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Posted by: Sandra Elstree., April 5th, 2008, 3:36pm
When we have an establishing shot, is there a way we can convey this without losing "line space".  In other words, is it a must that we give it it's own slug line?

It seems that this adds unnecessary bulk to the read, but at the same time it helps us transition from location to location.

So could we do this?

From Ext. Big Ole Office tower to Int. Mr. Law's Office.


Ext. Big Ole Office tower/Int. Mr. Law's Office
Posted by: Mr.Ripley, April 5th, 2008, 4:20pm; Reply: 1
If it's necessary for moving your story, do it. If not, then don't do it.

Posted by: Tierney, April 5th, 2008, 4:37pm; Reply: 2
INT./EXT. LOCATION - DAY set-ups are almost always action beats.  Someone running or someone in a car or plane.

Try something like this if what you're concerned about is establishing geography:


A SECRETARY crosses the busy law office with a bundle of mail.  She pauses for a moment at the window to take in the view of Central Park from sixty stories up.
Posted by: Sandra Elstree., April 5th, 2008, 6:43pm; Reply: 3
Hmmm... I'm not sure.

I like to save white space like I save pennies.  The exterior shot is critical to the scene which immediately follows just seconds later, but I feel like a separate slug line is a big waste of white space for a few seconds on screen.

Posted by: dogglebe (Guest), April 5th, 2008, 9:27pm; Reply: 4
Do not go so cheap that your story will suffer from it.

Posted by: Sandra Elstree., April 5th, 2008, 10:10pm; Reply: 5

Yes, this is the decision here:  Clarity versus extra content.  I'm just wondering if there's a crafty way to have both.

I'm already going through each and every line and deleting everything that's superfluous and doesn't contribute wholly to the story, trying to cut everything in half, but as I do this, I also add content in other areas; so it's often an equal trade-off.

I think I just need to go with what my heart tells me.  Some things are cornerstones and can't be arbitrarily "shrunk" which is what I think I'm trying to do.

It will probably be very clear to me after another week of revisions.  Another ten or twenty lines will be deleted (sometimes letter-by-letter) and I'll have more room to maneuver.  

I think the lesson for me here is to give space to where space is due and not to chince out.  Yes, I've learned something here.  If it's important enough, even if it's only a gentle flicker on the screen, then we need to give it its due.

Ok.  I've got this figured.

Thank you.

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