I'll have to pick this up for that exact reason, no DVD collection can be complete without both the good and wretched. The commentary sounds hilarious. If it's anything like his emails (which seem to be written in Engrish) I'll probably be rolling on the floor listening to it.

It's a shame he doesn't visit any of the other sites I visit, he probably would have mentioned me. I've posted some nasty stuff. Suffice to say, I've made a couple of detailed diagrams explaining just how much he sucks.
Posted by: Chris_MacGuffin, May 12th, 2005, 3:57pm; Reply: 3
Yeah, he is a sounds like a complete whack-job. I love how he bitches and moans about how he pulled his career Vitamin B, aren't most of us Vitamin B?

Honestly he spends more time insulting people, then he does fixing his piss poor direction.
Posted by: Old Time Wesley, May 12th, 2005, 4:25pm; Reply: 4
He sounds like some writers here, spends more time bashing others than writing there own work if any. I don't think people should waste money especially since it just gives studios a reason to say hey make a sequel for us.

Well I hope that doesn't happen, I'm really getting tired of watching average pg 13 rated flicks. IMDB is the scum of the universe, the people there do not respect anyone not even themselves. Being a member over there I now regret even finding that site, who wants there film on there? I hope nobody that is Kevin Smith checks his own board for himself, any of his cast and or films because those people are just simply pathetic excuses for human beings.
Posted by: AmericanSyCo (Guest), May 12th, 2005, 4:40pm; Reply: 5
Yeah, but Uwe Boll is German... which means he is inherently evil... which means when he talks ill of faceless others it is funny.

It's simple physics, really.
Posted by: Old Time Wesley, May 12th, 2005, 4:52pm; Reply: 6
I guess the you get what you give thing comes into play, I wouldn't piss on any member of IMDb's message boards if they were on fire. I'd purchase some marshmellows because scum burns nicely.

I guess it's also there own fault for expecting to much of people, don't imdb have moderators? If so they're worse than the members for not taking some of the crap that goes on down. That's what you get when the rules are thrown out, you wonder why Don keeps a tight lid on things around here with swearing and other stuff.

But still I enjoy your reviews, this the first film you ever gave a 0 to?
Posted by: Chris_MacGuffin, May 12th, 2005, 5:18pm; Reply: 7
Umm, Wes, you do know I frequent IMDb, right?

Anyhow, I get your point, there are some genuine nice people on IMDb, you know. It's just over run with people who spend to much time complaining and not actually doing stuff.

Anyhow, so this post doesn't go to far off, I'm going to wait until this goes on blue before I rent it.  
Posted by: AmericanSyCo (Guest), May 12th, 2005, 5:48pm; Reply: 8
Actually, the first and only film before this that I gave a ZERO to was "House of the Dead."  Ironic?


No, they just both really sucked.
Posted by: Antemasque, May 14th, 2005, 7:19pm; Reply: 9
what part of the commentary does he talk about imdb and shit
Posted by: AmericanSyCo (Guest), May 14th, 2005, 10:51pm; Reply: 10
If I remember correctly, it was towards the end when he was talking about the "meaning" behind the ending.
Posted by: KenneyP, May 21st, 2005, 5:17pm; Reply: 11
could we like, redub this movie?
Posted by: Chris_MacGuffin, May 21st, 2005, 5:19pm; Reply: 12
To bad "Mystery Science Theatre" isn't on anymore...
Posted by: dogglebe (Guest), May 21st, 2005, 6:16pm; Reply: 13
I would kill to have MST3K back on the air....

Really.  I would.

Posted by: R.E._Freak (Guest), May 22nd, 2005, 6:58pm; Reply: 14
Alone in the Dark is a dark, deliberately paced, well-thought out horror thriller game, finding Edward Carnby trying to uncover the truth while facing an unexplained dark presence that threatens to drive him insane.

The movie, however, is pure garbage. I don't know how it's possible, but Uwe Boll found funding for this movie. Why is he still allowed within five miles of a movie set? How does he still find people willing to pay for his garbage work? Why does God hate video games so much?

Here's the story: We open with a title crawl that, according to Uwe Boll, was put in because test audiences didn't have a clue what the hell was going on. We then cut to an orphanage, then a ship out at sea, then to a plane, then to the ship again (where they have, in five minutes, made about two inches of progress). Or, was it plane, ship, museum, plane? Or plane, museum, ship, shit?

Either way.

Anyway, the story involves invisible demon dogs, mind controlled zombies, experimentation on orphans by a government agency, which is also trying to destroy the demon dogs, which are being controlled by one of the mind controlling zombies, who was doing the experiments at the orphanage in the first place, which is where an ancient race opened a gateway to hell and, rather than sealing it, constructed an elaborate gate with a key.

Why do they never just fill in the hole? Why always with the gates and keys?

Anyway, Christian Slater is Edward Carnby, the quote unquote 'hero' of the movie. I ask you this: how bad does your career have to be that when the literal toilet of the motion picture industry walks up to you and asks you to dive in head first, you enthusiastically say "Yes sir!" Meanwhile, Tara Reid is an apparent intelligent scientist. Hell, even Boll says she was miscast (and that's saying something). I don't know what to say about that, it's just bloody insane.

And did anyone else notice that this movie follows a number of the Rules of Macho Soldiers?

1. Soldiers must sacrifice themselves, even if it serves no purpose.
2. Soldiers may only say the following three phrases (or varients of): Move it! Let's go! That's it!
3. Soldiers cannot aim.
4. Soldiers cannot follow any guidelines set by any military body.

I wanted to smack a number of people.

Then the music. There is a fine line between referencing and outright plagarism. This guy crossed it. The main theme is a blatant copy of Elia Cmiral's excellent score from Ronin, and the deep percussion during a museum scene seems to a rip off of the similar themes from Millennium by composer Mark Snow.

Allow me to summarize my feelings in this delightful little picture I made:

For more fun check out
Posted by: AmericanSyCo (Guest), May 22nd, 2005, 8:26pm; Reply: 15
The reason he still gets funding is because he actually funds himself.  Many theories have been thrown about as to were he gets his income; I'm believe in the Nazi gold idea myself.
Posted by: R.E._Freak (Guest), May 23rd, 2005, 11:48am; Reply: 16

Quoted from AmericanSyCo
I'm believe in the Nazi gold idea myself.

;D That was the funniest thing I've heard all day, thank you for that.
Posted by: TwilightPro1, May 26th, 2005, 1:42am; Reply: 17
This movie wasn't too bad, but the way Uwe keeps bragging and whining makes me want to just ignore the guy and completely forget exists.

As for bashing the IMDB, he just has issues with his audience (if there is one).
Posted by: greg, December 18th, 2005, 7:00pm; Reply: 18
I think it depends on how you pronounce his name.  I've heard about 15 different pronounciations.  This has actually intrigued me so I'm off to find a video or audio of someone saying his name.  Only Uwe Boll would use terrible grammar in his opening titles though.
Posted by: Old Time Wesley, December 18th, 2005, 10:26pm; Reply: 19
I've heard it pronounced on a podcast Ewww A Boll put that together and you get Uwe Boll or U-A Boll something like that.

Either way if you take anybody's name you cannot make it work with an. An Wesley picture just sounds wrong.

Look at the back of the movies on your shelf, it's always A not AN and if nothing else it just sums up his career... A big mistake.

Kevin Smith's Dogma has a spelling error in mid to late film when they are outside the church which he points out proudly on the DVD but still.

I should stop watching movies so closely, I accidently see the bad things they would hope you don't see. Like the blur in King Kong to blend him with the scenes.
Posted by: TC Taylor, December 19th, 2005, 2:38pm; Reply: 20
I rented and watched this movie, and I do not lie when I say that as I watched the movie, I threw up.  Not from any of the gay gore effects or anything... I just got sick and hurled for no reason what so ever!  I guess the movie sucks so bad it made me sick.  I hate Uwe Boll, I hope a comet hits his house and he killed by all the copies of all the bad movies he has made.  Or maybe a random fake zombie can have a sword fight with him, and Uwe loses and gets his face eatten off, but that would make the zombie sick and it would die, saving the world from a zombie invasion!
Posted by: Martin, December 19th, 2005, 2:48pm; Reply: 21

Quoted from Old Time Wesley
I noticed during the opening titles it says "An Uwe Boll Film" when in actual fact if I'm not mistaken it should be "A Uwe Boll Film" this made me laugh so hard that nobody told him about it.

Well, his name starts with a vowel so it's technically correct.

How about "An Alfred Hitchcock film"? Are you saying it should be "A Alfred..."

And btw, Uwe is pronounced "oo-veh"

Posted by: greg, December 19th, 2005, 3:45pm; Reply: 22

Quoted from Martin

Well, his name starts with a vowel so it's technically correct.

How about "An Alfred Hitchcock film"? Are you saying it should be "A Alfred..."

And btw, Uwe is pronounced "oo-veh"

Beat me to it.  It was how the name is pronounced that threw me off, otherwise it does stay  an, such as An M. Night Shymalalaman film or An Oliver Stone film.

Either way, it doesn't make Alone in the Dark any better.  :X
Posted by: Old Time Wesley, December 19th, 2005, 8:10pm; Reply: 23
But for the way it is just looks wrong and yes the movie is really bad because I tried hard to watch it but the film just isn't any good. It's barely even a movie.

Did he actually pay the "actors" to be in this film?

I read on IMDB that he blames Tara Reid (In some magazine) for the film being so bad but she wasn't the character who made it terrible for me anyway it was that goof who is the male lead.

I'd say she should just show her breasts in more films but they look sickly and who wants to see "When plastic Surgery goes Wrong" she's like 30 and her career, acting wise is dead.

Posted by: Zombie Sean, December 20th, 2005, 2:30pm; Reply: 24
This film was boring. I almost fell asleep during the middle of it, and I don't know how it was supposed to be scary.

But the good thing is that I paid little money to watch it, so I guess it's all good.
Posted by: IronPeace, February 1st, 2006, 12:47am; Reply: 25
I really enjoyed all your reviews and You've settled it for me, I will never see this movie!. I knew from the trailer that it was going to be a bust. Sigh......Why did they make such a flop? Why God! Why?!
Posted by: TheUsualSuspect, June 27th, 2006, 2:00pm; Reply: 26
Edward Carnby, detective of the paranormal, unexplained and supernatural, investigates a mystery (the recent death of a friend) with clues leading to "Shadow Island" that brings him face to face with bizarre horrors that prove both psychologically disturbing and lethal, as he discovers that evil demons worshiped by an ancient culture called the Abskani are planning on coming back to life in the 21st century to once again take over the world... and only he and a young genius anthropologist with an incredible memory (and his ex-girlfriend), Aline Cedrac, stand in their way, at a gateway to hell. Standing in Carnby's way, however, is the impact that a brief encounter with an evil spirit called the Queen had upon his mind, as he slowly finds himself overpowered by the forces of darkness as they eat away at his very sanity...

Uwe Boll became known to the world with the video game horror based film House of the Dead. After the horrible reviews and box office, someone somewhere decided to let Uwe Boll destroy another video game franchise, this time it's another horror video game, Alone in the Dark. Which frankly is how you should watch the movie, if you have to that is.

Alone in the Dark goes wrong in so many directions, the first would have to be the screenplay, which has too many plot holes and confusing storyline that no one can tell what is going on. Throw into the mix a director that has no clue what he is doing except throwing an explosion here and a shootout there. Boll did one thing right, make the movie about soldiers shooting creatures, instead of your everyday party goers, such as seen in House.

Alone in the Dark suffers from a lot of different things, but even if you didn't know who Uwe Boll is or how bad the script actually is, you must be able to notices the horrible casting job. Who in their right mind would think of Tara Reid for a genius anthropologist? Her lines range from horribly delivered, to "hey look over here" or "hey check this out". Slater plays an Indiana Jones type character, who lacks the charm, wit, courage, intelligence...basically everything that makes Indiana Jones.

Stephen Dorff isn't that bad of an actor, he just has the unfortunate curse of choosing bad movie roles. Either he needs a new agent, or needs to get better material thrown his way. Frankly military leader hunting the beast who has conflict with the lead character doesn't do him justice.

A lot of the scenes are laughable when Boll tries to make them hip for the new generation. Such as the characters being in total darkness, then shooting the bullets that have lights on them which light up the characters and the screen. Boll should take some directing lessons and not try to make something look appealing.

It's obvious that Boll doesn't care about the story, or just doesn't understand it, the characters, the music, basically everything that makes a movie with the exception of special effects. Boll tries to make the film cool with it's "slo-mo" and of course the shot where the monster jumps at the screen.

Apparently someone out there thinks Boll is doing something right because he has numerous video game titles on the way, next up is Bloodrayne. I can only hope that when FarCry hits the theatres he will learn from his mistakes and make at least a decent film for once in his life.

Posted by: Martin, June 27th, 2006, 3:03pm; Reply: 27

Quoted from TheUsualSuspect
I can only hope that when FarCry hits the theatres he will learn from his mistakes and make at least a decent film for once in his life.

I've read a few drafts of the script. Don't hold your breath ;)
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