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SimplyScripts Screenwriting Discussion Board  /  Getting to know you, getting to know all about you...  /  Help me with my feature
Posted by: dresseme (Guest), June 18th, 2007, 10:53am
Hey everyone!  I know that we have a script review section, but I'm in need of a lot of feedback, so I thought i'd post here.

This August I'm starting pre-production on my feature (shooting Feb 2008), and I'm trying to get through as many drafts as possible.

I know I owe some people on here reads (which i'm starting right now, JDOK), but I'm going to make a huge list of people who want to swap reviews, and I'll devote a lot of time to reviewing in the upcoming weeks.

It's called "Douchebag." and it's in the comedy section.

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