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Posted by: Andy Petrou, August 3rd, 2007, 12:41pm
Hey everyone!

Just wanted to check in and see how you're all doing! I'm sorry I haven't had a chance to settle back into the forum yet - It's been difficult adjusting back in London without all my belongings!!

What have you all been up to? I feel so out of the loop! Fill me in with your gossip!! I don't have anything too juicy to share, just yet, lol. I've been getting work experience in Events Management, which has been enlightening and I am looking to get my career launched in it asap, as I've left the legal industry now. Other than that, not much new with me.

How about YOU?!!! ;D

Love, Andy x
Posted by: Shelton, August 3rd, 2007, 1:11pm; Reply: 1
In about two months, there will be another Shelton in this world.

I've done some research and found that this is the Seventh Sign of the Apocalypse.

And if all goes according to schedule, I'll have three feature length films beginning production next month.

That's the Eighth sign.
Posted by: bert, August 3rd, 2007, 1:16pm; Reply: 2

Quoted from Shelton
In about two months, there will be another Shelton in this world.

"Uncle T" sez, "It's a crack baby, fool!"
Posted by: Shelton, August 3rd, 2007, 1:46pm; Reply: 3

Quoted from bert

"Uncle T" sez, "It's a crack baby, fool!"

I'd say this is more accurate.  Just like everyone else, my baby will laugh at me.

Posted by: tomson (Guest), August 3rd, 2007, 1:54pm; Reply: 4
A Swedish baby too!

I guess he hasn't watched any Bergman movies yet.
Posted by: Andy Petrou, August 3rd, 2007, 1:58pm; Reply: 5
Congratulations, Mike! That's lovely news! I'm really happy for you  :) Good luck with all your scripts too!!

Bert, Pia - what's new with you guys?

Posted by: Breanne Mattson, August 3rd, 2007, 5:08pm; Reply: 6
Congratulations Mike! Boy or girl? Just think, in a few years there could be a little dark haired boy who dances around and sings like Dean Martin -- Now that’s adorable!


Posted by: Takeshi (Guest), August 3rd, 2007, 5:29pm; Reply: 7
Hey Andy,

Same old, same old for me; work, looking after my kids and hanging out on Simply Scripts. However, the Melbourne International Film Festival is on at the moment, so I'll try and see as many films as I can.  

I hope you’re doing okay in sunny London.  :)
Posted by: tomson (Guest), August 3rd, 2007, 5:51pm; Reply: 8

I guess I must be extremely boring. I can't think of any news at all.

I've written more shorts than anyone would ever want to read.

I'm venturing into the filmmaking business/hobby, but I think you already knew that.

I got older.

You blocked Alan!!! How could you? He's like....famous.
Posted by: Breanne Mattson, August 3rd, 2007, 6:02pm; Reply: 9
I’m marrying my boss. It’s the only way I could get that raise -- haha.

Seriously, he proposed on Sunday, October 15th, 2006, at 6:30 pm. We were supposed to get married this summer but a business deal forced us to postpone. I know he’s telling the truth about the business deal because I’m involved -- haha.


Posted by: tomson (Guest), August 3rd, 2007, 6:16pm; Reply: 10
Hey Congratulations Breanne!!

I did the same thing! Now I'm the "real" boss. haha No one messes with me!

I'm very happy for you. :-)
Posted by: Takeshi (Guest), August 3rd, 2007, 6:25pm; Reply: 11
Yeah, congrats Breanne.

And Mike, three features and a baby. Kick a$$.

Ha, three features and a baby sounds like a title.  
Posted by: mcornetto (Guest), August 3rd, 2007, 6:35pm; Reply: 12
I think you're thinking of three men and a baby.

Congrats Mike on the baby with three features!
Congrats Breanne on the lucrative business deal!
Congrats everybody else, cause I don't want anyone to feel excluded.

Not much happening here.  May change jobs.  I work for a govt program (here in OZ) and both the director and assistant director of the program suddenly resigned so I'm thinking the program doesn't have much of a future.  There's been a lot of resigning going on in the govt here (Makes you wonder what's really up).  I'm sure we'll find out eventually.    
Posted by: Shelton, August 3rd, 2007, 7:03pm; Reply: 13

Quoted from Breanne Mattson
Congratulations Mike! Boy or girl? Just think, in a few years there could be a little dark haired boy who dances around and sings like Dean Martin -- Now that’s adorable!


Maybe next time.  This time around is a girl.
Posted by: bert, August 3rd, 2007, 8:24pm; Reply: 14

Quoted from Breanne Mattson
...he proposed on Sunday, October 15th, 2006, at 6:30 pm.

God, doesn't that sound just like Brea?

Or do all girls know exactly when they were proposed to?

Whatever -- congrats to you, Brea.  Single scriptwriters everywhere are shedding a silent tear, I'm sure.

You too, Mike -- you can get a lot of writing done at 3:00 a.m. after she arrives haha.

I'll be finishing up soon, Andy, and moving to a new job in Philly.  Maybe hook up with James one of these days -- if he's close enough.  From what I've seen it's a pretty big town.  I'll be uncomfortably close to Phil, too.

Glad to hear things are going well for ya'.
Posted by: Shelton, August 3rd, 2007, 8:36pm; Reply: 15

Quoted from bert

God, doesn't that sound just like Brea?

Or do all girls know exactly when they were proposed to?

He proposed via email.  He is a busy guy after all.

Posted by: Breanne Mattson, August 3rd, 2007, 8:51pm; Reply: 16

Quoted from bert
God, doesn't that sound just like Brea?

Or do all girls know exactly when they were proposed to?

It’s all of us, buddy. You guys don’t stand a chance.  :)

Quoted from Shelton
He proposed via email.  He is a busy guy after all.

Haha -- that’s funny. I would have killed him if he’d done that.


Posted by: movemycheese, August 4th, 2007, 12:54am; Reply: 17
"Why can't we all just get along?"

I just wanted to congratulate Mike and congratulate Breanne. I am fairly new to this forum so I don't know who you are, Andy, but Hello anyways. :)
Posted by: Chris_MacGuffin, August 4th, 2007, 12:59am; Reply: 18
Congrats Mike on the new kid. And good to see you back Andy. Glad to see things are going well.

As for me, I'm filming a documentary with my brother. We've managed to get a lot of it done and are still working. It's underwraps as of now, but should be done by December.  
Posted by: chism, August 4th, 2007, 3:09am; Reply: 19
Welcome back! Hope you get settled back home soon!

Congrats on the baby!

Posted by: Andy Petrou, August 4th, 2007, 3:24am; Reply: 20
Lol - "Hey you guys!"   

@ Chris - great to hear from you! Nothing wrong with same old, same old!!! No news is better sometimes!! Enjoy the International Film Festival xx

@ Pia! - Hey hon! I'll check out some more of your work when I can. Hope the film-making goes well too. I got older too and am about to get even older!! aggghh!! Great to hear from you.

@ Brea - LMAO! *Congratulations*  :K) Hope Oregonian life is cool - I miss it there. Oh and yes, DITTO...  

@ mcornetto - thanks for the update - good luck with govt. work. You're not a secret agent, are you? *ponders about the real MIB*...

@ Bert-alicious - Good luck with the move to Philly! If you run into Phil... RUN FOR YOUR LIFE! He will try to take you to this freaky restaurant which gets you lost inside... it's awesome! Take pics if you do meet up  :)

@ movemycheese - interesting username you have there! I don't know you either, but "hello" anyway  :)

@ Topher! - your current name is too long, lol! - thanks for the warm welcome, Chris!! You change your username so much I can't keep up! I like Topher the most  :) Best of luck with the documentary, keep us posted!

@ Jordan -   You rock! Lemme know if you ever make it to this side of the world. I'd be happy to show you the sights and stuff. I miss it out in Canada, but am also glad to be back with family and friends.

@ chism - thank you hon! It's lovely to be back and being able to see how everyone is doing.

Thanks for the comments guys and gals! It's lovely to hear how you've been  :K) :K) :K)

x Andy x

PS - GOONIES NEVER SAY DIE!!!! Woop-woop!!! LMAO!!! Oh yeah...   
Posted by: Helio, August 4th, 2007, 8:34am; Reply: 21
Congrats Mike on the baby, dude!

And Brea you was a great single woman and now my hope one day we...has vanished. Sniff! Anyway my felicitations and be happy, dear!
Posted by: CindyLKeller, August 4th, 2007, 10:00am; Reply: 22
Andy girl! So good to hear from you. You always bring a warm beam of sunshine in with you. Don't let the clouds put a damper on this thread.  :)

As for what's new with me...

My youngest moved out with her boyfriend and baby Lyrik. They live 13 doors down ;D so I still see them all the time. Now it's just me, my boyfriend, my dog, and two birds at home. When we get to be home, we like to spend some time either working on the yard or in our garden.  ;D We have a large vegetable garden, and are getting a lot of goodies out of it this year. ;D Cantalopes didn't do too good, but the watermelons are really taking off.

I have another grandchild due right around the same time as Mike, and it is a girl, too. She will be born on September 7.   ;D That makes my sixth grandchild.

I have been working at a new job (finally got one after being unemployed for 7 months) and working a lot of crazy hours, so I'm not able to be here as much as I would like.

I just finished another rewrite on Halloween Games, and Damned Yankee, and I think I'm going to pull out another old script and do a rewrite on it.

Glad to hear you are safe at home. It feels good to be back, doesn't it?

Posted by: Zack, August 4th, 2007, 10:59am; Reply: 23
Are you just getting settled in London, or are you just getting back? Either way you are lucky and I'm jealous.  :P Welcome back.

Posted by: Nixon, August 4th, 2007, 6:32pm; Reply: 24
I recently got my own place so I could be closer to campus. Living on my own has taught me two very important things. Responsibility sucks and I can’t cook.

Posted by: tomson (Guest), August 4th, 2007, 6:37pm; Reply: 25

Quoted from Nixon
I recently got my own place so I could be closer to campus. Living on my own has taught me two very important things. Responsibility sucks and I can’t cook.

We told our kids that when they turn 18 they need to move out. Boy were they shocked when they had to learn how things work in the real world!  ;D

Cooking? My husband and I laugh everytime they start whining about Ramen noodles and pasta (another word for spagetti).
Posted by: Nixon, August 4th, 2007, 6:58pm; Reply: 26

Quoted from tomson

Cooking? My husband and I laugh everytime they start whining about Ramen noodles and pasta (another word for spagetti).

Yeah, I've been laughed at too. I can manage Ramen, but that’s about it. Luckily for me, I have a friend thats attending culinary school. I’ve been raiding her refrigerator for leftovers.

Posted by: dogglebe (Guest), August 4th, 2007, 7:00pm; Reply: 27

Quoted from Nixon
Then why bring it up again?

Sometimes, an outside opinion is needed.

Quoted from Nixon
Anyway, I recently got my own place so I could be closer to campus. Living on my own has taught me two very important things. Responsibility sucks and I can’t cook.

Two words for you:  Hamburger Helper.


Posted by: CindyLKeller, August 4th, 2007, 8:05pm; Reply: 28

Quoted from dogglebe

Two words for you:  Hamburger Helper.

Ewww! Now that's just nasty.

Posted by: MacDuff, August 4th, 2007, 10:39pm; Reply: 29

Vancouver seems an empty shell since you've been gone...

You'll be glad to know the spider population is as strong as ever and the fireworks were a blast. (haha, get it? a blast?)

Posted by: Andy Petrou, August 5th, 2007, 4:42pm; Reply: 30
@ Cindy - So lovely to hear from you, Cindy. It's been a while since we've caught up. Oh my goodness, so much great news from you! I'm thrilled for you and your family - wow!!! Congratulations on the exciting expansion within your family!! Well done with the new job too! I could use some luck in that department myself, but that is fab!! Good luck with your writing and all the new changes and additions going on in your life  ;D ;D ;D

@ Zack - hiya, no, I've been back awhile now, but haven't had a settled routine to re-join the forum properly. Just wanted to check in and see how everyone is doing. I live in London permanently and love it here. Thanks for the warm welcome  :)

@ nixon - So nice to hear from you too hon! I can't cook to save my life either - Mac 'n Cheese all the way. OMG - I kept meaning to try Hamburger Helper when in north America and totally forgot - looked SO YUMMY!!!

@ Stew - I miss you guys! Dinner and a movie just isn't the same without you both. Hope you are doing great and that you pop back over here soon!! We need to catch-up!

@ Phil/troublemaker - Awe - so sweet. You'll be happy to know that the UK's beer supplies have at long last been fully replenished since your last trip. You are now allowed re-entry ;)

x Andy x

Posted by: dogglebe (Guest), August 5th, 2007, 5:11pm; Reply: 31

Quoted from Andy Petrou
@ Phil/troublemaker - Awe - so sweet. You'll be happy to know that the UK's beer supplies have at long last been fully replenished since your last trip. You are now allowed re-entry.

Allowed re-entry?  I should be welcomed with a parade for the boost I gave the economy!

If Janet and I make it your way this fall, I'll bring you a box or two.  You just warn the pubs.


Posted by: Alan_Holman (Guest), August 5th, 2007, 5:44pm; Reply: 32
Awesome idea!  The SS Group is one of my favourite groups too!  Let's all catch up here -- everyone should feel welcome :)

MIKE:  Congrats on the kid and congrats on the children of your imagination!

XTOPHER:  Film festivals rock.  I hope you're enjoying the Melbourne fest!

Quoted from pia
I've written more shorts than anyone would ever want to read.

PIA:  Keep plugging at it, and I'm sure you'll find some devoted fans!  

Quoted from Breanne Mattson
I’m marrying my boss. It’s the only way I could get that raise -- haha.

BREANNE:  lol, probably.  It's shameful the wage gap between the average female worker and the average male worker.  We need better times with more equality.

Quoted from pia
Cooking? My husband and I laugh everytime they start whining about Ramen noodles and pasta (another word for spagetti).

PIA:  Mmm ... spaghetti's my favourite food!

Now onto my news.  Last winter, I acted in a film that's currently travelling the festival circuit.  I was so excited that I sent PMs to about twenty random people from SS, with way more information than this post.  Most were delighted to hear the news, but a technical issue prevented the note from getting to you, Andy.  

Posted by: Rob S., August 5th, 2007, 8:23pm; Reply: 33
Good to hear from you, Andy.

First, I would like to pass on my congrats to Mike and Breanne.

I had some really bad headaches last week.  Today, I finally picked up a new pair of glasses and an awesome pair of prescription sun glasses.  As you know, my birthday is next month.  I already have vacation time blocked off for the first week of September and I just know my wife has something planned, but I can't get her to give me any hints.  She's much more clever than I am.

My job is super awesome.  So awesome in fact that I don't regret passing on graduate school to stay at my job.  I am so glad I didn't make a mistake choosing my work over more school.

The Simpsons Movie kicked ass and that pleased me.  I've been enjoying the archive on Ebert and Roeper's site.  I may have a few more poems posted soon.  Life is soooo goooood.

Posted by: Andy Petrou, August 6th, 2007, 2:51am; Reply: 34
Hey Rob, great to hear from you!!! Not long till your birthday indeed, my fellow Virgoan. Hope you have fun with your wife, I'm sure the surprise will be worth all the secrecy. Cool about your job, am happy for you  :) You've worked hard to get to where you are now, so well done!!!

Thanks for the update!

x Andy x
Posted by: Helio, August 6th, 2007, 3:40pm; Reply: 35
Just to conclude a thinking:

Andy is a type of woman that nobody forget, dudies! So she continues besides us all time smiling and drinking morritos, beers, Rums, vodckas, Gins...

About Mike and Breanne...Could you imagine on contrary: Mike marring again and Breanne having a baby?
Posted by: Andy Petrou, August 6th, 2007, 3:53pm; Reply: 36
I love you, Helio! You are always a breath of fresh air and you make me smile.

How are you? How is your family? You are always welcome in London to visit a fellow Goonie.

Love A xxx
Posted by: Helio, August 6th, 2007, 4:16pm; Reply: 37
Hey Kid! I just shining when you chat with me! Haha!

Look, there is a bar/rest in Canden Town named Made in Brazil it is very nice. Go there. I don't know the prices, but who knows they fit your pocket, huh?

Oh there was one in Covent Garden I used to frequent, but I don't know wether it is yet there.

Love H xxxxxxx
Posted by: Alan_Holman (Guest), August 6th, 2007, 5:13pm; Reply: 38

Quoted from Helio
So she continues besides us all time smiling and drinking morritos, beers, Rums, vodckas, Gins...

Meanwhile the writers have their caffeinated drinks and get some work done :)

Posted by: Shelton, August 6th, 2007, 5:53pm; Reply: 39

Quoted from Alan_Holman

Meanwhile the writers have their caffeinated drinks and get some work done :)

"Maybe for you, but I could give Hemingway a run for his money" said the man as he sipped from his bottle of Samuel Adams Summer Ale.

Posted by: CindyLKeller, August 10th, 2007, 8:11am; Reply: 40

That avatar is too much  :o.

It scared me. LOL

Posted by: Shelton, August 10th, 2007, 8:53am; Reply: 41

Quoted from CindyLKeller

That avatar is too much  :o.

It scared me. LOL

I figured I'd go back to the funny ones for awhile.

That counts as catching up, right?

Posted by: CindyLKeller, August 10th, 2007, 10:21am; Reply: 42

Quoted from Shelton

I figured I'd go back to the funny ones for awhile.

That counts as catching up, right?

Okay. LOL
I looked at it again and it still cracked me up.
Posted by: Breanne Mattson, August 11th, 2007, 12:29am; Reply: 43
Hey thanks to all for the congrats.  :)


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