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SimplyScripts Screenwriting Discussion Board  /  Books  /  Fragment
Posted by: stevie, June 7th, 2010, 6:22pm
I'm reading this top novel at the moment. It's called 'Fragment' by Warren Fahy(2009)

The basic plot is this small island that has been virtually undisturbed for millions of years, is finally explored by a team of scientists doing a reality show. Unfortunately, the creatures that live on this island have evolved differently to all other species. They are 'alien' animals and plants (not from outer space but alien to us). There's all sorts of hybrid critters and they have one thing in common: they attack everything else on sight!

So, the usual shit starts where the scientists and adventurers fight the animals continaully. But its not all action; there's lots of scientific discussion and latin genus theories. The author takes great detail to create the world of these beats - he even has illustrations in the back of the book.
The tagline for the novel is 'Jurassic Park for the Lost generation.

i'll nearly finished it and would recommend it. i think it would make an awesome film. with CGI beasts never seen before.

Cheers stevie
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