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Posted by: ALIEN MAN, July 22nd, 2006, 11:52am
For my spoof script, I guess I should know what kind of comedy you guys like so i don't have stupid jokes and scenes.
Posted by: James Fields, July 22nd, 2006, 11:58am; Reply: 1
Anything funny suits me.

Posted by: ALIEN MAN, July 22nd, 2006, 12:00pm; Reply: 2
That's good.
Posted by: guyjackson (Guest), July 22nd, 2006, 12:04pm; Reply: 3
I personally like deadpan and more subtle comedy the most.  There's just something funny as hell when a comedian or actor says something funny as hell but has a straight face.  Or if a joke is told and the person just stares for a moment.  Too damn funny.

But usually anything funny makes me laugh.  I'm not too keen on bodily functions and fluids, but if it's really funny it will make me laugh.
Posted by: Zombie Sean, July 22nd, 2006, 12:04pm; Reply: 4
Usually when people say stupid things or if something pops out that people weren't expecting (Like in Scary Movie 2, Brenda said, "Cindy, don't split the pole it's bad luck" and they walk across the street, and a couple walk around a stop sign and as they cross the street, a bus hits them).

The usual. And sometimes perverted stuff makes me laugh, but that's just me.

Sean "the sadist"
Posted by: ALIEN MAN, July 22nd, 2006, 12:06pm; Reply: 5
Ok, so I know what some people like for comedy. So I'll try and include those kinds of comedy. Thanks
Posted by: Old Time Wesley, July 22nd, 2006, 1:22pm; Reply: 6
If this is for your script why not just ask in there?

Since I did come in here I will answer the question. I enjoy all types of comedy (Scary movie is not exactly laugh out loud comedy.) Spoofs suffer because they try way too hard to make fun of good films when they themselves are just average at best.

That is generally the problem. When you make fun of a good film or even a bad film it's like beating a dead horse... nobody cares but you.

Scary Movie has had four films and the quality has just went into the toilet because the films they spoof aren't that well known as it is. (The target audience is teenagers who think TCM Remake is a classic)

You would do well to find scripts that are well known or nobody will get the jokes.
Posted by: Shelton, July 22nd, 2006, 1:27pm; Reply: 7
I'm pretty much with Guy on this one, and I have a tendency to have one of my characters say something stupid while the rest just stare at him in my own scripts.  The subtle, straight faced stuff is also key.

Really, it's best to try and incorporate as many different types of comedy as you can.  If you stick to one, it's going to limit your audience considerably.  Fart jokes and disgusting humor aren't tops on my list, but even that has its place when used correctly.
Posted by: Parker, July 22nd, 2006, 1:58pm; Reply: 8
Yeah, I feel the same way as Mike and Guy I think. I go with humour best seen in films like Garden State, The Royal Tenenbaums, most Bill Murray films and even something like Napoleon Dynamite. I even try and fit that sort of comedy in my scripts.

Like Mike said, you should try and please most comedy styles if you can. :)
Posted by: ALIEN MAN, July 22nd, 2006, 5:32pm; Reply: 9
Potty humor is my least favorite too. I like slapstick and satire as my favorites. and your right, it does have to do with the actors in the movies.
Posted by: -Ben-, July 22nd, 2006, 5:38pm; Reply: 10
I like serious humour, like when someone says something they mean to be seriosu but its actually quite funny. Like in scary movie 3:

Brenda: I just feel something bad is gonna happen, like when you see an Asian person  behind the wheel of a car.

Or on Meaning Of Life

Weird Short Guy: No! I just want to look at the spoons!
Posted by: George Willson, July 22nd, 2006, 7:18pm; Reply: 11
My favorite comedy is put forth consistently in the Simpsons. Rarely is insult humor used, but it's a cynical commentary on something, but not a direct spoof. I also thoroughly enjoy natural humor in life situations. Bill Cosby would be choice number one (that's his standup material, not The Cosby Show)...I guess that would be best described as exaggeration.
Posted by: Steve-Dave, July 23rd, 2006, 12:41pm; Reply: 12
dumb humor, sarcasm and one liners.
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