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SimplyScripts Screenwriting Discussion Board  /  October, 2010 One Week Challenge  /  The Thirty-First - OWC
Posted by: Don, October 17th, 2010, 9:15am
The Thirty-First by Nathaniel Zignego - Short, Horror - no logline - doc, format 8)
Posted by: DarrenJamesSeeley, October 17th, 2010, 11:56am; Reply: 1

Okay, I actually had to go back to copy down your name, Nathaniel. Personally, I'm a bit surprised that this is a .doc format. In spite of the camera directions and the "inner being"/comments to the reader - was there something wrong with making a pdf out of this? It's not hard to do.

But let's take a look at what's what. Y'know something, I changed my mind. I originally had in the box here a rundown of the countless side notes, grammar, chaos and confusion, thousands of camera angles (and one character BECOMING the camera) and a total disregard for every spec guideline known to mankind. When I witnessed the :) on p5 I think it was (shot list are not page numbers) I wondered if Trojan was right and you ARE jerking folks around. If not, go your bookstore and hunt down some of Syd Field's books on screenwriting. Something.

Before you come out and call us all suckers, I'll give you this:

-P.S.- The whole fancy knife thing was put in the script just for people who, when they watch movies, like to look for little things like that. The knife has absolutely no bearing over the plot. Its just kind of, good for you if you noticed it, and if you didn’t, whatever!

If there are still questions, email me at ...

Yep. Your own words. Sums it all up perfectly.
I wanted to be constructive here, but... I'll leave it at that.

Posted by: greg, October 17th, 2010, 6:52pm; Reply: 2

I'm not sure if this was serious or not or if this is just somebody goofing around.  Sorry.

On the plus side, your main character has a terrific name.

Posted by: Baltis. (Guest), October 18th, 2010, 2:51am; Reply: 3
Really bothers me there are more half hearted joke scripts in the last 2 sections Don has uploaded.  These might be serviceable to some, and they might deviate and provide something worth while to them, but I won't waste my time on them.

1.  There is no log line.
2.  It's in Doc.
3.  It's written like a 4th grade A.D.D. sufferer, anally violated while writing it by a retarded hamster.  A large one.

No thanks.  And this bothers me because I swore I'd read them all.  That should make you feel better.
Posted by: narfy95, October 18th, 2010, 4:45pm; Reply: 4
well, the majority of you are right. I am just fucking around. I got kinda serious towards the end, making Jordan a psychopathic douche bag and the last camera details (with the zoom in on Greg in the wheelchair, etc...) I did go back and read it, at eleven o'clock friday night and noticed there was no specificity for a plot. And i threw in a bunch of swear words to spice it up, but i was already drunk by eleven and i couldn't figure out how to put it in .pdf(which i do know how to do BTW) and i just couldn't seem to get a logline just right without saying something about a cunt(my friend told me what i wrote)

So i apologize for the shitty script(u right one when you're drunk) and next time i will try to stay sober and actually write a screenplay.

Yours Truly,
The Only Nathaniel Zignego(yes i'm a prideful douche)
Posted by: TheUsualSuspect, October 20th, 2010, 7:54pm; Reply: 5
I don't get it, why jerk readers around? Maybe you didn't and you're just saying that as a defensive excuse?

This one didn't do it for me, intentionally written or not.
Posted by: narfy95, October 28th, 2010, 7:24pm; Reply: 6
Alright, many of you cunts are asking if the script is intentionally jerking people around. A little more specific? Dumb fucks! If you mean that it jerks people around when they are watching it, YEAH!!! That was the point! to make people think. (i have to admit, for being drunk it was an okay story) And, in my own defense, my Uncle Martin(yes, it is THE Martin Scorcese. People always ask me about that. No shit its him!) liked the script and is thinking about adapting it into one of his next films(that he won't tell me about :(   )    And one more thing. WHO GIVES A WHOOP D FUCKING DO THAT IT IS A .DOC AND NOT PDF!!!!!! Everyone has Word, or any .doc program(fucking notepad reads that shit) I just think that you are all a bunch of fucking morons and that my friend is right. Almost 95% of the people who comment on the internet are all dumbass'. THE END.
Posted by: bert, October 28th, 2010, 7:47pm; Reply: 7
This is perhaps the stupidest post I've ever read.

A shame I have no trophy for you.

Please do not post here anymore until you grow up a bit.

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