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SimplyScripts Screenwriting Discussion Board  /  Getting to know you, getting to know all about you...  /  I never really introduced myself...
Posted by: Zombie Sean, March 4th, 2006, 12:37am
I never really introduced myself and I seem to have a problem with that whenever I join a message board. They always have the "Get to know you" boards but I'm always too eager to read other topics so I completely block out these topics until later...

So here it goes:

Name: Sean (Pronounced as "Shaun")

Interests: Zombies (of course), horror movies, comedies, friends, the computer, message boards, talking, sleeping, eating, breathing, having fun, roller coasters, the basics...

Expertise: Drawing (I don't think I am that good), Acting (I guess), Swimming, Jumping on the trampoline :D, Typing fast (Is that even counted as an expertise?) and umm I try to be funny, but I only make my friends laugh because they, well, actually know me.

Things I am not so good at: Writing comedies is probably my worst, skatboarding, snowboarding, water skiing, flying, writing essays with big words, big words, bringing up my self-confidence, and a lot of other things (If I list them they would probably start a new page in this thread  :X).

Things that bug me: People who talk too much to me (on the computer or in person), people who get in my personal space, people who get in my personal life, school, homework, reading, mowing the lawn and picking up the dog poo, doing what I am supposed to, not getting my way :D, being wrong and sounding stupid in the process, blah blah blah...

So I think that is it. Yeah so you pretty much know stuff about me. I guess.

Posted by: -Ben-, March 4th, 2006, 1:00am; Reply: 1

Quoted Text
mowing the lawn and picking up the dog poo,

Same. Ha ha ha.

And who still says "poo"?
Posted by: George Willson, March 4th, 2006, 2:26am; Reply: 2

Quoted from Zombie Sean
Typing fast (Is that even counted as an expertise?)

It is when you're talking to people and they see or hear you type and say, "My God! How do you type that fast?" or "Is that you typing?!" or my favorite "You sound like a machine gun going off over there." I work in a call center, so people tend to hear me type more than they see me...and boy do they hear me.

Belated welcome, I guess? The dead rose and told us who he was....interesting.

Posted by: Zombie Sean, March 4th, 2006, 11:14am; Reply: 3
Ah, yes George, it seems you had met my pet zombie. Yeah he usually is the one who introduces me to other people. But yeah whenever I am in the computer lab or in a classroom with a computer, I start typing up a paper and everyone is like "Oh wow...".

I still say dog poo...:)

Posted by: greg, March 4th, 2006, 4:34pm; Reply: 4
Whenever I modify a post I put "poo" in the reason.
Posted by: George Willson, March 4th, 2006, 9:48pm; Reply: 5

Quoted from greg
Whenever I modify a post I put "poo" in the reason.

I'll bet that makes a mess of your workstation...
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