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Posted by: Ron Aberdeen, June 16th, 2011, 9:47am
Write for the pleasure not for the bucks.

Six years ago I was shafted in a business deal that cost me a multimillion dollar business and five years of hard work in building that business up from scratch to a turnover in excess of $2million a year.

I was sixty years young and basically thrown on the commercial scrap heap of being too old to be employed and too young to retire.

As I loved movies I decided I would write film scripts for the rest of my life. I knew nothing about formatting, structure, snappy dialogue or general presentation expectancies of an almost impossible industry to break into.

Twenty-seven scripts, fourteen commissions, one produced movie and one about to go into production later, I know I made the right decision.

Not because of the riches or fame (or lack of it), I have experienced since making my choice, but because I have never enjoyed something so much in the whole of my working life.

In 1981 I started a retail business with an investment of $25K and sold it for $3.2mil in 1986. In 1989 my property portfolio was growing so fast I believed that within a few years I would be made for life, but the UK property crash of the early nineties wiped me out, completely, I was poorer than I was in the seventies.

So I know what excitement is, I know what being rich is like and I know what losing big time feels like and I would say that the passion of writing leaves all of that standing.  

In the years I’ve been writing, before this year, what little income I’ve made has been erratic, to say the least. I wrote because I loved it, not because I thought it would make me rich, now it appears that it may also do that.

No, I’m not taking about the possible income from a low budget feature about to go into production; I am talking about a breakthrough I cannot discuss yet.

But here is the thing, if you truly love writing and work to be good at it, regardless of money you will have a ball.

Money is the icing on a cake but writing is the cake.

Do it because you love it, not for any other reason and you will have riches beyond your dreams.

Posted by: leitskev, June 16th, 2011, 10:01am; Reply: 1
Very inspirational words, Ron. And very deserving of the success you are on the verge of. It's always good to read about someone else's success, but something about your case makes it feel extra good. I look forward to future updates of your story.
Posted by: TheSecond, June 30th, 2011, 12:50am; Reply: 2
I see a pattern here Ron, but I'm happy to hear that writing is your true passion in life above money.  Best of luck.
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