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SimplyScripts Screenwriting Discussion Board  /  Getting to know you, getting to know all about you...  /  The Hate Thread
Posted by: Takeshi (Guest), February 22nd, 2006, 5:03am
I thought we could do a thread about all those little things we hate. The idea of this thread is to have a bit of fun, not take swipes at other members or start preaching about politics.

1. I hate it when I get in my car, turn on the radio and catch the LAST 10 SECONDS of a song I really like. ??)

2. I hate it when someone asks me if they can ask me a question.  :-/

3. I hate it when someone talks me into seeing a movie I know I'll hate and I do. >:(

4. I hate it when I'm at the movies and the people behind me lose interest in the film, so they decide to start chatting instead. >:(

5. I hate people in the gym who have loud and long winded conversations on the treadmills. IF YOU'RE ABLE TO TALK YOU’RE NOT TRAINING HARD ENOUGH! >:(

6. I hate it when you think someone is waving to you, so you wave back, but they're actually waving to someone behind you. :B

7. I hate people who treat their dogs or cats like children. (Sorry mum) :-/

8. I hate people who say "never say never". YOU JUST SAID IT TWICE!

9. I hate it when I go to the football and the opposition supporters don't find their voice until the outcome is beyond doubt.

10. I hate it when people talk at me instead of to me.

11. I hate it how Academy Award nominees keep smiling, even after they've just missed out on an award. Just once, I'd like to see somebody scream FUCK.

12. I hate people who go on public transport wearing sunglasses, listening to a walkman and reading a book. Why don't they just have Fuck off written on their T-shirt?
Posted by: -Ben-, February 22nd, 2006, 5:32am; Reply: 1
1. TV shows with laugh tracks. WE KNOW IF IT'S FUNNY OR NOT.
2. Americans who think Australains are people who all live on farms in the outback and ride Kanagroos to work.
3. Anyone who doens't like films I like.
4. Writer's Block
5. Not being able to think of another five.
Posted by: Zombie Sean, February 22nd, 2006, 8:11am; Reply: 2
1. School and everything in it
2. When my sister leaves my TV and computer on, with bowls of half eaten food and boxes of food lying on the ground.
3. Going somewhere when I don't feel like getting out of the house.
4. The question "How is your life" or "How is your love life".
5. When someone calls me, but I don't want to talk to them, but I talk to them anyways so I'm not rude.
6. When the lines at the consession stands are really long.
7. When I do a homework assignment that took me forever, and it turns out that my teacher doesn't want to check it.

I think that's it.

Posted by: James McClung, February 22nd, 2006, 11:39am; Reply: 3
1.  College (my college in particular, not the overall college experience).
2.  My roommate staying up until four in the morning on the computer.
3.  People calling my roommate around the same time and his cell's loud, obnoxious ringtones.
4.  Having to sit on busses for two hours just to get groceries.
5.  The people in my dorm.
6.  Having to get up at 7 or 8:30 in the morning and struggling to stay awake during class.
7.  The extreme lack of movies at the one Hollywood video I have access to.
8.  Losing things.
9.  Hecklers at the movie theater.
10. People who bring small children to Rated R films.

That's enough. 10's a good solid number and I don't want to complain too much.
Posted by: Rob S., February 22nd, 2006, 2:07pm; Reply: 4
1.  Netflix's "long wait" on some of the newly released DVD's.
2.  Microwaved food.
3.  People leave messages on my answering machines or leave me a voicemail, but do not give me their number so I can actually call back.
4.  Spilling my drink.
5.  The big pile of textbooks conviently placed in a corner of my bedroom.
Posted by: Jimbo, February 22nd, 2006, 2:26pm; Reply: 5
1. Teachers... They don't have any idea who are what you are.
2. Girlfriends who always ask if you are mad at them.
3. Steparents
4. Cocky people, who have a big enough ego to blow up the entire world.
5. School all together sucks. I wish we had something that just made us learn everything when we were babies.
6. Writer's Block
7. Cats
8. Milk
9. Poseurs
10. Any movie with Paris Hilton or Tara Reid. (Exceptions for American Pie series.)
Posted by: Higgonaitor, February 22nd, 2006, 5:01pm; Reply: 6

Quoted from Takeshi
6. I hate it when you think someone is waving to you, so you wave back, but they're actually waving to someone behind you. :B

This is the worst in the world.  Then you try and make it look likew you were touching your hair but it never really works and it is so awkward.

And I don't want to sound annoying or anything, but school really is not a bad thing.  As for something that makes you learn everything when your a baby, read the book "Feed" By M.T. Anderson.  And maybe a bit of "The catcher in the Rye" By Salinger for a twist of lost of innocence.

Posted by: Rob S., February 22nd, 2006, 5:14pm; Reply: 7
I hate it when I misspell "conveniently".
Posted by: R.E._Freak (Guest), February 22nd, 2006, 5:17pm; Reply: 8
1 - Sideways 8: Everything
Posted by: AmericanSyCo (Guest), February 22nd, 2006, 6:26pm; Reply: 9
1.) The station in Pittsburgh that airs re-runs of "The Simpsons" only runs newer, not-so-funny ones.

2.) Going to an experimental film fest and having the people I'm with telling me I'm "close minded" just because I think it's all a bunch of pretentious crap.  Just because one jackass sees a thirty seconds clip of a bunch of puncuation marks and says it's "genius" doesn't mean it is.

3.) People who bash the hell out of any mainstream film they can get their hands on just because "the cinematography in Act II, Scene 8 was slightly mediocre."

4.) Un-educated people who believe Superman could beat Batman in a fight (all ready happened, and Batman won).

5.) The guy in the dorm behind me keeping his door open while he plays the same damn song on his guitar over and over so people that don't know any better will stop and listen and he can non-chalantly pretend no one was supposed to hear.

6.) Seven hour long bus rides home.

7.) Tomatoes... ugh.

8.) Every person (except one) in my History class who tore me apart just because I said, "I hate Michael Moore just as much as I hate George Bush."

9.) People who hate the "Jurassic Park" sequels (IT'S ABOUT F**KING DINOSAURS EATING PEOPLE!  WHAT THE F**K DID YOU WANT!?).

10.) The fact that only NOW is "Futurama" finally getting recognized as the slice of genius it always was.
Posted by: George Willson, February 22nd, 2006, 6:50pm; Reply: 10
Only have a couple.

1. My job is answering questions about accounts for other employees, and yet every single one of them calls me and says, "Can you look at this account with me?" Um, duh, that's why I'm here.

2. People who pick the first version of anything and say it's the best whether or not subsequent versions improve on it or not just because most people don't know the current version isn't the first. Sorry, I've seen three versions of The Ring (Ringu/ The Ring Virus), and the American version is STILL the most chilling for me.
Posted by: greg, February 22nd, 2006, 7:04pm; Reply: 11
1) My Obsessive compulsiveness
2) Tailgaters, it won't get you to your destination any faster, dumbass!
3) Wall Staplers
4) Math/Accounting
5) Ultra conservative folk(no offense)
6) Closed Minded folk
7) Myspace
9) People asking to use your cell phone when there's a pay phone 10 feet away
10) People who talk super loudly on their phones in public
11) People who tell you about their lives whenever they see you
12) The president of Iran

That's all I got right now
Posted by: Higgonaitor, February 22nd, 2006, 7:23pm; Reply: 12

Quoted from greg
7) Myspace

I'd give this up, Greg, but it's an addiction. ;D
Posted by: James McClung, February 22nd, 2006, 7:34pm; Reply: 13

Quoted from greg
7) Myspace

Proud to say I cancelled my account just today.
Posted by: greg, February 22nd, 2006, 7:41pm; Reply: 14

Quoted from Higgonaitor

I'd give this up, Greg, but it's an addiction. ;D

I know.  It tears me up inside!
Posted by: I_M, February 22nd, 2006, 8:14pm; Reply: 15
I hate it when:

1) I go to the movies, (especially when watching Final Destination 3) and in the film, someone dies, the people in the front yell "oh!" "ouch!" "oh my god!" "they died!" It is annoying.

2) When I go to the movies (especially horror movies) to see a horror film and in the movie, a girl gets chased by an assailant and the kids in the backrow say "Run B**** Run!" It is NOT funny and so immature.

3) When I'm in line, another person pushes me and say, "Oh sorry, the guy behind me pushed me." I just wanted to yell in their face for doing that lame joke.

4) I hate in when someone in my class tries to act funny by trying to act clueless and innocent: This guy didn't understand what a girl said and another girl replied, "It's sarcasm," and he says, "Sarcasm? I don't even know how to spell sarcasm!" and he makes all the girls laugh. When someone tries to be funny and use that type of joke, I always think in my head, "If your that dumb, I don't even know why your here."

5) I hate it when I go to Taco Bell and ask for a cheese quessidella (I don't know how to spell it, but it sounds like Casedia) and they give me a chicken quessidella.

That's all I can think of.
Posted by: Takeshi (Guest), February 26th, 2006, 5:03am; Reply: 16
13/ I hate the way Christian Slater tries to sound like Jack Nicholson, when he does TV interviews.
Posted by: Chris_MacGuffin, February 26th, 2006, 2:12pm; Reply: 17
hmm where to start where to start:

1. Hypocrisy. This flat out pisses me off.

2. People who act like authorities on subjects they have very little grasp of.

3. People who complain about their weight, yet refuse to execise and gorge themselves on junk food.

4. Pseudo-Intellectuals who view the word "mainstream" as a sort of bastardization.

5. People who are more obsessed with animals then people.

6. Papa John's Pizza - it's gross, that's all I have to say.

7. Emo people

8. People who think they're originals when they cleary are following a fad

9. Pop-Punk - even the name of the genre is an oxymoron

10. Cheap straight to video horror flicks with deceiving cover art

11. PG-13 horror films - sorry, majourity of them suck

12.  Remakes. Granted there are some good ones but enough is enough

13. Not being able to think of more things to list
Posted by: anti, February 26th, 2006, 2:42pm; Reply: 18
Cell phones and those stupid ear pieces that goes with the cell phone.  They look like a damn cyborg.
Posted by: Chris_MacGuffin, February 26th, 2006, 3:11pm; Reply: 19
14. People who bitch about racism, then go on and bash others. What the fuck is that?

15. The hypocrisy around the word nigga. Sorry, but it's like if you use it then I don't think you should bitch if anyone else uses it. I use cracker, honky, and faggot, and I don't complain if other people use it. I mean as long as it's not out of hate. Actually anything said out of hate bothers me.  

16. Homophobes, racist, and ignorant people

17. People who claim that saying you're bi is like a second stage of denial.

18. Political Parties - think about it, it's a useless label that takes the thought out of voting.  

19. The number 19

20. Lifetime network - if it's television for women, then why are most of their shows about women getting the beat?
Posted by: Higgonaitor, February 26th, 2006, 3:13pm; Reply: 20

Quoted from guyjackson
3) Religious People

Wow, thats ignorant, to hate someone just because they don't believe the same things as you.

Ignorant people annoy me.
Posted by: Higgonaitor, February 26th, 2006, 3:24pm; Reply: 21

Quoted from guyjackson
Don't turn this into an argument.  

I won't; I could, and I would win, but I won't.

Posted by: Chris_MacGuffin, February 26th, 2006, 3:24pm; Reply: 22
yeah, oh and a cult is just a religion that doesn't get tax breaks.
Posted by: Antemasque, February 26th, 2006, 3:26pm; Reply: 23
1. When you go to the movies and there is always the loud group sitting right behind you. But if you tell them to shut up youre afraid you will get shot.
2. bad sex. (hey i had to say it haha)
3. When your cell phone looses service on an important call
4. When people accuse you of things you never done
5. When bands you like (that no one knows about) show up on MTV and all the little sluts and wannabes and posers listen to them.
6. Jacobas Witness (i actually have fun when they knock on my door. tell them the devil is inside me and i start freaking out and shit)
7. When i'm playing a show with my band and some little fucker decides to throw something at the stage for fun. UNLESS IT IS MONEY I DONT WANT YOUR SHIT
8. backstreet boys
9. when you wake up in the morning and your hair is a mess and you dont have time for a shower and you have no way of fixing your hair
10. when my car randomly shuts off on I95 and i'm scared shitless because cars are coming 80mph straight towards me and you have to turn your car back on and speed away.
Posted by: Chris_MacGuffin, February 26th, 2006, 3:37pm; Reply: 24
21. The fact that I don't have my license

22. Getting shot or stabbed, that has to suck

23. Bad mic sound on cameras, it bugs me.

24. The fact that I have no musical talent whatsoever.

25. My addiction to the internet
Posted by: Antemasque, February 26th, 2006, 7:02pm; Reply: 25
Tell me that you're alright,
Yeah everything is alright.
Oh please tell me that you're alright,
Yeah everything is alright.

Give me a reason to end this discussion,
To break with tradition.
To fold and divide.

Cause I hate the ocean, theme parks and airplanes,
Talking with strangers, waiting in line..
I'm through with these pills that make me sit still.
"Are you feeling fine?"
Yes, I feel just fine.

Tell me that you're alright,
Yeah everything is alright.
Oh please tell me that you're alright,
Yeah everything is alright.

I'm sick of the things I do when I'm nervous
Like cleaning the oven or checking my tires
Or counting the number of tiles in the ceiling..
Head for the hills, the kitchen's on fire!

I used to rely on self-medication,
I guess I still do that from time to time.
But I'm getting better at fighting the future,
"Someday you'll be fine.."
Yes, I'll be just fine.

Tell me that you're alright,
Yeah everything is alright.
Oh please tell me that you're alright,
Yeah everything is alright.

Give me a reason (I don't believe a word)
To end this discussion (of anything I've heard)
To break with tradition (they tell me that it's not so hard)
To fold and divide (it's not so hard)
So let's not get carried (away with everything)
Away with the process (from here to in-between)
of elimination (the long goodbye)
I don't want to waste your time.

Tell me that you're alright,
Yeah everything is alright.
Oh please tell me that you're alright,
Yeah everything is alright.

Tell me that you're alright, (Hi, everything's great)
Yeah everything is alright. (Everything's fine)
Oh please tell me that you're alright, (Hi, everything's great)
Yeah everything is alright.
(Everything's fine) [x4]
Posted by: George Willson, February 26th, 2006, 8:43pm; Reply: 26
Um, Andrew, is this something you hate?

3) Shameless plugs...whenever they're not done by me. ;-)
Posted by: Jimbo, February 26th, 2006, 9:23pm; Reply: 27
I also hate legal limits for things. I want to do things that are legal when you're 18 right freakin' now.
Posted by: George Willson, February 26th, 2006, 10:07pm; Reply: 28
4) The addictiveness of this board. I finally have a chance to write, and after a few pages, what am I doing? I'm back here again reading whatever is new. I don't know if the lockdown will help that or not, since I'm reading script threads too.
Posted by: R.E._Freak (Guest), February 27th, 2006, 12:16am; Reply: 29

Quoted from Takeshi
14/ I hate that I've numbered all the items on my Hate List. It makes no freaking difference whether they're numbered or not. So why do it?

Because you hate yourself.

I hate hating, which causes a logical paradox, which I also hate.
Posted by: -Ben-, February 27th, 2006, 12:42am; Reply: 30
- Overlong threads that get too long to the point that they become locked which is bad because they were on an interseting subject anyway.

-People who don't agree with my sense og humor...but they're all dead now.

- Akward silences

- People who think ducks are funny

- Peoeple who DON'T think LLAMAS are funny

- The Pommy stereotype (Cup of tea, old chap?)
Posted by: Takeshi (Guest), March 3rd, 2006, 12:41am; Reply: 31
When my football team has an interstate game and it's not televised. That's two freaking weeks in row now. >:(
Posted by: pallas27, March 25th, 2006, 1:18am; Reply: 32
I don't really hate anything or anyone, but I do DISLIKE ;D people who are indecisive and who just follow whatever decision I make.  It's really annoying.  

oh, and the telephone. >:(  I really hate the telephone. Grrrr....I take back my first statement about not hating anything, lol!  Is it weird that I don't hate cell phones, just telephones?

Posted by: Herodreamer79, March 25th, 2006, 2:11am; Reply: 33
1. writer's block

2. all the people who keep seeing bad movies so hollywood makes more

3. sequals

Posted by: Zombie Sean, March 25th, 2006, 3:10pm; Reply: 34
- When someone likes you, but you don't like them back. Or vise versa.

- People who don't like movies that I like.

- Over protected parents.

- Talking zombies (Return of the Living Dead Part 2 counts, though :P)

Posted by: Takeshi (Guest), August 5th, 2006, 7:28am; Reply: 35
When people submit scripts and don't respond to reviews. :-/
Posted by: Death Monkey, August 5th, 2006, 8:41am; Reply: 36
I hate...

- People who use the phrase "that's just your opinion", as if unless you end every statement with this suffix you must be speaking on behalf of everyone else. Of course, when I state something I can ONLY account for my own opinion. Goes without saying.

- Some people who think racism begins and ends with derogatory words like Nigga, gook, spick and so forth. The same people will later use absurde, yet more subtle,  abrasive stereotypes without realizing it. Michael Scott/David Brent is a perfect example of this. Of course I love the office, so...but there are actually people like that out there, and that's scary.

- People who bring their kids who can't read subtitles to the movies, and translate for them in the theater! Oh dear God...

- People with no self-irony.
Posted by: CindyLKeller, August 5th, 2006, 9:27am; Reply: 37

People who scream at children.


People who think their POV is the only POV, and continue to argue.  
Posted by: Steve-Dave, August 5th, 2006, 12:30pm; Reply: 38

Quoted from -Ben-
2. Americans who think Australians are people who all live on farms in the outback and ride Kanagroos to work.

Isn't that true???

I hate sh**ty movies and the people who watch them, prompting hollywood to make even more stupid movies for the people who watch them, making the people like me who actually would like to watch a good movie very angry.

I hate people with no writing, musical, or acting talent, yet they're famous. ie. Paris Hilton and Hilary Duff

I hate people who park in the middle of the street.

and stupid people who f*** things up for the rest of us. ie. Paris Hilton

unoriginal people

pretty people, who only have a career because of it. in oter words, Colin Ferrel, and the Pirates of the Caribbean cast.

And Jerry Seinfeld and Cedric the Entertainer. They aren't funny and  never will be.

Oh yeah, and did I mention Paris Hilton?
Posted by: marshallamps12 (Guest), August 6th, 2006, 4:01pm; Reply: 39

Quoted from guyjackson
1) Ignorant People

2) Creationists

3) Religious People

4) Myspace.  Especially people that befriend so-called celebrity profiles and talk to them and expect responses.  AHHHHHHH!    

5) People who need to raise their self-esteem by plastering their boyfriend/girlfriend's name all over everything that other people can see.

6) Any moron that gets starstruck when in the prescence of a celebrity or famous person.

7) Males that still wear earings.

8 - People that lie.

9) People that complain about their dead-end jobs yet they are the stupid people that didn't do anything with their lives.

10) Anyone that hyphenates his/her citizenship (ie. African-American, Asian-American, Hispanic-American etc.).  These are the same people that complain about being stereotyped and treated differently, yet they separate themselves.  We are all American, people.  If you were born in the United States, you are an American citizen.  I don't see people in England calling themselves African-British.  Or Canadians calling themselves Mexican-Canadian.  Morons.

11) Ignorant people again.

12) Celebrites that want their lives to be "private".  The only reason you are famous is because of the public!  You better damn well give them what they want!  You chose that lifestyle.

13) Racist people.

14) Overweight people.

15) Online dating sites.  Talk about losers.

16) People that meet wackos online, meet up with them, are killed, and then their familes try and blame the internet.

17) Anyone that files lawsuits.

18 - Lawyers

19) People that say the racial slur nigga in any context.

20) People that grieve over people they barely know.

21) Anyone that uses the terrorist attacks on 9/11 as justifacation for their opinions or views.  They always start the conversation "You know i lost a friend/family member in the attacks so blah blah blah"  Who cares?  What, that makes you right?  You're not the only one!

Haha this is fun.  

Many more to come.  Just give me a few days.      

I'm tempted to respond to most of these, but I'm not sure I'll get a response because it was posted nearly half a year ago. Anyway, I'll just comment on #10 because that's actually just a really misinformed opinion. If someone lives in America and all his ancestors are of German descent, he is German-American. American is not an ethnicity (not counting Native Americans), it's just a nationality. Saying German-American shows your ethnicity and your nationality, that's why it's hyphenated. The same thing applies to Canadians, as that's only a nationality as well. You can't be half-Canadian, for example, but you can be half-German. If that person lived in Canada, they'd be German-Canadian. However, if that person lived in England, he wouldn't really say he was German-English because that would cause confusion. The reason it would cause confusion is because English is both a nationality and an ethnicity. You can be of English descent. It's a confusing ordeal, but that's how it actually works.
Posted by: Parker, August 6th, 2006, 5:07pm; Reply: 40

Quoted from Steve-Dave
pretty people, who only have a career because of it. in oter words, Colin Ferrel, and the Pirates of the Caribbean cast.

Noooooo! Colin Farrell is a brilliant actor. And the Pirates of the Caribbean cast?!? What, the twice Oscar nominated Johnny Depp (who should've got it for Finding Neverland) and the Oscar nominated Keira Knightley? She might be pretty and I'm sure girls find Johnny good looking but I think they're more than just pretty faces. Though, I agree with you on Orlando Bloom...

The Hate Thread?

Hate's such a harsh and strong word... but I HATE the sound of people chewing loudly.

I hate billionaires - why do you need so much money. Millionaire? That's more than fine, but a billionaire... talk about being a selfish bastard.

I hate big headed people who think they're the best at everything.

I hate how most of the things that I want to know about the world, the universe and other life are kept secret by... who knows...

I hate hating things... it makes me angry  :P
Posted by: marshallamps12 (Guest), August 6th, 2006, 5:59pm; Reply: 41

Quoted from Parker
The Hate Thread?

Hate's such a harsh and strong word... but I HATE the sound of people chewing loudly.

I hate hating things... it makes me angry  :P

I agree. Hate isn't really a good thing at all. This isn't really a "hate" thread, it's more like a "dislike" thread. Hate is just a purely negative emotion that no good can come out of, unlike Anger which can be used for good. People who say things like "I hate fat people" are just ignorant because: 1. It's a generalisation and not all fat people are the same, and just because someone is fat, that's not a reason to have hatred towards them. 2. They've never met most of the people that they are making a generalisation about in the first place. It's like someone says "oh, I hate Johnny Depp", but chances are that they've never even the met him before and they all of a sudden decide that they hate him. It's so ignorant.
Posted by: Steve-Dave, August 6th, 2006, 6:06pm; Reply: 42

Quoted from Parker
Noooooo! Colin Farrell is a brilliant actor. And the Pirates of the Caribbean cast?!? What, the twice Oscar nominated Johnny Depp (who should've got it for Finding Neverland)

;D You're entitled to your opinion, but I beg to differ. Colin Farrell a BRILLIANT actor???  come on, I don't think so. In fact, the only good movie I've ever even seen him in is Phone booth. Other than that he's just in every single movie, and they're usually movies like Swat and Daredevil and Miami Vice.  And the only reason Johnny Depp is considered a good actor is because he takes all the obscure roles that nobody else wants to take, and that fools people into thinking he could act. Robert DeNiro, that's a brilliant actor. Al Pacino, Christopher Walken, Dustin Hoffman, those are great actors. Not Johnny Depp or Colin Ferrell.  Besides, those were just a couple of examples. Theres a lot more that don't deserve their fame. Such as Jennifer Lopez, who should thank her @$$ and good looks everyday for her career, Brittney Spears who should be flipping burgers, and every other pop "musician". The list goes on.
Posted by: marshallamps12 (Guest), August 6th, 2006, 6:12pm; Reply: 43

Quoted from Steve-Dave

Such as Jennifer Lopez, who should thank her @$$ and good looks everyday for her career,

Before she had cosmetic surgery (which she obviously did), she wasn't that good lucking. I still think she's a bit plain looking, but pretty nonetheless.
Posted by: rooney, August 6th, 2006, 7:22pm; Reply: 44
1.  women's basketball

2.  wooden sticks scraping bricks

3.  16 hour work days (anything over 12 hours really)

4.  shooting day exteriors

5.  man's subconscious need for war

6.  trial lawyers  

7.  the New England Patriots

8.  Spike Lee

9.  social/political extremists

10.  country music (mostly the videos)

11.  David Hasselhoff

12.  WWF, WCW, anything wrestling

13.  hitting my shin

14.  stubbing my toe

15.  how fast time flies  
Posted by: SwapJack, August 7th, 2006, 3:09am; Reply: 45
being tailgated when i'm going 80 on the freeway... going any faster is stupid - back the f**k off!

all the bad beats and suck-outs i've suffered through playing online poker

rich people who say they dont care about money and b!tch about how horrible their life is. GET OVER IT.



Celebs who think they are politicians and politicians who think they are celebs

people who talk sh!t behind your back.. but dont have the nuts to tell you whats up to your face.

9 to 5 jobs

"engaged" teenagers

white trash parents yelling at their kids in the grocery store

people who air out all the dirty laundry on their cell phones in public

people who now hate america because our dipsh!t president -hes not my fault!!

people who are trying to erase "God" from The Pledge of Alleigence, our money, and changing Merry Christmas to Happy Holidays. America's a melting pot of all views.. so stop sacrificing mine!

American Idol
Posted by: darthbrion, August 7th, 2006, 11:41am; Reply: 46
I hate people who think they're better than others


People who bring all eight of their screaming & yelling kids to the store


Bill Gates


People who still think interracial dating is "wrong"

Oklahoma in general

Boys who don't or won't pay their child support

All those stinking chat line commercials that come on late at night  

Posted by: George Willson, August 7th, 2006, 12:21pm; Reply: 47

Quoted from darthbrion
Oklahoma in general

Hey, now that's getting a bit personal there. What's wrong with Oklahoma in general. Sure, nothing happens, but that's one of its endearments...  8)  And talk about a non-terrorist target (OKC Bombing was disgruntled rednecks, and they don't count).
Posted by: Helio, August 7th, 2006, 12:49pm; Reply: 48
I hate threads! ha!
Posted by: SwapJack, August 7th, 2006, 8:47pm; Reply: 49
i hated the fact that i was in the Finacial aid office at school trying to drop off a paper...waiting in a long ass line and the guy behind me STINKS as if he just got done smoking 80$ worth of weed... then his PREGNANT wife and 4 year old son show up.

first of all it's illegal... 2nd of all it STINKS... 3RD your at a school and 4th your son is RIGHT THERE!!!

whats wrong with these people?? this guy better have been dying of cancer...but he sure didnt look it.
Posted by: Parker, August 8th, 2006, 4:14am; Reply: 50

Quoted from Steve-Dave
Colin Farrell a BRILLIANT actor???  come on, I don't think so. In fact, the only good movie I've ever even seen him in is Phone booth. Other than that he's just in every single movie, and they're usually movies like Swat and Daredevil and Miami Vice.

He's BRILLIANT in The New World, seen that? He also fantastic in Phone Booth, Minority Report and Tigerland. Unless you've seen what he has to offer apart from those crap money making movies like Swat, Daredevil and Miami Vice, you don't know his acting.

Quoted from Steve-Dave
And the only reason Johnny Depp is considered a good actor is because he takes all the obscure roles that nobody else wants to take, and that fools people into thinking he could act.

How can you be fooled because of that? I mean, he's "normal" in Nick of Time and he was utterly brilliant in it. He was also amazing in Sleepy Hollow and a totally different person in Once Upon a Time in Mexico. Finding Neverland, playing a Scotsman... I mean, wow! The reasons why he gets parts that are obscure isn't because nobody else wants them, it's because he can and beats every other actor to it, in talent and probably in looks too. Johnny is one of the greatest actors to live and he will continue to get better and better.

Okay here, I HATE people who judge actors' acting because they're good looking.


Phew, sorry about that, I went hulk style for a minute.

Posted by: Steve-Dave, August 8th, 2006, 2:52pm; Reply: 51

Quoted from Parker
Phew, sorry about that, I went hulk style for a minute.

;DThat's fine. That's your opinion. But I don't judge actors on how they look, I jusdge on their acting, and think that Depp and Farrell are WAY overrated and mediocre.

I forgot to mention however that I also hate tabloids and magazines.
Posted by: greg, August 8th, 2006, 3:15pm; Reply: 52
Okay, so check this out.  Rocklin is "The Land of the Horrible Driver."  I'm parked in a lot at school with like 10 other cars and there are literally HUNDREDS of open spots(since it's summer, ya know).  So as I'm about to leave these two Rocklin yahoos park right next to me!  What the fuck, man!  HUNDREDS OF SPOTS AND YOU PARK NEXT TO ME!  I know my car is sexy and all, but come on.  I need my space.

I repeat, Rocklin is "The Land of the Horrible Driver."
Posted by: Parker, August 8th, 2006, 6:26pm; Reply: 53
I've had that situation before but slightly worse maybe. I was in my dads car, parked at the cinema and there are around a hundred parking spaces. 10 maybe 15 were taken and all were dotted around so there were a load of spaces free and we had so much space around us until this quite large woman parks right next to us. We were like, what the fuck?!? And THEN, she could hardly get out the car and as she struggled, the door swung open and hit our car door. How fucking stupid do you have to be to do something like that?!? She was like, 'oh sorry, sorry' and that's it.

Of course she got an earful of harsh cursing... we ended up parking somewhere else before getting into the cinema to watch the movie. And guess who was watching the same film with us? It sounds so made up but it happened.

If I was a potato-man, I would have showed her my angry eyes... luckily all I had with me was my "fuck you" finger, which I so happily gave to her several times.

Posted by: God of Thunder, August 8th, 2006, 10:31pm; Reply: 54
1. racists
2. the beatles
3. wedgies
4. being pantsed
5. sterotypes
6. hypocrits
7. principles.
8. smashing pumpkins
9. chick flicks
10. St. Louis Cardinals
11. Green bay Packers.
And I bet I have more i can't remember.
Posted by: darthbrion, August 8th, 2006, 10:57pm; Reply: 55

Quoted from George Willson

Hey, now that's getting a bit personal there. What's wrong with Oklahoma in general. Sure, nothing happens, but that's one of its endearments...  8)  And talk about a non-terrorist target (OKC Bombing was disgruntled rednecks, and they don't count).

LOL okay here's just my two cents on why Oklahoma sucks...and mind you I've lived here for a good chunck of my life.

1. Up until 2006 Tattoos were illegal.  Yes, you read that right folks, we were the only state in America that banned Tattoos.  

2 . The Bill to ban cock fighting was passed.  but only with 52% of the vote.  Thus, 48% of the people who voted still wanted to see their cocks fight.  Wait...that sounds bad.

3. In Tulsa were I live, if you're not in Church you're going to Hell.  Period.  The religious people have this place on lock down.  In fact almost everything closes at 9:00 PM during the week here.  It's like the town that dreaded sundown or something.

4. We're the #1 state for meth heads.  (last I checked)

5. The roads in Tulsa suck lol It's like driving down a bombed out road from WW2 or something.

6. The bar I work at has really bad music.  (that's more a personnal thing I guess)

7. Rednecks.  'Nuff said.

8. Our education sucks (as you can tell from my writing) and people who work at McDonalds make more than our teachers.

Geez I just ranted like an old woman.  Anyway like I said it's just my two cents so take it for what it's worth.  I do think OKC is a nice city though if that's anything.
Posted by: Steve-Dave, August 8th, 2006, 11:17pm; Reply: 56

Quoted from darthbrion
4. We're the #1 state for meth heads.  (last I checked)

Wow! I've gotta move to Oklahoma!

Posted by: Takeshi (Guest), August 9th, 2006, 5:50am; Reply: 57

Quoted from darthbrion

3. In Tulsa were I live, if you're not in Church you're going to Hell.  Period.  The religious people have this place on lock down.  In fact almost everything closes at 9:00 PM during the week here.  It's like the town that dreaded sundown or something.

4. We're the #1 state for meth heads.  (last I checked)

I guess you have to amuse yourself, when everything is shut. Lol.

I hate work place politics.
Posted by: thegardenstate89 (Guest), August 10th, 2006, 11:12am; Reply: 58
If there is  one force on this planet that really irritates me it's got to be Phil Collins. I like all different kinds of music, but his just makes my ears almost bleed..

I also hate showing up to a party right when all the alcohol runs out. It's not a great feeling to be completely sober amongst a wave of intoxicated teens.
Posted by: michel, October 17th, 2006, 3:21am; Reply: 59
I hate threads about all those little things we hate.

Michel 8)
Posted by: Steve-Dave, October 17th, 2006, 3:48am; Reply: 60
I hate all the aids producing monkeys out there. Aids producing monkeys, if you're reading...I hate all of you. I hope you all die! Stupid aids producing monkeys.
Posted by: bert, October 17th, 2006, 6:57am; Reply: 61
I hate how this thread keeps rising from the dead.  But then, I haven't contributed yet, either.  And I hate lots of stuff:

*  Watching a DVD and it screws up.
*  Dropping something and not being able to find it.
*  People who take up two parking spots in a crowded lot -- be it sloppy or intentional -- and I'm not sure which is worse.
*  At a restaurant when somebody orders something that looks way better than what I got.  Especially if they are at my table.
*  When a wrong number just hangs up on you.
*  Dailing wrong numbers.  I usually just hang up.
*  Spilling something in my car.  I really hate that one.
*  When the radio says "an 80% chance of rain" -- and it is actually raining -- right then.  Doesn't that make it a 100% chance?

And a movie related one, just to keep things relevant:

*  How every single horror movie that you watch (or write) is now obliged to contain a scene where you establish that the cell phones are useless.  It gets so tedious, and you just sit there waiting for it.  I hate that.
Posted by: Parker, October 17th, 2006, 7:19am; Reply: 62
I hate that there is a hate thread here and not a... love thread... It's... it's a disgrace!  :P

I like the dailing wrong number ones Bert. I laughed... and I HATE that!  ;D
Posted by: Curse, October 17th, 2006, 2:32pm; Reply: 63
Well, here goes.

1. Spitting - This must be the most disgusting thing in the whole world.
2. Insects
3. Prejudice against black people/white people.
4. Prejudice against gay people/bi people.
5. Narrow-minded people/people who dislike somethign because they don't understand.
5. Italy - No idea, I just CAN'T stand Italy. I don't even have an explanation for that one.
6. Being bored.
7. When the Internet gets cut off.
8. Touching an object such as money or a handle in a bus and then having nowhere close to wash your hands.
9. When your washing your hands and theres no soap D<
10. Babies

That's it, really.
Posted by: Andy Petrou, October 17th, 2006, 7:55pm; Reply: 64

Quoted from bert
*  At a restaurant when somebody orders something that looks way better than what I got.  Especially if they are at my table.

Thank you, my sweet Bert.... All I really wanted to add, was that I'm the freak that asks everyone 100 times what they're going to eat, to help me make up my own mind. I HATE it when I wish I'd ordered something else. Also, I wait about 15 minutes before I order, 'cos I keep looking at everyone else's food at neighbouring tables to help me decide. I'm crap, I know... :B

Hee hee. Good job I've never been on more than one date! I'd be a nightmare to take out...sheesh! ::)

Posted by: Higgonaitor, October 17th, 2006, 10:17pm; Reply: 65
I hate indecisive people who take too long to order food. ;)
Posted by: Takeshi (Guest), October 17th, 2006, 10:29pm; Reply: 66

Quoted from Parker
I hate that there is a hate thread here and not a... love thread... It's... it's a disgrace!

Indeed it is. I hate the person that started this thread.
Posted by: Andy Petrou, October 17th, 2006, 10:59pm; Reply: 67

Quoted from Higgonaitor
I hate indecisive people who take too long to order food. ;)

Tyler, you love me, you know you do. Cave already dammit. I'm coming to Chi-town one of these days, remember that.
Posted by: Old Time Wesley, October 18th, 2006, 12:17am; Reply: 68

Quoted from Takeshi

Indeed it is. I hate the person that started this thread.

I agree with you. I guess we should talk to that Chris guy who started the thread...
Posted by: George Willson, October 18th, 2006, 6:57am; Reply: 69

Quoted from darthbrion
LOL okay here's just my two cents on why Oklahoma sucks...and mind you I've lived here for a good chunck of my life.

Ah, jeez, I never look at this thread. Who knew Darth would actually be slamming my bordertown. I have lived in Broken Arrow for my entire life (with the exception of 2 years of military service and a minor amount of college), which at this time bumps right up against Tulsa. It's one of those things where if you go to a certain road about a mile from my house, one side is Tulsa, the other side is Broken Arrow, and when there's an accident (like my wife was in 11 years ago before we (re)met, the cop all argue about whose responsibility it is to take care of it based on which side of the road the car landed on. Heaven forbid the cars land on both sides of the road. Nothing would get done...and that's why there's a huge dip at that intersection, I'm sure. No one can figure out whose road crew is supposed to fill it. Anyway...

Quoted from darthbrion
1. Up until 2006 Tattoos were illegal.  Yes, you read that right folks, we were the only state in America that banned Tattoos.

Actually, the law read that you weren't allowed to have permanent ink in your skin or something of that nature. Tattoo artists have been circumventing that one for a few years before it was "officially" changed. They argued that you could remove the ink with a laser meaning it wasn't permanent. Then again, when it comes to tattoos, I don't care.

Quoted from darthbrion
2 . The Bill to ban cock fighting was passed.  but only with 52% of the vote.  Thus, 48% of the people who voted still wanted to see their cocks fight.  Wait...that sounds bad.

That's rather amusing actually. I've worked with guys who did this before, and they're an interesting lot. I'll bet this bill was city vs. country and the city won.

Quoted from darthbrion
3. In Tulsa were I live, if you're not in Church you're going to Hell.  Period.  The religious people have this place on lock down.  In fact almost everything closes at 9:00 PM during the week here.  It's like the town that dreaded sundown or something.

Odd...not something I've noticed. True, a good number of stores close at that time, but a fair number stay open past that. These are mostly restaurants and Wal-marts, but to say the religious people have the place on "lockdown" is not necessarily true. I guess it all depends on what you're trying to do. There are quite a few clubs and bars around town like any city that stay open long past this 9:00 border.

And on the church thing, I'm not sure who you're dealing with, but there are quite a few people that will fit your "going to Hell" description, and no one gives them a hard time...that I'm aware of.

Quoted from darthbrion
4. We're the #1 state for meth heads.  (last I checked)

And that's why all the OTC medicine with meth ingredients is now behind the counter in the pharmacy. Yup, it is that bad. However, I've never been terribly close to it and only hear about the lab busts on the news.

Quoted from darthbrion
5. The roads in Tulsa suck lol It's like driving down a bombed out road from WW2 or something.

I've heard this, but strangely, never noticed. Maybe it's not so bad in South Tulsa or Broken Arrow.

Quoted from darthbrion
6. The bar I work at has really bad music.  (that's more a personnal thing I guess)

Well, that's your problem...

Quoted from darthbrion
7. Rednecks.  'Nuff said.

Oh come on, these people are a lot of fun. They give you so many catch phrases and good material, how can you not love them?

Quoted from darthbrion
8. Our education sucks (as you can tell from my writing) and people who work at McDonalds make more than our teachers.

But then again, as you can tell from my writing, can you say it sucks, or do we just have too many kids (and this might be the parents) who don't care? You only get out of education wht you put into it, and I had a personal commitment to learning when I was in school. Then again, I was also one of the "gifted" ones, and that's a matter of record, not opinion. Education is dependant on those teaching and those learning, and if either of those elements breaks down, then the education will not be what it should. In most cases, it is the teachers trying to drag their students along, forcing them to learn, and in those coses, the students don't care, and the teachers get blamed for the students lack of knowledge. My wife was a teacher, and tried to do the dragging to kids who didn't want to be there and parents who wanted a babysitter while they worked. This is a two way street, and the low grades of Oklahoma cannot be blamed solely on the education system.

Yeah, the teacher pay thing is rather shameful. I work at a call center, and I make more here than my wife did in her first years of teaching, but I keep trying to encourage her to get a master's so she can get more out of it.

So there. I thought since (for once) my home area was getting hit on, I had to jump in and defend a little bit...
Posted by: MonetteBooks (Guest), October 20th, 2006, 8:29pm; Reply: 70
1. People who come 20 minutes late to a meeting, and expect everything to stop while they get filled in on what they missed.

2. People who keep me waiting without calling to give a reason.

3. People who write i instead of I.

4. Sloppy posts, full of misspellings, typos, bad grammar, and repeated words.

5. People trying to impress by writing big words they spell wrong.

6. Insensitive, stubborn arrogant people.

7. People who can't admit it when they're dead wrong.

8. Foul mouth language every other word.

9. Offensive tee shirts and avatars.

10. Grocery lines for 9 items filled with loaded carts of 50 and up.

11. People with no sense of humor or goodwill.
Posted by: greg, October 20th, 2006, 9:23pm; Reply: 71

Quoted from MonetteBooks

4. Sloppy posts, full of misspellings, typos, bad grammer, and repeated words.

...bad grammar*

Sorry, couldn't resist :)

I'm a nerd.
Posted by: Alex J. Cooper, October 21st, 2006, 12:24am; Reply: 72
1. Top (any number) lists. Especially the rollingstone ones, Top 500 songs and Top 100 Guitarists were just insane. Kurt Cobain in the top 20 for best guitarists.... good song writer, mediocre guitarist, HE PLAYED GRUNGE! Its pagued with power chords.

2. Reading seventy eight posts of negativity. Dry humour to the max.
Posted by: Seth, October 21st, 2006, 12:47am; Reply: 73

Quoted from Alex J. Cooper
1. Top (any number) lists. Especially the rollingstone ones, Top 500 songs and Top 100 Guitarists were just insane. Kurt Cobain in the top 20 for best guitarists.... good song writer, mediocre guitarist, HE PLAYED GRUNGE! Its pagued with power chords.

True, Kurt wasn't the most proficient guitarist, but he never strived to be. He was, as you say, first and foremost, a song writer. Given his talents, I suspect, had he wanted to engage in musical masturbation, he could have. The guy was a genius. As for power chords, I challenge you to present one rock band, especially those that lean toward punk, that doesn't, or  didn't,  employ them.

That said, there's nothing wrong with power chords. My personal fav is E5 :)    

Posted by: Steve-Dave, October 21st, 2006, 1:07am; Reply: 74

Quoted from Seth
True, Kurt wasn't the most proficient guitarist, but he never strived to be. He was, as you say, first and foremost, a song writer. Given his talents, I suspect, had he wanted to engage in musical masturbation, he could have. The guy was a genius. As for power chords, I challenge you to present one rock band, especially those that lean toward punk, that doesn't, or  didn't,  employ them.

That said, there's nothing wrong with power chords. My personal fav is E5 :)

I don't think he was debating that power chords are bad. I just think he meant that anyone could do them, and shouldn't really be figured into the BEST guitarists list. No punk bands are great guitarists, whether that's their goal or not is another debate. I think Kurt as well was a great song writer. In MY  opinion he's the best, definitely my favorite anyways. But not top 20 guitarist though. When I think of guitarists I think more of Hendrix or Zach Wylde or Jimmy Page, I don't know how Kurt got in there though.

I don't get lists like that anyways. or award ceremonysd either. How do you give an award or create a list based on other people's opinions?

Posted by: Seth, October 21st, 2006, 2:33am; Reply: 75

Quoted from Steve-Dave

I don't think he was debating that power chords are bad. I just think he meant that anyone could do them,

Having given guitar lessons, I can tell you, not everyone can "do them." That, though, is beside the point. There is a difference between being able to imitate what another has done and actually constructing something original -- a song.

Quoted from Steve-Dave

and shouldn't really be figured into the BEST guitarists list.

What, tell me, should be included in "the best guitarist" list?"

Quoted from Steve-Dave

No punk bands are great guitarists,

I disagree. Simply because one plays a genera of music that isn't typically associated with musicianship, doesn't mean that they aren't musicians. My absolute favorite musician is Brian ritchie  -- a member of the Violent Femmes. Few know of him, not because he sux -- he plays numerous instruments, each one well -- but beacuse the Femmes, with the exception of a few "radio-friendly" songs, do not get air play. That said,  they don't enter into the equation.

That Page and Hendrix have captured the publics imagination is irrelavant. They're good. So what? So are a lot of others -- others that have never been heard of.  

Everyone has a different style.... to say Kurt played grunge (whatever that is?!), as if the style itself dismisses him from competition is silly.

Maybe he was trying to say that such competitions are, in themselves, silly. If so, I agree. But, having read his comments, I doubt this was his argument.

Fact is, there are GREAT musician that play all kinds of styles -- who is to say who's the best?

Quoted from Steve-Dave
whether that's their goal or not is another debate. I think Kurt as well was a great song writer. In MY opinion he's the best, definitely my favorite anyways. But not top 20 guitarist though.

Kurt had an attitude, one that didn't see him trying to be the best. He was more proletarian. He was ALT -- no matter his popularity.

Quoted from Steve-Dave

When I think of guitarists I think more of Hendrix or Zach Wylde or Jimmy Page,


Quoted from Steve-Dave

I don't know how Kurt got in there though.

Because he was great, like Lennon.

Quoted from Steve-Dave

I don't get lists like that anyways. or award ceremonysd either. How do you give an award or create a list based on other people's opinions?

Exacly! ... I think we probably agree.

Kurt was the one muscian that made me feel human -- the one that I connected with.


Posted by: MonetteBooks (Guest), October 21st, 2006, 3:07am; Reply: 76
You got me on that one, Greg. Good shot. In fact, a bull's eye!

I went back and changed it to grammar, after checking the dictionary. I honestly thought it was "er". Duh. Glad you spotted that big blunder. I make plenty of them all the time.

I added humor to the list, which I meant to put in before. So often the laugh is on our own selves, as I sure proved by spelling grammar wrong! Geeez. (blush)

I have trouble with those "er", "ar", and "or" word endings. Sometimes I'm just too dang lazy to look them up. Another bad habit to break. Sigh.

A Kurt comment: I never heard any band equal his industrial sound. He said, himself, he borrowed from pop music. Whatever his personal faults, the guy was one raging original.
Posted by: Steve-Dave, October 21st, 2006, 3:18am; Reply: 77
I wasn't trying to debate you Seth. Personally, I think you're incorporating more of their style than their ability. Which, to me are two different things. coming up with a riff and constructing a song doesn't really demonstrate you knowledge of the guitar in my opinion. I can play guitar too, and am content with the level I can play, but I  can still say that there's lots of other guitarists who are a lot better than me. The same way I think there's a lot that are better than Kurt. But like I said, opinions are opinions, and we could go back and forth all day. And I've tried to teach people guitar too, and the only ones who couldn't do a power chord are simply the ones who wouldn't practice, but power chords are still easier than playing a Zach Wyld or Dimebag Darrel song, was the point I was trying to make.
Posted by: Alex J. Cooper, October 21st, 2006, 3:36am; Reply: 78

Quoted from Seth

What, tell me, should be included in "the best guitarist" list?"

Thats a hard one, but i think it should be decided up the guitarists versatility and technical abilities, Surely Zappa, Stevie Ray Vaughn and Eddie hazel are awesome technical players, but how far does there imagination reach? Brain May would be a great contender because he's versatile and technically flawless. but again, like sryknows said, these are based purely on opinion.

Quoted from Seth

Everyone has a different style.... to say Kurt played grunge (whatever that is?!), as if the style itself dismisses him from competition is silly.

Grunge was synonymous for its distorted sound and lack of.... guitar mastery. Doesn't make it any less of great music because it had a great emotionally attached sound.

Quoted from Seth


Okay lets say a kid is just learning how to play guitar. In front of him he has two sheets of music. About a Girl by Nirvana and Little Wing by Hendrix. What one would he learn first?

Quoted from Seth

Because he was great, like Lennon.

Lennon wasnt on the list, Harrison was, but thats an obvious thing.
Posted by: Seth, October 21st, 2006, 3:54am; Reply: 79

Quoted from Steve-Dave
I wasn't trying to debate you Seth. Personally, I think you're incorporating more of their style than their ability. Which, to me are two different things. coming up with a riff and constructing a song doesn't really demonstrate you knowledge of the guitar in my opinion. I can play guitar too, and am content with the level I can play, but I  can still say that there's lots of other guitarists who are a lot better than me. The same way I think there's a lot that are better than Kurt. But like I said, opinions are opinions, and we could go back and forth all day. And I've tried to teach people guitar too, and the only ones who couldn't do a power chord are simply the ones who wouldn't practice, but power chords are still easier than playing a Zach Wyld or Dimebag Darrel song, was the point I was trying to make.

I agree, opinions are opinions, and that's what it boils down to. As far as Zach or Dime Bag Darrel go...I give Darrel more credit. Stll, IMO, niether could write a song like Kurt.

Zach is, and Dime Bag Darrel was, proficient, but neither could touch me.

This is personal. I like more organic music -- give me The replacements. Fuck skill, I like passion. I like honesty -- and kurt was, if nothing else, honest.

Posted by: Alex J. Cooper, October 21st, 2006, 4:17am; Reply: 80
3. those thick triple album covers, they never make slots big enough for them.

4. Haircuts that block sight from eyes.

5. Always wanting to have the last say in a debate:

Quoted from Seth

This is personal. I like more organic music -- give me The replacements. Fuck skill, I like passion. I like honesty -- and kurt was, if nothing else, honest.

Surely Hendrix bashing around his guitar then setting it alight at monterey is full of passion. Cobain may have jumped into Grohls drums but did he ever set them alight?
Posted by: Seth, October 21st, 2006, 4:32am; Reply: 81

Quoted from Alex J. Cooper

Thats a hard one, but i think it should be decided up the guitarists versatility and technical abilities, Surely Zappa, Stevie Ray Vaughn and Eddie hazel are awesome technical players, but how far does there imagination reach? Brain May would be a great contender because he's versatile and technically flawless. but again, like sryknows said, these are based purely on opinion.

Yep, it all boils down to opinion.

Quoted from Alex J. Cooper

Grunge was synonymous for its distorted sound and lack of.... guitar mastery. Doesn't make it any less of great music because it had a great emotionally attached sound.

Again, I agree.

Quoted from Alex J. Cooper

Okay lets say a kid is just learning how to play guitar. In front of him he has two sheets of music. About a Girl by Nirvana and Little Wing by Hendrix. What one would he learn first?

That, I think, would depend on what s/he is most interested in. I think, even the most simple song, even a two chord song, like About A Girl, can be beautiful and well worth leraning.

In any case, point taken.

Quoted from Alex J. Cooper

Lennon wasnt on the list, Harrison was, but thats an obvious thing.

Why? ...maybe I don't know enough about the Beatles... But I love Lennon. Harrison, I like for his mid-eastern riffs, if you can call 'em that.

The best bands IMO are:

Pink Floyed
The Beatles
The Doors
Black Sabbath

In that opinion only.

They are not the bands I like the most. I like 'em and acknowledge their brillance. Still, I prefer others for less logical reasons. Reasons that I can't fully articulate.

Somethings simply can't be explained, my interest in the Moldy Peaches, for example.

It really does come down to opinion -- what interests you, what excites you -- for some it might be the doors, for others, Box Car Willie --

Who is to say whos is the best?


Posted by: Seth, October 21st, 2006, 4:36am; Reply: 82

Quoted from Alex J. Cooper
3. those thick triple album covers, they never make slots big enough for them.

4. Haircuts that block sight from eyes.

5. Always wanting to have the last say in a debate:

Surely Hendrix bashing around his guitar then setting it alight at monterey is full of passion. Cobain may have jumped into Grohls drums but did he ever set them alight?

LOL ... True!

Posted by: Steve-Dave, October 21st, 2006, 4:40am; Reply: 83

Quoted from Alex J. Cooper
Surely Hendrix bashing around his guitar then setting it alight at monterey is full of passion.

I'm pretty sure that has more to do that Hendrix was probably tripping balls on acid at the time.:D
Posted by: Alex J. Cooper, October 21st, 2006, 4:52am; Reply: 84

Quoted from Seth

The best bands IMO are:

Pink Floyd
The Beatles
The Doors
Black Sabbath

Close to mine, they all came from my favorite era of music.

Quoted from Steve-Dave

I'm pretty sure that has more to do that Hendrix was probably tripping balls on acid at the time.:D

hahaha, You know that maybe have been why.

6.Unnecessary gore.

7. Seeds in fruit.

8. Seedless watermelon. A bit of a contradiction but for some reason when they take the seeds out, they take out half of the flavour.
Posted by: RobertSpence, October 21st, 2006, 5:43am; Reply: 85

Quoted from Takeshi
I hate it when you think someone is waving to you, so you wave back, but they're actually waving to someone behind you.

LOLOL that is sooo embarassing.

1. I hate people who try and be different from everyone else for a sense of
    individuality, even though they are the same.

2. I hate big headed people who brag.

3. I hate when you go to McDonalds, ask for a plain quarter pounder, you wait for
    the whole of 30 mins, they bring you it and still gt it wrong.

4. i hate how Scorsese hasn't got an oscar.

5.I hateeeee straight to video movies such as air bud,which has brought out a whole
   of like 6 sequels. And also Beetvoven. Theres like 5 of them. Although i enjoyed
   American Pie BandCamp.

6. I hate the academy. Paul Haggis and Clint Eastwood must love them.

lol, that's enough of the whining.

PS, I hate how they brought out an American Psycho 2.
Posted by: Takeshi (Guest), November 5th, 2006, 3:58pm; Reply: 86
I hate when you're having a conversation with someone and a third party butts in and begins a new conversion with the person you were talking to.

However, I've worked out a way to combat them. You just wait for a pause in the conversation and then turn to the original person you were talking to and say: "So what were we talking about?". The third party usually slinks off then.  
Posted by: Steve-Dave, November 5th, 2006, 8:30pm; Reply: 87
I prefer Cousins myself. I hate subway.
Posted by: tomson (Guest), November 5th, 2006, 8:40pm; Reply: 88
Can't someone start a Love thread instead?

Hate is a strong word. I honestly don't hate anyone or anything (besides the obvious, like wars and terrorists).
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