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Posted by: kev, October 24th, 2005, 10:18pm
Now i don't know about you guys but I was relieved to see House of Wax, they kept throwing those crappy PG-13 films like The Grudge and Boogeyman at us and finally House of Wax comes along with an R that it deserves!! I loved this film in theatres and I've been counting down the days to buy this DVD, Now I have it and I've watched it twice:) (Im suprised there wasnt a Unrated Cut:S) For the special features there's an alternate opening: Jennifer gets killed which is entertaining but also very gross! They have a Gag Reel which are always funny to watch, it has a lot of deleted scenes to keep you occupied and they dont rip you off their all about 5 minutes!! And the commentary is actually the cast Elisha Cuthbert, Chad Michael Murray, Paris Hilton and Jared Padelaki! And it's pretty funny listening to their point of views. I still haven't watched the other features but when I do i'll let you know how they are:)!

I would definately suggest this DVD to any horror fan it delivers good scares and good special features you won't be disappointed! It's a good 20 bucks well spent!
Posted by: Balt (Guest), October 25th, 2005, 12:44am; Reply: 1
I'm probably the biggest horror fan you'll ever see... You just suggested this movie to me and I think this movie is appalling in every way. It's terrible. It acts just like all the other remakes, nothing like the original. This movie had no "NO" one good thing going for it. It had terrible acting. Terrible plot setting. Terrible dialogue. It even insulted our intelligence to boot.

Do you really think this town was made of wax? Even one building? LOL! It would fuggin' melt! That was the most absurd line of bullshit I think I've ever been fed.

I'm almost betting you've never seen the original or FULCI & ARGENTO's "wonderful" remake. The real remake. Not this pile of shit they tried to pawn off on us. God was telling this fuck tards when he burnt down the set the 1st time, to not make this movie but they went ahead and did it anyways.

My review of this movie -- ASS! If you like horror "real" horror this movie will make you laugh at how much it stole from every horror movie out the pipe. If you like new "contrived" horror. SCREAM, THE GRUDGE, THE RING, BLAIR WITCH, DARK WATER and shit like SAW and all the rest of them terrible remakes you'll love this movie. But you'll also be just a "moderate" fan of horror. A person who says they like horror just because.

That's my two cents on the matter. Like it, love it or hate it.
Posted by: -Ben-, October 25th, 2005, 2:32am; Reply: 2
All those "contirved"films u mentioned dont seem so bad to me. Ive seen all of them except Dark Water and loved them. And Saw is not a horror film, everyone keeps saying it is. And perosnally, Fulci and Argentino, who,, if im corrrect, are italian directors, and itilian movies have a rep to be disgstibng (or atleast ones directed by them). Gory. Violent. Puke-O-Rama. Whatever you call it, i hate it. I love horror films. I like "Conttrived" horror films.I liked Scream, Blair Witch, Grudge, (well not so much Grudge) I MIGHT be tastles.. But i really dont want to see  a film where some one pukes thier guts out after seeing someones brain ripped out, okay?
Posted by: Martin, October 25th, 2005, 2:32am; Reply: 3
I agree with Balt. This was a terrible, terrible movie for so many reasons.

Why wouldn't the town melt?
Why was one siamese twin hideously deformed when the other was normal looking. They were seperated at the head ffs!
Where the hell did they get all the wax? How did the wax delivery guy get into town? When he was there did they turn him into a wax figure too? Wouldn't the next wax delivery guy be a little suspicious? They'd need a hell of a lot of wax.
How would anyone forget about that town when they use so much damn electricity. Wouldn't the national grid go and check it out?

It wasn't just believability that made this bad though. The acting is waaay below par, the script is terrible. A truly awful movie. The only saving grace is seeing Parios Hilton get a metal pole thru the skull. Now that was entertaining.
Posted by: Balt (Guest), October 25th, 2005, 3:17am; Reply: 4
You're right... Saw isn't a horror movie... it's a remake of an old Italian slasher/thriller movie called TORSO. LOL!

I don't care what you like. I really don't. You gave a list of movies that you liked and enjoyed... I automatically just assumed you were a kid or born late 80's so I don't hold that against you.

Your favorite zombie movie is probably DAWN REMAKE too.

All the movies you listed aren't even original movies... you know that right? You know that HOUSE OF WAX has been remade 3 times and this was the 4th, don't you?

And gore what? Italians are all about gore? Really? WOW! Cause every American director seems to be taking all their idea's for all these movies you seem to like. Go watch a Fulci, Argento, Bava, Matie, Soavi, Balandia film and tell me that's all you see is gore. I'll laugh at you then too.

Italian movies are very thick on story and substance, it's the American ass fucks who do the voice work that ruin them and in doing so they loose all the feeling and meaning to the script while they're at it.

I'd give you a list of "REAL" horror movies... "GOOD" horror movies... but what's the point... I'm sure you'd swear up and down that FOG remake was better than the original still... and that HOUSE OF WAX remake is better than the original and or FULCI & ARGENTO's WAX MASK "which it is not even close to being that brilliant"

You're the type of person who thinks Michael Myers invented the slasher too. Or that Friday the 13th paved the way for the traditional horror movie. When little do you know a little movie called "Twitch the Death Nerve" was out doing everything Friday did and then some about 6 or 7 years before it.

Before that H.G. Lewis was doing horror and coming up with the most original material you've ever seen. To this day his work is stolen. Ripped off and molded into other movies. If you wanna talk horror, I'll talk horror with you. New, old, dated, Italian, obscure... whatever... just know that you will come out on the loosing end when you do.

Posted by: Ian, October 25th, 2005, 2:31pm; Reply: 5
In general the horror films released today aren't very good at all. HOUSE OF WAX is no exception. Clichéd, unoriginal, contrived and unrealistic with poor dialogue thrown in for good measure. But for some reason, I love it. I love the deaths, the action, the set pieces, the special effects, the musical score, the direction and editing (very NOT like a music video despite that being all the director had done before this), and it doesn't seem to bother me that the unoriginal and unlikely story, along with the bland characters and their equally bland dialogue that drive all the other elements along, aren't very good. Maybe that means I have terrible taste, but I don't think I do. I won't try and defend it and say it's a good movie, because I know it isn't, which is why I don't think I have bad taste really. If I thought this was an original, intelligent, terrifying horror film, I'd have bad taste. But I don't think that. I see it for what it is - a conventional, uninspired slasher film - and I enjoy watching it for shallow reasons. Besides, I continuously witness people bigging up old horror films that are absolutely terrible but get away with it (as it were) because they hold some kind of cult status or whatever. Well this one isn't old and lands hard in the ever-growing remake pile, but I like it all the same. It's bad, but I do. Shoot me where I stand! :)
Posted by: AmericanSyCo (Guest), October 25th, 2005, 2:47pm; Reply: 6
Good words, Ian, and I think we're going to nip this potential out-of-hand argument in the bud.

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