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SimplyScripts Screenwriting Discussion Board  /  Comedy Scripts  /  In The Rough
Posted by: Don, May 4th, 2007, 5:25am
In The Rough by Peter Gillespie - Comedy - A golf hustler has all the skills to be on the professional tour but there's one person who keeps getting in his way... himself. 115 pages - pdf, format 8)
Posted by: Repete (Guest), May 22nd, 2007, 3:37pm; Reply: 1
I am the writer of In The Rough and I just joined the Forum. I am still learning my way around. I was wondering why I had 70+ looks but no response. Then I came across a reply where someone said most of you will not read the script if the writer is not a member. I thought posting the script made you a member. Anyway, I look forwarding to reading many of your scripts.  
Posted by: tonkatough, May 23rd, 2007, 12:43am; Reply: 2
Yeah repete, it doesn't quite work that way. Just cause you get a hit doesn't mean someone is reading your script. I bet you most of the scripts here that have over 1000+ hits have actually only been read by 50-100 people.

A lot of people hit a script just to see what sort of a review another local has added to the thread.  I know cause I do it all the time. Plus when my script gets a  review the count of hits goes by twenty hits.  

But the bottom line is if you want people to read then you have to read right back at them.

A good cheat tip to get several thousand hits is to post a half baked first draft script, then keep submitting a new draft- about five drafts should do the trick -and get the same people to keep reviewing each new draft in exchange for a review of their script.  

Before you know it you will have 10, 000 hits and about twenty pages of reviews to look through.  
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