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SimplyScripts Screenwriting Discussion Board  /  Script Reviews  /  Munich (2005)
Posted by: guyjackson (Guest), February 25th, 2006, 11:13pm
I must say I really couldn't wait until this screenplay became available to read after seeing this film.  I really wanted to see if there was a writer out there that could possibly write a story that long yet be that good.  

I believe Eric Roth wrote the bulk of this script and Tony Kushner just cleaned it up with rewrites, but they both are credited as the screenwriters.  This had to be one of the longest scripts I have ever read, yet it was one of the best.

The draft that Don has posted here must have been very close to the shooting script because it is pretty much scene for scene equal to the film.  I just couldn't believe how Roth and Kushner were able to tell that story, with the detail they used, in 160 pages.  I guess that's what separates the men from the boys in this business.  Excellent script.  I suggest any up and coming screenwriter to read this to get a feel for excellent format and storytelling techniques.

I also was able to see how Steven Speilberg interpreted the screenplay to the screen.  All of the stuff he took out was necessary and the things he added and changed were well put.  The only things he really changed around were the sex scenes and some of the gun battles, but Roth and Kushner really delievered with this piece of writing.  They have my vote for Best Screenplay this March.      

{Don adds: read the script here
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