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Posted by: The boy who could fly, June 16th, 2006, 5:26pm
well I just saw it, and I think it is probably the best in the series, even though that really isn't saying much.  The plot is paper thin and I am not the biggest Bow wow fan, but luckily he is not in it very much, he's probably got the 5th lead in it.  The car chases were great though, some cool stuff there, and the final race at the end was great, you actually forget how silly the story is.  One character that did stand out was that of Han, he was more compex than the story deserved, probably the most interesting character in the entire series, which again isn't saying much.  I also liked that they brought Vin deislel back, that was kinds cool, and of course Sonny Chiba :)   In the end it was great, but it wasn't awful, or bad for that matter, just silly.
Posted by: Parker, June 17th, 2006, 7:07am; Reply: 1
Vin Diesel came back? What, like a cameo or something?

I love the entire series of Fast and the Furious and I'm not even into cars that much. They're silly but even silly movies can be great. The Fast and the Furious is one of my fave films of all time actually (say what you will) and can't wait to see this one. Drifting though... I'm not sure about it. Looks kinda cool and sounds it especially if Vin makes an appearance. :)
Posted by: The boy who could fly, June 17th, 2006, 9:26am; Reply: 2
vin shows up but only for one scene, but it's a cool scene, and there really isnt as much drifting as just good old fashioned races, but the drift scenes are pretty cool, it's mindless, silly, but never boring and it has a little more than the other two instalments.  what's kinda funny though is that the main kid has got to have the thickest southern accents, but neither of his parents have one, I found that kinda strange, buit  I did like him a LOT more than paul Walker, he has much more going on.
Posted by: Parker, June 17th, 2006, 11:20am; Reply: 3
Yeah, I heard the accent in the trailer. Those accents aren't exactly my favourite but I don't mind them. :) Can't wait to see it now. I'm more pumped up for Vins scene more than anything else. Can you say if it leaves an opening for another sequel that'll maybe star Vin Diesel as the lead? ;D
Posted by: The boy who could fly, June 17th, 2006, 11:34am; Reply: 4
if this makes any money you could bet on a sequel, and the ending sure seems like Vin could be ein it.
Posted by: Old Time Wesley, June 17th, 2006, 2:33pm; Reply: 5
The problem with Vin Diesel is the fact that he wants like 10 million a picture and anyone with half a brain knows he is not worth it. Maybe if he pulls off The Hitman movie (I'm hoping because I do love Hitman) but if not nobody is going to pay him 10 Million for a movie when his salary is more than the budget.
Posted by: ghost, June 17th, 2006, 4:24pm; Reply: 6
The main guy in this is from Friday Night Lights. So that's where you could of seen him from.

I haven't seen this yet, and don't know if I want to. I have seen the other two. They were alright.

The guy who reviewed this in my newspaper (even though I don't pay attention to reviews) said that they should finish the series with this one.
Posted by: Nixon, June 29th, 2006, 9:16am; Reply: 7
It seems, third times the charm. Watched this last night and really enjoyed it.

It may do for drifting what the other previous two series did for tuning. That is bringing it out of the underground and making it more mainstream. Unlike other director who might of taken the short-cut and the easy way out of using CG to create the drift scenes.

Director Justin Lin actually used real drivers and cars, which helps to bring a level of realism not found in other films. Justin Lin also accomplishes that he is so adapt at, that is portraying a part of Asian youth culture that the general public usually doesn't now see.

The story itself is a trial and trued pattern of forbidden romance. Although the plot may lack originality, it is far from boring. But the focus of the film is on the cars and the driving and not on the plot.

I think this is where the film gets into trouble with critics who lack the appreciation of the cars and the driving scenes. The cars were the stars of this film, since acting wasn't really top notch, this was kind of caught me off guard since Luca Black was great in Jarehead.

Anyway, good stuff. This just might end up becoming a Cult Classic.


ps: Oh yeah, great sound-track too.  
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