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SimplyScripts Screenwriting Discussion Board  /  Getting to know you, getting to know all about you...  /  The Thing That Wasn't - optioned
Posted by: Sham, October 10th, 2011, 8:35pm
Hey guys!

Just wanted to let all of you know my short script, The Thing That Wasn't, has been optioned!

This is my first script to reach this point (and I've been a member since, what, 2005?) and I'm very excited. I have a lot of confidence in the director.

I also wanted to apologize to those who read and reviewed my script that I never responded to. The script and discussion thread have been deleted at the request of the filmmaker.

So yeah, I'll be sure to keep everyone updated with news as I hear it. :)
Posted by: Hugh Hoyland, October 10th, 2011, 8:46pm; Reply: 1
Hey congrates, very well done!
Posted by: Sandra Elstree., October 10th, 2011, 9:53pm; Reply: 2
Sham, I read that one did I not?

Sometimes I get lost in all of the words between books and scripts and language studies. Please tell me if I did. I guess the old link here was taken down.

Anyways, I want to give you a really solid congratulations. Writers need to hear this. To work so hard and then have this happen...

Well, some people might think it comes like out of a magic bag, but the truth is it comes from a lot of hard work. Unless you're Kevin...

He's just been gifted.  ;D Loaded with good karma. Double  ;D ;D

I'll pay attention to your updates. Behatzlecha!

Posted by: Matt Chisholm, October 10th, 2011, 10:18pm; Reply: 3
Congrats, man!

How long till the check comes? ;)
Posted by: Electric Dreamer, October 11th, 2011, 10:56am; Reply: 4
Yee-haw! That was fast!
And I'm not one bit surprised.
I enjoyed the story and it will make a fine film.

Posted by: Grandma Bear, October 11th, 2011, 11:38am; Reply: 5
Congratulations!!  It was a good one so I'm not surprised!  Way to go!  :)
Posted by: jwent6688, October 11th, 2011, 2:55pm; Reply: 6
Congrats, I read it at work, but don't think I left any comments. AS others, I had a feeling this one would get picked up in a jiff. Did you just post it here or did you drop it at other places as well?

Posted by: bert, October 12th, 2011, 7:17am; Reply: 7
"The Thing That Wasn't Optioned"

So what's the big deal?  Sounds like 100s of scripts around here.

Get it?  Wasn't optioned? this thing on...?

I kid.  Good job.  I hope they have some good effects guys for the final shots.

Like James, I wonder if SS is the only place you put it up, as they found it pretty quick.
Posted by: dogglebe (Guest), October 12th, 2011, 6:46pm; Reply: 8
Congrats Sham!

Posted by: mcornetto (Guest), October 12th, 2011, 7:19pm; Reply: 9
Well done Chris.  Can't wait to see the finished film.
Posted by: Sham, October 12th, 2011, 7:37pm; Reply: 10
Thanks everyone!

Quoted from Sandra Elstree.
Sham, I read that one did I not?

Sometimes I get lost in all of the words between books and scripts and language studies. Please tell me if I did. I guess the old link here was taken down.

Sandra, you did read it. :)

Quoted from jwent6688
Did you just post it here or did you drop it at other places as well?

I just posted it here.

Quoted from bert
I hope they have some good effects guys for the final shots.

This is lingering in the back of my mind as well. That, and finding a decent child actress who can be sweet, naggy, cute, and creepy without going too over-the-top.
Posted by: Sandra Elstree., October 12th, 2011, 7:43pm; Reply: 11

Quoted from Sham
Thanks everyone!

Sandra, you did read it. :)

Can you post my crit? I want to see it again.  :)


Posted by: Sham, October 12th, 2011, 7:46pm; Reply: 12

Quoted from Sandra Elstree.

Can you post my crit? I want to see it again.  :)


I never saved it, but I remembered you compared my title to a children's book called "When the Sky is Like Lace" because it conjured up similar feelings.
Posted by: Zombie Sean, October 13th, 2011, 12:42pm; Reply: 13
Congratulations, Chris! This is very great news. I loved the script and I can't wait to see how it turns out on film! That is, if we have the chance to see it. And darn, I wanted to try and do something with it too... ;)

Posted by: Sandra Elstree., October 13th, 2011, 1:06pm; Reply: 14

Quoted from Sham

I never saved it, but I remembered you compared my title to a children's book called "When the Sky is Like Lace" because it conjured up similar feelings.

I think when a script can do that, you've really done your job. I think I need to buy that book. I checked it out of the library years ago.

Posted by: Sham, August 30th, 2012, 11:51pm; Reply: 15
So I'm starting to get a little concerned about my script.

My last communication with the director was through email in October 2011. After I sent him our signed contract, I gave him several months to himself before I sent a reply to his gmail account asking how things were going. It went either ignored or unnoticed. I sent another reply a month after that to the same gmail account with the same result. Finally, I sent a message on his YouTube account on August 8, 2012 asking for an update. He was active on YouTube on August 15, but I did not get a response from him.

This is the first script I've ever optioned, and it's frustrating that there is no communication coming from his end. I would even accept "I have no updates" or "I'm obligated to another project at the moment," but a lack of a response for close to one year feels unprofessional and unacceptable.

I have received several messages from other interested filmmakers over this script, and I'm starting to regret my choice to work with this man. I wonder if there's a way to void our contract.
Posted by: mcornetto (Guest), August 30th, 2012, 11:57pm; Reply: 16
How long was the option for?   If the option has expired start shopping the script around.  

But this sort of thing happens all the time.  Welcome to the club.  If I had a penny for each time someone said they were going to make my script - took me through the paperwork stage and then nothing...  well, I wouldn't be a rich man but I would probably have enough to buy a cheap cup of coffee.  

It happens.  Nothing to worry about.  
Posted by: Baltis. (Guest), August 30th, 2012, 11:58pm; Reply: 17
1.  Did you get paid?

2.  An option deal should only, at most, ever be 2 years... If you've done longer -- Shame on you.

If you answered yes to number 1 -- Who cares if it ever gets made?  I've sold 4 scripts in my life and only one of them was partially made.  I was paid for every one of them up front and signed 2 year options on all of them.  I've since retained 3 of those 4 scripts... Dog Pound I sold out right for a decent sum of money to a Canadian filmmaker and whatever he chooses to do with it "good on him".

If you're just out for a film credit, then you're going to be bumming...  It's hard to get an IMDB credit these days and if the work isn't ever completed, and you don't belong to the guild you're toast.

I'd wait out the option and re-write it and re-shop it later.  I'm currently doing that with great success on one of my scripts as we speak...
Posted by: Sham, August 31st, 2012, 12:09am; Reply: 18
The contract did not give him a deadline, which I didn't notice until about a week later. And no, I was not paid. I was always told never to sell the first script that gets you interest, especially if it's a short.

Here's the contract. Maybe one of you can find a loophole.

Quoted Text
"I, CHRIS SHAMBURGER, on October 5, 2011, do agree to give --- the option to my writing, THE THING THAT WASN’T, for production into a motion picture film.  CHRIS SHAMBURGER further certifies that he/she has not entered into any other such agreement with any other party that will infringe upon the rights hereto granted to --- by the terms of this agreement.  CHRIS SHAMBURGER also acknowledges as fact that, until setting his/her pen to this agreement, that he/she controls the full rights to THE THING THAT WASN’T and does not share control or obligation with any other party.

CHRIS SHAMBURGER agrees that the final script used in the production of the film will be a collaboration between --- and himself, with --- exercising final editing rights.  The title credit that will appear in the film shall read "Screenplay by CHRIS SHAMBURGER” and it is further agreed upon that a separate credit in the film shall read "Original story by CHRIS SHAMBURGER."

It is further understood that with the signature below, --- is given the right to direct, film, edit, produce, and promote the film tentatively entitled THE THING THAT WASN’T without any restriction whatsoever as long as --- fulfills the contractual obligations agreed hereto."

Just feeling hopeless at this point, like I'm waiting on nothing.
Posted by: Baltis. (Guest), August 31st, 2012, 12:35am; Reply: 19
Who said not to ask for money?  That's like me playing a gig, that isn't for charity or some noble cause, for free -- I can see me walkin' up to Chris saying "hey, I just booked us a gig for ZERO money and we get to play a full set.  Isn't that awesome?"  

Doesn't work that way... Sure you want your film credit, that holds a certain clout.  But in a business that isn't rocksteady and you don't know if you'll ever work again or be needed again:  Money always ----------> Credit.  

The contract you've posted seems like it's missing a page or some lines or something... The up shoot here, since he never expressed in written form that he was buying your work and nor did you agree he was buying your work -- I'd wait it out for the full 2 years "standard option deal" and tell him to kiss fuck n' go fist himself.  

If you don't want to be like me, and be a little more cordial about it -- I'd send him a message saying simply this:

"Hey, I was just getting back to you about the status of our project "enter name of your script here" and seeing how you've progressed on it.  I've got some people interested in it and the two year mark will be coming up soon, that is the standard agreement for 95% of all option deals -- If you'd like to re-option it I'll be glad to do so for a fee.  Thank you for your time...

P.S. Now go fuck yourself for wasting my time."

Or something to that extent...
Posted by: Breanne Mattson, August 31st, 2012, 1:17am; Reply: 20
There's no term limit on the contract? I don't think that's a legal contract. You should call a lawyer and ask about that. Besides that, it's not really a contract (in California anyway) if you don't receive any money. That's why Hollywood is always doing those dollar options.

I would send him an email telling him if I don't hear from him, I'm going to assume he's no longer interested and put my script back out on the market.

Something else, if you're getting a "Screenplay by" and a "Story by" credit, that's what "Written by" is for.
Posted by: mcornetto (Guest), August 31st, 2012, 1:20am; Reply: 21
I think Breanne gave you some very sound advice.  Tell him it's over, give him a deadline and see if he reacts.
Posted by: danbotha, August 31st, 2012, 4:23am; Reply: 22

Quoted from Baltis.

P.S. Now go fuck yourself for wasting my time."

Balt is back, everyone! ;D

Chris, this is definitely very suspicious behavior. Definitely send him another email, following Breanne's advice. If he replies, give him a little bit of your opinion. Tell him that you think his behaviour is un-professional. Make him feel horrible (I would.).

If he doesn't reply, I think it's safe to assume he is no longer interested and in that case you should take it up with a lawyer.

The thing is, the disappearance of producers isn't an unheard of thing. It tends to happen every now and then. One minute, all this excitement because your script is FINALLY getting produced and then... nothing. It's very disappointing I know, but there are plenty other writers out there who have gone through the same thing.


Posted by: Pale Yellow, August 31st, 2012, 6:35am; Reply: 23
I think often short filmmakers disappear, never to be heard from again.

I'd do what Balt said..and email him about it.

I've never been paid for a short, yet did sign for 5% of one going through crowd funding. Which I'm not expecting to see any money out of that. I just would like writing credits, possibly an imdb, and a 'produced' check on my resume.

In that contract, there is NOTHING stated about 'exclusive' rights, so in my opinion, someone else could film it. Ask Babz or someone with contract experience to glance at it though but it doesn't look that binding to me.

Posted by: Electric Dreamer, August 31st, 2012, 10:02am; Reply: 24
I think Breanne's onto something.
AND, if you have other interested parties on the hook willing to pay...

I bet you could get our agent emeritus here to put that together for you.
If there's ink to be written, she;d likely help you nullify the old deal.

Good luck!

Posted by: Ledbetter (Guest), September 1st, 2012, 7:24pm; Reply: 25


How about this angle...

"CHRIS SHAMBURGER further certifies that he/she has not entered into any other such agreement"...

Prove, you're neither a "he" or a "she" which is easy to do in California, and you're off the hook.

Can anyone say...Trans-Gendered?

Posted by: jwent6688, September 1st, 2012, 9:01pm; Reply: 26
I can't help myself, this thread is perfectly titled... "The Thing That Wasn't Optioned".  

Sham I don't know you from Adam so I'll give you my free uneducated advice...  don't charge for your shorts. If you have twenty made by amateur film makers you may be lucky to have one version good enough to show off.  Most will be cringe worthy... no offense to any film makers.

This contract is shit. Move on. If my credit card companies and banks who've mortgaged my house can't get me in court, you've got nothing to worry about with this turd. Put the script back up, just make future film makers aware of the situation you walked away from.

Really, what could this guy sue you for???

Posted by: rc1107, September 2nd, 2012, 9:07am; Reply: 27
Hey Sham.

Yeah, this happens quite frequently with shorts I've heard.  I'd e-mail him and give him a 2 week or a month deadline for an update, and if you don't hear anything from him by then, you'll be passing the project on to somebody else.

Have any of the other people who've asked you about it showed you any of their previous work?  If you think they'd do the script more justice, I'd give them an e-mail back saying that the script they wanted to shoot before has become available again.

I'm in that same boat right now with a director.  It's been about 17 months since he asked to shoot one of mine.  Of course, he has kept me updated and he's been shooting videos for Foo Fighters, Lil' Jon and Coldplay since, so I didn't mind being put on the backburner for a while, but now he just signed on to shoot a feature film, so I'm going to e-mail him and tell him if he can't get the short shot by may of 2013, (when the 2 years is up), I'm going to shop the story around now to someone who had contacted me before about it.

Look at the bright side, you got yourself some attention.  It's all uphill from here!

P.S.  -  Was this the story where a little girl hides in the closet?
Posted by: Sham, September 6th, 2012, 5:13pm; Reply: 28

Quoted from rc1107
P.S.  -  Was this the story where a little girl hides in the closet?


Here is the message I'm sending the guy:

Quoted Text
Hi ---,

I have tried to get in touch with you several times over the past eleven months through your gmail and YouTube accounts. Each message has either gone ignored or unnoticed, and I have not heard or seen any updates or progress from you with the option to my script, "The Thing That Wasn't."

I am giving you till October 5, 2012 to touch base with me and let me know if you are still interested in filming my script. That will have given you one full year with the option to my screenplay. If I do not hear from you by then, I will assume you have lost interest and continue to shop "The Thing That Wasn't" around to other filmmakers.


Chris Shamburger

Posted by: Alex_212, September 7th, 2012, 8:14am; Reply: 29
Well done Sham,

I will look forward to you posting a link to the preview or movie.

Now you mentioned you've optioned it, everyone will want to read it, shame it's offline.

Posted by: Sham, September 7th, 2012, 5:44pm; Reply: 30
Well the script might be online again sooner than you think if you read through the rest of the thread. ;)
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