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Posted by: Majorgeneral316, August 10th, 2009, 2:03pm
Hey everyone,

Just asking, I'm writing a graphic novel script which I'm looking to get illustrated by a partner, and I was wondering if anyone on this site has any experience in this field.

If you do, feel free to give me some advice.


Posted by: Old Time Wesley, August 10th, 2009, 4:06pm; Reply: 1
I like to read them and have come to feel like where are the good non superhero books. I'm tired of superheroes.
Posted by: ReaperCreeper, August 10th, 2009, 5:06pm; Reply: 2
There are plenty of non-superhero comic books, Wes. There's Japanese manga (not for everyone, but they have A LOT of variety of every single genre -- not just Dragonball Z clones as you might be led to believe).

Death Note has a GREAT plot and it does not revolve around superheroes or people with superpowers.

Gantz is one of the goriest, most perverted action series ever. No live-action film even comes close.

As for American stuff, there's Johnen Vazquez's work which rarely ever features superheroes.

The Sandman comics don't really feature superheroes, either (mind you, I've never read them, just going by what I heard here).

The Darkness and The Crow don't really qualify as superhero comics, either.

There's plenty of non-hero stuff out there. You just have to look for it. I, myself, would read more comics if the vast majority of 'em weren't about superheroes.

To the original poster: there is a member here which knows a thing or two about comic books. I cannot remember his name, though. Sorry. Perhaps someone could refresh my memory here.


Posted by: dogglebe (Guest), August 10th, 2009, 9:03pm; Reply: 3

Quoted from Old Time Wesley
I like to read them and have come to feel like where are the good non superhero books. I'm tired of superheroes.

Judging by your avatar, you lo-o-o-o-o-ve superheroes.

Reaper, I had some comic book stories many years ago. While the formatting varies from company to company.

The format that DC Comics used to use was something like this

--new page--


Panel 1
Establishing shot of a dark sedan racing down a city street with two police cars in hot pursuit.    Lights are flashing.  Sirens are wailing.

Panel 2
Two armed men sit in the front seat of the sedan.  The passenger has an uzi in his hand.  The driver looks nervous.
    Driver:  Man, what the hell we gonna do?  What're we gonna do?
    Passenger:  You just drive--

Panel 3
Passenger leans out the window, firing the uzi at the police.  He smiles a sinister smile.
    Passenger:  I'll take care of the cops!
    sfx:  ratatatatatatatata

--next page--

Start each new page of comic book page with a fresh page of script.

Whispers are done in broken balloons (bkn).
Thoughts are done in thought balloons (tht).
Screaming is done in jagged balloons (jag).

Generally, each page starts with a wide-angled shot.  The last page is generally a close up.

Unless you're Alan Moore, leave some room in your description for artist interpretation.


Posted by: Majorgeneral316, August 11th, 2009, 7:35pm; Reply: 4
Hey Phil,

Thanks for the advice, really helpful. Not that much different from a film script, they're still descriptions and dialogue.

Thanks anyway

Posted by: Higgonaitor, August 11th, 2009, 8:42pm; Reply: 5
In one of Neil Gaiman's Sandman books he talks about how he writes his scripts and includes an actual copy...I'm not sure which, but I think it's "dream country".

As for non-super hero graphic novels, Wes, one of my favorites is "Black Hole", definitely check it out.
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