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Posted by: James McClung, October 2nd, 2006, 3:13pm
Wow. Haven't written one of these in a while. Anyway, I heard a sample of the Nekromantik soundtrack in a song and managed to track down the movie via an interview with the band. Turned out the film already had some noteriety surrounding it so I figured it was worth checking out, if only to say I'd seen it. As I expected, this was one sick piece of work.

The plot of Nekromantik should pretty much give away what kind of movie it is. A German "streetcleaner" with a fetish for the dead (first seen through a collection of body parts taken from crime scenes) brings home a corpse for him and his wife to have sex with. After a while, the girlfriend grows to prefer the corpse over her own boyfriend and leaves him for it sending him spiraling into madness. Throw in some rape and animal abuse and you have some pretty trashy stuff.

Nekromantik fits right in with movies like Cannibal Holocaust and Driller Killer. Both those movies are nothing but pure exploitation with dillusions of profoundness, which go numerous lengths in attempt to shock its viewers. Nekromantik is no different. The grainy camerawork and muddy soundtrack at the begining of the movie are a dead giveaway.

Unlike the latter two movies, one thing saved this movie from being a complete waste of time...

It has the greatest score ever committed to the screen.

Seriously, the music in Nekromantik is outstandingly gripping. Neither Psycho nor anything John Williams can compose has anything on it. It's a shame that the movie really doesn't deserve it.

Anyway, this is one of those movies that people tell you not to watch but you always end up watching anyway. It's easy to know what to expect and how you'll probably feel after watching. I don't think I really need to say anything more in that regard.

All in all, exploitative trash with an outstanding soundtrack.
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