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Posted by: Heretic, March 10th, 2006, 1:58pm
There's a film piece of mine up on Google Video.

This was filmed on DV for a 24-hour film project that a friend of mine participated in at the local college. I ended up writing and directing. The writing process took about two hours, preproduction took about three, and then we were off. Filming took us to three in the morning, and then editing began.

It was a long day.

In any case, it can be found at

It turns out that Google Video is quite dark, but I hope you can see well enough.  I'll upload a cut as soon as possible with a bit of grading.

I will warn any sensitive viewers about extreme violent content as well as some unnecessary profanity.  I assure everyone that my original script justified the violence more and glorified it less (and didn't contain the words "**** me in the ***"), but things, er, changed.

Also, you must excuse certain uninspired musical choices. This was slapped together quite quickly. Another cut will be up at some point, but for now...

I hope you all enjoy.  If I can find it I'll upload the script as well.
Posted by: anti, March 10th, 2006, 2:32pm; Reply: 1
I thought it was quite good, concidering the short time you had.  I also liked the angles that you used.  Good job and keep it up!
Posted by: Stephen Wegmann, March 10th, 2006, 3:21pm; Reply: 2
Overall, this was a pretty good little film.  Sure I didn't get it, but that doesnt mean it wasn't cool.  I thought the fight choreography was OK and it the hits felt solid.  The weapons effects were also good.  My favorite scene was when the one Man in Black walked down the long hall with double guns and shot into the rooms.  That had good camera work.  

I felt the scenes with the two men were a bit too Matrix-esque and the chess scenes were a bit too Revolver-esque.  Both of those are good films though, so screw it.  I did think that the whole film would have been better without any music because it's seem grittier.

Overall, an above average film, but pretty good for being completed in such a short time.
Posted by: Heretic, March 11th, 2006, 3:25am; Reply: 3
Glad you both enjoyed.

Stephen:  I've never seen Revolver.  I'll check it out.  

Oh by the way, we were given the chess board as a prop that had to be was part of the assignment.  Same with the barely visible fairy wings that the black queen is wearing.
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