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SimplyScripts Screenwriting Discussion Board  /  Getting to know you, getting to know all about you...  /  Things That I Do, But You May Think Is Weird
Posted by: Antemasque, July 29th, 2005, 11:48am
Alright everyone. You have any little secret things you do that no one else knows about? Or something that you think you are one of a kind for doing?
Posted by: Andy Petrou, July 29th, 2005, 12:14pm; Reply: 1
Hmmm, you better spill your guts after I'm done spilling mine, Andrew!

Ummm, this sounds so lame but I have to go to bed the exact same way to fall asleep immediately or else I can't sleep! After I've put my fan on for noise in the night (I need the constant hum), I get into bed, lay down on my left side and then always do the following - I have two pillows ok? I take the top one off, and then flip the one underneath upside down and turn it 180 degrees. Then, I do the same with the top pillow. I like to rotate them nightly. Then, I say my thanks for everything good in my life. Then, I am out within minutes, snug as a bug in a rug. ::)

IF I DON'T do that routine, I swear to God I will be up all night tossing and turning. Must be left side of the body for me to fall asleep, I think my brain is wired that way.

Ok, I'm a freak and I know it!LOL! :D
Posted by: Antemasque, July 29th, 2005, 12:24pm; Reply: 2
Alright Andy.
I guess i have to spill my guts now.

I have a little secret for you all.

My first time water skiing (bababababa)
When i was like 12 or 13 i was water skiiing with my dad and has friend and his friends son. (whew) and it was finally my turn. I was so excited and i couldnt wait to do it. I got out of the boat and got set up for everything. Then they went driving.
First minute or so went good. But then it came. I fell. But most people would let go of the string u hold on, i did not. I keep hanging on as my body dragged across the water. Them the time came. I felt different, like something was missing. Something sure was missing. My swimming trunks.

I had to get in a towel and drive home in the towel. One long hard hour. Damn those days.
Posted by: Andy Petrou, July 29th, 2005, 12:37pm; Reply: 3
Awe, Andrew. What a thing to have to go through. Wow, I sure do hope that you weren't injured in any way. :o

Great topic by the way.

Andy xxx

Posted by: Andy Petrou, July 30th, 2005, 7:43am; Reply: 4
Does anybody else have any stories??? C'mon, tell!
Posted by: Martin, July 30th, 2005, 11:16am; Reply: 5
Okay, here goes. Perhaps my most embarrasing moment was while at uni.

My flatmate had just got together with a new girlfriend so a bunch of us went to the pub to meet her and all her friends for the first time. We'd been doing some afternoon drinking prior to this so we were all a little bit drunk.

We arrived at the pub and I bought pint and walked over to the table where all the girls were sitting. As I went to put my glass down I placed it on someone's lighter, the glass tipped and fell onto one of the girls' handbags, completely filling it with beer. Somehow, nobody noticed so I thought I'd try and save the situation- this handbag was watertight, I could see lipstick, makeup and a mobile phone floating around in it. I panicked, picked it up and was about to subtly empty it on the floor when the bag's owner spotted me and gave me a filthy look, not realising her bag was full of beer. She grabbed it out of my hand, splashing beer all over both of us and my friend's new girlfriend. Of course all my mates thought it was hilarious :)

Not the best first impression but we all ended up friends in the end.
Posted by: R.E._Freak (Guest), July 30th, 2005, 2:48pm; Reply: 6
I eat things in even numbers. Things like Skittles, or Pocky, if it's not an even number I can't eat it. It's to the point of being an obsessive compulsion. If something is a single item (i.e. a hamburger, or a drink) I will eat an even number of bites, or swallow an even number of times when drinking something. Usually when I leave food on my plate it's not because I'm full, it's because I can't force myself to eat the odd numbered item. I'll actually stand there, even if it's in a busy public place, and count each item beforehand.

Never share a bag of chips with me.
Posted by: Chris_MacGuffin, July 30th, 2005, 6:29pm; Reply: 7
Let's see there's a couple things. This one's lame, since my dog, Daisy, died a couple years ago, I only wash my hands with cold water. I sleep with covers year round.  I'm kind of metro, yeah, I try to be stylish. haha. Oh, and for really embarrassing, I was talking to this girl I had a crush on, we were talking about her ex, who I also had a crush on. She told him, cause well she really didn't think it was that big of a deal. And well he also happened to be a good friend so that was really fucking akward. lol
Posted by: Impulse, July 30th, 2005, 8:32pm; Reply: 8
These things aren't really embarassing but just kind of weird ... when I walk, I can't have my hands just doing nothing, like I can't have them just hang at my sides - I have to hold on to something, in my pockets, or I just subconsciously wiggle my fingers. And when I'm walking down hallways, I have to touch every corner that I walk by, if I'm close to the wall. I don't count them or anything, it's just I habit I have of just knowing where they are. And at McDonalds, I don't eat the corners of fries. You know those fries that come to sharp corners? Yeah, I can't eat those, ever since I was little.
Posted by: R.E._Freak (Guest), July 30th, 2005, 8:51pm; Reply: 9
Another thing I thought of: I change accents without warning. I don't think anything of it, but it really confuses some people who talk to me when one minute I sound Irish, and the next German. I'll even throw in some words that mean nothing to them. I'm a little off. I'm like bad milk.
Posted by: Impulse, July 30th, 2005, 8:56pm; Reply: 10
I mimic people a lot, whether it's how they walk or move their hands, I do it without thinking. And I have these weird sayings that I read in books or scripts and I just say them over and over again. Whether it's just a few words or a line, and at random time when I'm bored, I'll just say them aloud. Something to do when I'm bored, I guess. Wow, I am weird.
Posted by: Chris_MacGuffin, July 30th, 2005, 9:08pm; Reply: 11
Yeah, but I'm probably weirder. I mean I wish I were British and I haven't eaten a donut in seven years since seeing "The Fly" remake. And that's just a couple things.
Posted by: AmericanSyCo (Guest), July 30th, 2005, 11:30pm; Reply: 12
Alright, I have quite a few.  Some are of an adult nature, and will not be written here.  Lets just say, I've been with some interesting mates in my short life time with some very interesting tastes when it comes to the bedroom.  Everything else is very much on the same page as R.E. Freak's (including, strangely enough, the accent thing).  Also, I black out sometimes and do really weird shit (been doing it since I was eight).  For example, the latest black out took place on a "drunk bus" during senior week.  I was not intoxicated in any way and it was only six o'clock in the evening.  In my mind, I remember the trip being an eerily quiet ride.  My friends tell me I started shouting out qoutes from "Batman Begins" and "American Pyshco."  At one point, I apparently shouted out, "I just had to KILL a lot of PEOPLE!"  This caused some very attractive young ladies to give me a look of absolute horror and immeadiately leave the bus.  Again, I really don't remember any of this.  Let's see, what else?  Also during senior week, I made a Scarecrow mask during a very, very weird (I.e.: we where all stoned out of our minds) and rainy day.  Now, I'm developing a fear toxin by adding together the same (or similar) chemicals that actually form in one's brain during a nightmare.  I've been told while theoretically it could work, it is actually more likely to make someone sneeze.  Not that I'm really going to spray it on anyone; to petrified of law suits.

Anywho, I'll probably think of more.  But this is defiantly enough for now.  
Posted by: AmericanSyCo (Guest), July 30th, 2005, 11:37pm; Reply: 13
One more thing (this is actually a blog I wrote in my myspace):

Ever see the film "I Heart Huckabees?"  In it, the main character of Albert Markovsky (who, I swear to God, it so much like me I should sue for likeness issues) finds Existential Detectives to help figure out a coincidence of his.  In the film, he sees the same tall African man three seperate times.  Does it mean something?  Well, now I have my very own coincidence to sort out.  In the past two weeks, I have seen the same guy six times.  Twice at the mall, twice just walking the streets, once at a restaurant, and again at Best Buy.  F**K!  Who is this guy, and what does his presence mean?  Tall guy, long hair, looks like he's in his fifties, and every time I've seen him, he is wearing the same leather vest that has symbols from the 70's blasted all over it.  This defiantly means something, I just can't figure it out.  And it doesn't help matters that I saw him four times in the same day.  He was at Best Buy; I used to work there.  That's significant, right?  To qoute "Huckabees," "if it isn't, then nothing is."
Posted by: Andy Petrou, July 31st, 2005, 3:22am; Reply: 14
There are some fascintaing things you've all posted here, lol! Good stuff. ;D

I just remembered. When I walk on checkered flooring, I have to step on a different coloured square each time. Like this, left foot on white square and right foot on black. I can't walk on the same square or colour twice in a row and no half sqaures either.

I also seem to be able to feel which colour I am walking on, probably a subconcoius thing, but I hate it if I walk on the same colour twice in a row, so weird. :-/
Posted by: Alan_Holman (Guest), July 31st, 2005, 4:41am; Reply: 15
Feeling colors is an interesting concept.  But I don't doubt you.  I have certain ... things I do that you may find weird ... and some of them involve ... interesting concepts.  But I probably won't reveal anything in this thread.  
Posted by: Andy Petrou, July 31st, 2005, 5:04am; Reply: 16

Quoted from Alan_Holman
Feeling colors is an interesting concept.  But I don't doubt you.  I have certain ... things I do that you may find weird ... and some of them involve ... interesting concepts.  But I probably won't reveal anything in this thread.  

Alan, you big tease! Spill it! :o
Posted by: Alan_Holman (Guest), July 31st, 2005, 5:57am; Reply: 17
Nah.  Won't participate because I don't like when anyone knows what I do at any given moment.  If I tell you about any of my many strange daily habits, I'll know that you know, and I'll quit that thing, or do it differently ... and I prefer evolving habits over sacrificing or changing them.

I enjoy reading you people's stuff, though.
Posted by: Andy Petrou, July 31st, 2005, 3:25pm; Reply: 18
:o Dammit, Alan!

Fine... be Mr. Elusive then.. LOL! :P

Andy xxx
Posted by: Rob S., July 31st, 2005, 5:17pm; Reply: 19
Those are wierd.

I sleep the left side of my body on the left side of the bed and my right knee must be slightly bent.

I don't eat microwaved food and I hate sliced bread.

I am obsessed with the number four.  I have four hats, four keys per keychain, four packs of playing cards, four phones, four watches, that sort of thing.

I always buy spiral bound notebooks, college rule, even when I don't need them.  I have dozens of them.  Most of them are like brand new, not written in, but I keep buying them.
Posted by: Impulse, July 31st, 2005, 8:21pm; Reply: 20
I used to not eat food the color orange. Like cheddar cheese for instance. I got over it, though.
Posted by: Alan_Holman (Guest), July 31st, 2005, 8:27pm; Reply: 21
2 Things I do, But you may think is weird!

I do mental exercises to unlock the psychic ability to see with my eyes closed.

My eyebrows weren't Y2K compliant.  They grew back in two months.

Posted by: Rob S., July 31st, 2005, 9:12pm; Reply: 22
Sometimes, when I watch a basketball game on TV, I mute the sound and add my own play by play commentary to what I see.
Posted by: Impulse, July 31st, 2005, 9:45pm; Reply: 23
Is that weird? I think that's fun. Except I do a MST3K commentary - but I only make myself laugh ...
Posted by: Andy Petrou, August 1st, 2005, 4:06pm; Reply: 24
When I'm in a relationship and we're walking together holding hands and there's a bollard in the way, I don't break away hands cos I think that's a jinx. I make sure I walk around it so nothing comes between us.

Yeah, like that's the reason why my relationships have broken down... :-/
Posted by: Andy Petrou, August 14th, 2005, 3:26am; Reply: 25
LOL! I just remembered something else. Insect related.

I usually stare at the ground when I walk. If I see ants anywhere I have to avoid stepping on them. Have to! I just can't stand the thought of unnecessarily killing them. Oh yeah, and when it rains and all the snails come out to crawl, I can't walk on the pavement or sidewalk, as I fear the accidental 'crunching' sound if I step on one. UGH! Therefore, I walk in the road!

I know, I am scared to squish a snail but not afraid to get squished by a car. Weird.

Lastly, if I happen to see a coin on the floor, I feel I must pick it up for good luck's sake. I get paranoid if I don't and keep thinking about it all day :-/ So stupid, I know!

Andy x
Posted by: Chris_MacGuffin, August 14th, 2005, 3:31am; Reply: 26
Oh and I have a phobia of really low ceilings and I use to have one about plants. Yes, I use to be terrified of flowers and vines. lol
Posted by: Old Time Wesley, August 14th, 2005, 3:50pm; Reply: 27
I have a lot of phobias, I can't be in the same room with spiders no matter how small and even if it's just a web it has to go.

Plants? I know a lot of people are afraid of weird things but plants?
Posted by: Higgonaitor, August 14th, 2005, 3:58pm; Reply: 28
I knew a kid who was afraid of peoples breath, not like, bad smelling breath. but just breath in genereal.  You could breathe in his direction and he would completely freak out.
Posted by: greg, August 14th, 2005, 11:48pm; Reply: 29
I can't talk to people with bad teeth.  If it's face-to-face I just can'd do it otherwise I end up staring at their teeth.

I'm scared to death of spiders!  Hate  them!  If there's one in the room and it's bigger than a quarter, I have to get a shoe or a hockey stick to crush it and if it gets away, I'm stuck shivering my covers for the night.

I HAVE to sleep with a fan on or an air conditioning going.  It's so hard to fall asleep with dry air or no noise in the background.  I used to have a sound machine which played rain or waterfalls but I quit that after I found that a nice breeze on you all night works much better.
Posted by: Andy Petrou, August 15th, 2005, 1:47am; Reply: 30
I've heard of people being scared of spiders, which I can understand, though I've majorly improved with this issue as I've lived on my own for nearly 5 years now. Therefore, there was no-one else around to get rid of them for me so I somehow managed to do it myself!! Yay for me, pats on the back! I found a huge one last week, and I totally didn't freak out, I was well impressed with myself. Usually, I would be screaming at the top of my lungs.

The only insect that now makes me do that is a cockroach... ugh.

If I want a bag of crisps - chips to you non-UK'ers - and I open it upside down, I can't enjoy the crisps! It's so strange!! I can't stop thinking 'why'd I open it up the wrong way round?' the whole time. Totally ruins the crisp-munching experience for me.

When I used to commute on the train into London, you see all sorts of disgusting, dirty sods on the train. I must be a freak, and I can't stop it and I really, really want to, but I can't. When I see some skanky asshole sitting there picking his/her nose blatantly in front of everyone, more importantly me, I can't help but stare at them with big, burning laser beam eyes. I mean WTF?! It's a public train and there he/she is eating their little breakfast right in front of me. The worst things is, as I'm so engrossed in watching them I am just getting increasingly more annoyed by their obliviousness to this all!!! I hate nose-pickers, but I hate myself more for not being able to ignore them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Double ugh with a  :X on the top.

Andy x - now feeling rather nautious.
Posted by: greg, August 15th, 2005, 7:20pm; Reply: 31
Andy, you're hilarious  ;D
Posted by: R.E._Freak (Guest), August 15th, 2005, 8:17pm; Reply: 32
I stare at people. Now, a lot of people look at a lot of people. But, well, see the thing with me is I wear sun glasses. All the time. ALL the time. Inside, outside. The only thing I wear more is my hat, which I wear from the moment I wake up to the moment I go to bed, as I have for almost ten years (maybe it's my comfort blanket, who knows). Now, I look with my eyes. I have excellent peripheral vision and better than 20/20 vision. I can pretty much see everything I need to see just with my eyes. What happens then is my head becomes fixed in place. A lot of times it ends up directed at some poor person who probably wonders why the freaky nerd in the corner is staring at them with such unwavering intensity, when in reality I'm watching something outside. It's helped a lot with my paranoia, though. Now I can watch everyone around me, and no one sees who or what I'm looking at.

A psychiatrist would probably hurl his notepad at me.
Posted by: Chris_MacGuffin, August 15th, 2005, 8:28pm; Reply: 33
yeah, I hate leaving a "paper" trail online, so I delete my history ever chance I get. I won't sleep if I forget.
Posted by: Higgonaitor, August 16th, 2005, 12:17pm; Reply: 34
I can't go on public transportation bu's at night.
its the eerie glow of the letters on the top of the bus, plus the windows also cast an eerie green glow.  It just freaks me out.
Posted by: CurseScripts (Guest), August 16th, 2005, 12:53pm; Reply: 35
Okay, I absolutely hate people who talk with their mouth's full. It totally disgusts me. When someone talks to me with their mouth full, and I can see inside, I get all agitated, soon saying "Don't you dare talk to me with your mouth full!" if they don't stop. My Dad was talking with his mouth full at breakfast one time, I nearly puked when part of his egg that he was chewing went on my plate. My brother takes after him. Rotten.

I hate bugs. If I see one, I either run down the stairs and jump on the table, or just scream so loud that the whole village can hear me. (Well Done Andy! Whoo!!) One time, when I was on holiday I felt something drop onto my head (there is loads of vines on a metal ceiling fence thing), and when I picked it up I screamed when I saw a cockroach moving it's icky legs.

I hate travelling on planes. I can never sleep, with that fear of crashing or something! I don't mind looking out of the window though ^_^

I also hate the words, chuckle, and belly. I think they should be banned from the entire world!
Posted by: bert, August 16th, 2005, 1:06pm; Reply: 36

Quoted from CurseScripts
I also hate the words, chuckle, and belly

I also have a word that I simply hate.

When I am reading a restaurant review, and the critic calls something "toothsome" discredits everything they say.

I just don't get that word at all.
Posted by: CurseScripts (Guest), August 16th, 2005, 1:10pm; Reply: 37
I know what you mean - It's sooo annoying when someone says a word you hate, it spoils everything.
Posted by: FlamingoDance, August 16th, 2005, 8:53pm; Reply: 38

I'm obsessed with Flamingos (I'm a guy and I'm not gay)
I looooovveee the number 4 and 7
I ABSOLUTELY have to have a piece of string in my pocket everywhere I go. EVERYWHERE I GO!  

I don't like the word: Dipstick or dipshit and theres like 10 other words I hate that I can't think of.

I ALSO sleep with a fan.

Theres a lot of other things I know I do weird that I can't think of.
Posted by: CurseScripts (Guest), August 17th, 2005, 12:47pm; Reply: 39
OMG, I used to be obsessed with Flamingos! (I'm not gay either xD )

I also forgot to mention earlier, that whenever I go to bed, I always check underneath the duvet to see if any maggots are there (all thanks to Evil Dead Trap) before turning the lights off, if I don't I won't get into the bed ;D
Posted by: R.E._Freak (Guest), August 17th, 2005, 1:14pm; Reply: 40

Quoted from FlamingoDance
I looooovveee the number 4 and 7

So how do you feel about the number 47?
Posted by: Andy Petrou, August 17th, 2005, 1:23pm; Reply: 41

Quoted from R.E._Freak

So how do you feel about the number 47?

Orgasmic  :K)

Oh wait, that question wasn't for ;D
Posted by: FlamingoDance, August 17th, 2005, 2:02pm; Reply: 42
I just like the number 4 and 7. I don't know why.

Does anyone else carry a piece of string with them wherever they go lol? I guess I'm weird.
Posted by: Higgonaitor, August 17th, 2005, 2:19pm; Reply: 43
I tend to carry string with me, but its not essential.
Posted by: CurseScripts (Guest), August 17th, 2005, 4:06pm; Reply: 44
Maybe you like the numbers 4 and 7 because they are kind of odd and kind of resemble the flamingo (esecially the 4!)


P.S Andy, orgasmic, got that right! xD
Posted by: FlamingoDance, August 17th, 2005, 4:08pm; Reply: 45
Hmm never thought of that Curse. Thats very interesting!
Posted by: CurseScripts (Guest), August 17th, 2005, 4:10pm; Reply: 46
Yeah! See when I was part of the flamingo obsesE-s, I liked the 4 and 7 as well, it IS intresting!
Posted by: Higgonaitor, August 17th, 2005, 9:43pm; Reply: 47
and now your making a script called 747, fancy that.
Posted by: CurseScripts (Guest), August 18th, 2005, 5:20am; Reply: 48
Oh my god - I only just noticed that! :X
Okay, now I am just  totally freaked! ;D
Posted by: FlamingoDance, August 18th, 2005, 11:37am; Reply: 49
Lol thats weird.
Posted by: CurseScripts (Guest), August 18th, 2005, 4:30pm; Reply: 50


Posted by: Higgonaitor, August 22nd, 2005, 7:09pm; Reply: 51
okay, thought of more weird things.

I hate eating thing with too much internal or any external salt.  If there is external salt(E.G. Pretzels) I scrape it off with my thumb and then eat it.  Everyone thinks it's gross, but I just really don't like salt.  At one point I had not vacuumed in a while and the floor around my pretzel and chip eating area got reallllly salty.  It was kind of gross but completely witch safe.

Okay, then with fruit on the bottom yogurt, I don't eat the fruit at the bottom.  I just eat the yogurt part.  I throw away the fruit at the bottom.  EWveryone always asks me Why I dont just get plain yogurt and it's because you can taste the fruit in the yogurt, it's different.

just some weird eating habbits
Posted by: Higgonaitor, August 22nd, 2005, 9:52pm; Reply: 52
hahah.  that is sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet.  I wish I had nostril sucking powers, but Im stuck with flamethrower powers, crap.
Posted by: Arcadio, August 25th, 2005, 6:02am; Reply: 53

I also do the thing where I'm walking and can't have my hands doing anything. I'll normally carry my cigarettes in my right hand and my mobile in my left.

When I put things in my jacket pockets, I always have my wallet and housekeys in the right hand side, and my mobile and cigarettes in the left. It's been this way for about five years.

I am petrified of spiders. I've lived on my own for about four years and I still can't get rid of the things. If there's one in my bedroom, I'll go and sleep on the couch downstairs until I know it's gone... or died.

When I walk over drain covers (the ones where there's three in a row), I always walk over two, then skip the third one. "One for luck, to for a f***, and three for the worst luck ON EARTH."

Ever since I broke up with my ex, I have to have about 3/4 pillows next to me in bed, just so it feels like there's somebody there.

When making a cup of tea, I always put the tea bag in first, then two sugars, then the milk, then the water. I'm told this is strange.

When I see a small-ish spider in my room and I'm too comfy to go downstairs to sleep, I name it, say hello, and goodnight. If you give it a name and are pleasant, it won't crawl into your mouth when you're sleeping. And plus, you know, it's just common decency. The current one above me is called Arthur XVIII... I'm not very original in the naming process.
Posted by: Paula-Hanes (Guest), August 25th, 2005, 1:34pm; Reply: 54
I pick up hitchhikers and drive them to a motel.
Then I make them dress in a pair of my mothers underwear and a plumbers toolbelt and scream, "I'm a filthy little squirrel, I'm a filthy little squirre!!

Oh, and then I kill them and bury them under my house.

Is that weird?
Posted by: Higgonaitor, August 25th, 2005, 5:29pm; Reply: 55
no, but extremely illegal.
Posted by: Shakespeare, August 25th, 2005, 6:01pm; Reply: 56
I have eaten raw bacon on a few occasions and enjoyed it.
I dont anymore.
Posted by: Higgonaitor, August 25th, 2005, 6:06pm; Reply: 57
ugh, thats gross.

this one time I was really mad at my older brother, so I put vegetable oil in his acne pad things, he decided to get back at me by throwing raw bacon on me when I was asleep.  ugh.
Posted by: -Ben-, October 11th, 2005, 4:11am; Reply: 58
Im afaid of butterflies but not moths. Butterfleis are scary. Oh and ever since i saw a cocoroach crawl acroos my bedroom floor, i also  check under my cvers for cocoroachs, not maggots, like a prevvious poster said. Oh and the wierd thing is i can watch some fairly gory horro films (nothing too gory) without being disturbed, but when someone describes something real-life gory (like when my fiend told em in graphic description about how he nearly sliced through his finger when he was filleting fish..eugh) i feel weak in the legs get nocsious (cant spell it). That explains my desire to puke when in a hospital....I wouldnt make a good doctor...
Posted by: Higgonaitor, October 11th, 2005, 7:40am; Reply: 59
nauseous.  ad yeah, I knmow what you mean.
Posted by: -Ben-, November 4th, 2005, 9:56pm; Reply: 60
Oh and if there is a footpath on a road, i MUST walk on it, even if its on the wrong side fo the road,
Posted by: shelbyoops (Guest), November 6th, 2005, 12:26am; Reply: 61
Things I like to do:

Stand in the middle of Wal-Mart and when in big voice(intercom thing) comes on, I drop to my knees and say "OH MY GOD ITS THE VOICES AGAIN!"  I read like six different books at once, not at once but when I feel like reading one, I start reading it, then move on when ive read a few chapters, making it hard to finish when I have 5 books going like now.

I am currently reading

Metro Girl, Janet Evanovich
High Five, Janet Evanovich
The Stand, Stephen King
Lifeguard, James Patterson
1st to die, James Patterson
Posted by: R.E._Freak (Guest), November 6th, 2005, 12:44pm; Reply: 62

Quoted from shelbyoops
Stand in the middle of Wal-Mart and when in big voice(intercom thing) comes on, I drop to my knees and say "OH MY GOD ITS THE VOICES AGAIN!"

I'll have to try that one.

You realize by introducing such an idea to an unstable structure as me you way well have doomed humanity.  ;D
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