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Posted by: Busy Little Bee, June 12th, 2007, 6:24pm
Simply Scripts: What's your favorite movie?

Busy Little Bee: Oh, I hate movies in any format, so�

SS: OK, what about -

...I hate reality shows, TV series I mean goin' from one episode to the next and then, then only thing worse than that is missing that one or two episode and not knowin' wh-what the hell is going on anyway. Hours down the "tube", see what I mean its insane, right. I mean you're no further ahead than when you first started to watch what's the point really right, am I right, Am I right?

So what are you -?

...Wha-what are you doin'? You never answer my question. Am I right? That's a question. Isn't that a question?

Um, I'm not sure I, uh, understand - you referring too, whether your right or are you asking the question or isn�t that a question?

There's only one answer.

(SS: stares, confused)

... Yes is the answer I was looking for, so. And don't even get me started on books I hate reading out loud and last thing I need is myself in my own head, all right. Just ask my doctors.

You're seeing a doctor?

Let's keep this professional, OK Polly, not get too personal.

Last question then?


What are you doing here?

My psychiatrist sent me.

That it, any reasons why?

You'd like to call him, huh, how should I know maybe we should get him in here. You'd like that, right, get a mental breakdown or something, its stupid something stupid about learning how to vent.

No I don'tt want to call him & I wouldn't like that.

What are you doinï' there?

Answering your questions.

There was no question in there, what I just said.

There wasn't?


You sure?

Tell you what, wait here I'll go back and check.

(Rises and exits)

SS: Good Luck?


Seriously, happy to be here guys & gals. And Iknow how things work here first thing i'm gonna do is read a flurry of scripts & dish reviews

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