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SimplyScripts Screenwriting Discussion Board  /  Getting to know you, getting to know all about you...  /  Now What?
Posted by: dxer07002 (Guest), November 19th, 2012, 7:28pm
Hello good folks of Simply Scripts. I haven't been around at all since I joined back in July. I was busy trying to finish my screenplay (which I did), and then spent a lot of time reading it, finding errors, and fixing things I didn't think made sense. Well, now that I have done that (along with correcting two little instances in the script I completely ignored), I allowed a few friends to read the script. And, well, as friends would do, they all said they loved it. Can they be lying? Sure, just to make their friend feel good. Can they be telling the truth? Sure, cause maybe they really did like it. The few friends who read it did so straight through, not putting it down once.

I did, however, also manage to make a contact in the music industry. Yes, I know, this is the movie industry, not music. But, this person is currently working on a movie set for an upcoming release (I won't say cause I don't think it is relevant). This person is a former member of a group I listened to 9and still do). I made the contact online. Through some messages back and forth, this person agreed to read my script. So I emailed it out, and within two hours, this person wrote me back with a nice long informative email saying : 1) Loved it, 2) expressed some thoughts about certain characters; 3) told me I need to get this out there or just make the movie on my own.

So, my question is, now what? I don't know if I can make any more changes. I have tried to change up some dialogue, but then things stop making sense. Somewhere I feel I have room for improvement as far as strengthening up the plot, story, and my characters, but I am having a hard time figuring them out. I would love to get the script into the hands of a manager (I know agents and studios won't read it unsolicited), but I am kind of lost as to how to even get in touch with a manager. I've also been thinking of producing and filming it myself, using Kickstarter and/or Indygogo for funding. Plus, this music industry person is now looking to get into acting and said they would love to play a part in the movie (I was shocked and had to ask twice if they were serious, and both times this parson said they were 100% serious).

How many of you were in this situation and what did you do? What kind of advice can anyone provide? Has anyone tried to film their own movie? if so, how did it go? And if so, could I maybe pick your brain a bit?

Thank you all. Oh, if anyone wants to read the script, I will have no issues letting anyone read it. In fact, I am thinking of posting it here and allowing everyone the chance to critique it.
Posted by: DV44, November 19th, 2012, 8:21pm; Reply: 1
Hey dxer07002,

Congrats in finishing the script. I think I remember you. We started around the same time. Anyways, I'm the wrong person to help you as far as giving you advice on how to get a manger but I would love to read the script. Just PM if you would like me to look at it. - Dirk
Posted by: danbotha, November 19th, 2012, 8:57pm; Reply: 2
There are a few questions I'd ask myself before. Where do you want to go with this script? Are you in it for the money or was it just the joy of having something to write. Of course, my experience in film making is limited to one independent music video with an average quality, so I'm really not in much of a position to help you out.

If you were to produce the film yourself, where would you take it, what could you do with it? Have you ever done a film before?

As far as I can tell, you've made some very good steps to make it into the industry. Expanding on your network sounds like the perfect thing you could be doing right now.

If it was me, I'd try and go big. Try and get it to professionals. See where that goes. Who knows? What have you got to lose?

Cheers and good luck

Posted by: Ledbetter (Guest), November 19th, 2012, 9:43pm; Reply: 3

You're posting on a site that focuses on posting scripts and getting feedback.

Why not post your script and get some feedback?

Posted by: dxer07002 (Guest), November 19th, 2012, 10:47pm; Reply: 4

Quoted from danbotha
There are a few questions I'd ask myself before. Where do you want to go with this script? Are you in it for the money or was it just the joy of having something to write. Of course, my experience in film making is limited to one independent music video with an average quality, so I'm really not in much of a position to help you out.

If you were to produce the film yourself, where would you take it, what could you do with it? Have you ever done a film before?

As far as I can tell, you've made some very good steps to make it into the industry. Expanding on your network sounds like the perfect thing you could be doing right now.

If it was me, I'd try and go big. Try and get it to professionals. See where that goes. Who knows? What have you got to lose?

Cheers and good luck


Where would I like for the script to go? Wel,l I'd love for it to be optioned and made into a feature. I'd love for it to get into the hands of industry professionals, even if it winds up not going anywhere. At least I would know someone in the industry read it. And hey, maybe it leads to some constructive critisism.

In it for the money? Honestly, no. Not so much. Though the lure of a decent pay check is nice, honestly, I'd love to see something happen with my script because I do enjoy writing and I'd get a real sense of accomplishment if this succeeded.

If I ever did produce ti myself, I'd try to get it into film festivals, locally and nationally. Worst case scenario, I'd do my best to get it out there, even if I have to put it on the internet or maybe an On Demand service.

Have I done a film before? No. Never. That is why I am very hesitant in doing it myself even though I am being encouraged from my friends and the person in the music industry who read my script.

Posted by: nawazm11, November 19th, 2012, 11:46pm; Reply: 5
Ledbetter speaks the truth! ;D

Hey, my advice is send it to a few competitions and see if you place, if you do, it shouldn't be too hard to get an agent attached. But if you don't...
Posted by: danbotha, November 20th, 2012, 1:02am; Reply: 6

Quoted from dxer07002

That is why I am very hesitant in doing it myself even though I am being encouraged from my friends and the person in the music industry who read my script.

There is certainly no harm in giving it a go, mate. Mo brought up a nice suggestion, IMO. Why not send it off to a couple screenwriting competitions? That way, you'll find out almost immediately if your script is worthy of the screen or not.

I'm more than willing to have a read over, although I can't promise getting all the way through it. Things are pretty busy at the moment. Still, feel free to send it over if you're looking for any further feedback.


Posted by: Electric Dreamer, November 20th, 2012, 10:08am; Reply: 7
Well, put your script where your mouth is, Dxer. ;D

Sounds like you're ready for some peer reviews.
It's the next logical step after family/friends looking it over.

Now, you can hand it off to someone that doesn't care if they hurt your feelings! ;D

All kidding aside... you want your script to be market ready as much as possible.
Anything less an insider sees, could lead to a pass for you.

Think of it less like trying to get someone to say yes...
And more like removing the reasons they might say no.

Good luck!

Posted by: dxer07002 (Guest), November 20th, 2012, 10:45am; Reply: 8

Quoted from Electric Dreamer
Well, put your script where your mouth is, Dxer. ;D

Sounds like you're ready for some peer reviews.
It's the next logical step after family/friends looking it over.

Now, you can hand it off to someone that doesn't care if they hurt your feelings! ;D

All kidding aside... you want your script to be market ready as much as possible.
Anything less an insider sees, could lead to a pass for you.

Think of it less like trying to get someone to say yes...
And more like removing the reasons they might say no.

Good luck!


Well, one person who I wouldn't call a friend, not even remotely close (I wouldn't even call acquaintenace) read it and liked it. I know writers can be harsher when reviewing others works than non-writers since writers know what to really look for. Just the fact that the non-friend liked it gave me confidence that maybe the story is good.

But honestly, I also lack that same confidence. Part of me feels good about it, but part of me lacks the confidence that my script would ever go anywhere. So, I play it safe and hold back. I do this a lot, not just with my writing. Actually, I belong to another site that critiques your stories/novels. I wrote three chapters but only posted the first one. I got some good feedback and nothing overly negative telling me that it stunk. But, I have held back posting the next two chapters because I lack that confidence.

Some people have said I shouldn't post the script here, or anywhere, until I have a manager representing me. They say the story idea or script can be easily stolen. While I do agree that it can be stolen, and fairly easily, I think to myself that even if I put it in the hands of a manager, that person or one of their associates can also steal it. And let's be real, hasn't every story been told at least once already, just with a different twist? I'm, sure my story has been told plenty of times before, just in different ways. So, is it really stealing if I posted it here and someone else wrote a story similar, just in a different way?
Posted by: kingcooky555, November 20th, 2012, 11:20am; Reply: 9
If you're uncomfortable of posting on the site, read/review some scripts on this site then PM the authors for peer review exchange. I actually do peer reviews with various members on this site without posting all my scripts here.

Definitely go for peer reviews. Then go get coverage.

Personally, I've done both - peer review and coverage. Coverage costs money but if you really believe in your "baby" then you've got to be willing to invest in it.

Then once you've done that I'd start querying, competitions, Black List or even submit to ScriptShadow Amateur fridays. It's tough to break in but if you've go a million dollar idea, I truly feel there are enough avenues for someone to take notice.
Posted by: dxer07002 (Guest), November 20th, 2012, 12:49pm; Reply: 10

Quoted from kingcooky555
If you're uncomfortable of posting on the site, read/review some scripts on this site then PM the authors for peer review exchange. I actually do peer reviews with various members on this site without posting all my scripts here.

Definitely go for peer reviews. Then go get coverage.

Personally, I've done both - peer review and coverage. Coverage costs money but if you really believe in your "baby" then you've got to be willing to invest in it.

Then once you've done that I'd start querying, competitions, Black List or even submit to ScriptShadow Amateur fridays. It's tough to break in but if you've go a million dollar idea, I truly feel there are enough avenues for someone to take notice.

I've never heard of ScriptShadow Amateur Fridays. I'll have to check that out. Thanks for that.
Posted by: dxer07002 (Guest), November 20th, 2012, 12:55pm; Reply: 11

Quoted from Grandma Bear
I'm nobody, but IMHO, if this is your first screenplay, odds that it is gold are pretty slim. Chances of a manager or agent picking up a client based on their first script is probably even slimmer. If you somehow have managed to write something golden, then the best way to find that out is to send it out for coverage. If the coverage is good, you can always send a logline and beat sheet to Babz. (check out Babz Buzz). If it is as good as you think and the coverage says, then she'll sign you.

As far as posting scripts at SS goes, it is IMO, the best online place to showcase your scripts. People in the industry do peruse the scripts posted here. It's also free compared to InkTip for example. Do people steal scripts? Yeah sure. It happens, but probably not as often as you think. When it does happen, you'll get the whole writing community behind you. See, one of the beautiful things about posting your script here and anywhere else in the open is that chances are if someone steals it, someone will remember your script and say, Hey, I remember that script! It was written by so and so.  :)

PS. And get it registered or copyrighted of course.

Thanks for the encouragement to post my script for review on here. I also belong to Script Buddy (hope that is ok to mention here since it is a web based processor and not a forum). I haven't gotten my script on there (I used Movie Magic) but I know you can post your script on their community as well, though it isn't as large as here. (Mods, if mentioning them is not allowed, and this needs to be removed, I understand).

I do have the script registered.

Posted by: Dreamscale (Guest), November 21st, 2012, 10:16am; Reply: 12
Hey dxer, first thing you want to do is get in close with some peeps here at SS.  You can do that by reading posted scripts and providing feedback.  It's a Quid Pro Quo world here, and you'll find that the time you spend giving here, you'll get back in spades.

Send me 5 pages of your script and I'll give you honest feedback and let you know what you've got.  I've got some time available today, but once this afternoon rolls around, I'll be booked all weekend.

Send me an E-mail with either the first 5 pages or the whole thing.  Understand that chances are good I'll only read 5 pages though.

Take care.
Posted by: Electric Dreamer, November 21st, 2012, 10:29am; Reply: 13

Quoted from dxer07002

Some people have said I shouldn't post the script here, or anywhere, until I have a manager representing me. They say the story idea or script can be easily stolen. While I do agree that it can be stolen, and fairly easily, I think to myself that even if I put it in the hands of a manager, that person or one of their associates can also steal it. And let's be real, hasn't every story been told at least once already, just with a different twist? I'm, sure my story has been told plenty of times before, just in different ways. So, is it really stealing if I posted it here and someone else wrote a story similar, just in a different way?

It is very easy to steal ideas.
But a script is another matter.
Granted, still can be done.
But, it's so much easier to work with the creator of the idea.

It's hard enough to get movies made without opening ones self up to lawsuits. ;D
You can also file with Library of Congress or Writers' Guild here in the states.

Here's one fact that isn't up for debate...
If you don't share your work. It will never be strong enough right out of the gate.
Your idea must stand up to scrutiny by strangers.
They pick it apart, and YOU put it back together, better than ever! ;D

I joined this site two years ago.
I'm here almost every day.
Read scripts and posted critiques daily for two months before uploading my stuff.

And now, I have my very own cruddy job in the industry! ;D
Sold a script. Got hip pocket representation.
AND the confidence to develop my own features to get them market ready.

I NEVER would've had a chance here in town without Simply Scripts.

So, get your ego in the boxing ring and good luck!
Keep writing and rewriting!

Posted by: Ledbetter (Guest), November 21st, 2012, 10:54am; Reply: 14
Yeah Brett nailed it...

Actually everyone here has given great advice with the common theme being...


It does no good if strangers haven't gotten a hold of it.

I once wrote the greatest script ever on the face of the planet...

And then I posted it here.

I watched as reader after reader gave their view on it and the reality of it was, well...

It wasn't the best script ever, BUT the gold harvested from the readers was worth a fortune if it's your intention to take a good script and try and make it a GREAT script.

Everyone here wants partly the same thing. To see their work realized...

here's the caveat~


Jeff also made a very good point as well.

You gotsa give love to get it here.

Read and review...get read and reviewed.

Posted by: Ledbetter (Guest), November 21st, 2012, 5:19pm; Reply: 15

Quoted from Dreamscale

Send me an E-mail with either the first 5 pages or the whole thing.  Understand that chances are good I'll only read 5 pages though.

Take care.

What about my script brother? You care to give her a read?

I just got it done. Like just now....

Hot and steamy...

Posted by: danbotha, November 21st, 2012, 5:23pm; Reply: 16

Quoted from Electric Dreamer

I joined this site two years ago.
I'm here almost every day.
Read scripts and posted critiques daily for two months before uploading my stuff.

And now, I have my very own cruddy job in the industry! ;D
Sold a script. Got hip pocket representation.
AND the confidence to develop my own features to get them market ready.

I NEVER would've had a chance here in town without Simply Scripts.

So, get your ego in the boxing ring and good luck!
Keep writing and rewriting!

Ever considered a job as an inspirational speech person??
Posted by: Dreamscale (Guest), November 21st, 2012, 5:26pm; Reply: 17

Quoted from Ledbetter

What about my script brother? You care to give her a read?

I just got it done. Like just now....

Hot and steamy...


Sure, you homo.  Send it on over.  Looks like my Happy Hour plans aren't materializing.  The Kid could be in tonight...
Posted by: Ledbetter (Guest), November 21st, 2012, 5:36pm; Reply: 18
Get on Skype...

Posted by: dxer07002 (Guest), November 23rd, 2012, 9:20pm; Reply: 19

Quoted from Ledbetter
Yeah Brett nailed it...

Actually everyone here has given great advice with the common theme being...


It does no good if strangers haven't gotten a hold of it.

I once wrote the greatest script ever on the face of the planet...

And then I posted it here.

I watched as reader after reader gave their view on it and the reality of it was, well...

It wasn't the best script ever, BUT the gold harvested from the readers was worth a fortune if it's your intention to take a good script and try and make it a GREAT script.

Everyone here wants partly the same thing. To see their work realized...

here's the caveat~


Jeff also made a very good point as well.

You gotsa give love to get it here.

Read and review...get read and reviewed.


I would never take the feedback as an attack. In fact, I'd take it as advice from one writer to another.

As for reviewing, I am going to start reading some scripts here (now that I have some time on my hands) and start doing some reviews, hopefully the reviews are good and informative, oh and helpful to the writers.

Posted by: dxer07002 (Guest), November 23rd, 2012, 9:21pm; Reply: 20

Quoted from Dreamscale
Hey dxer, first thing you want to do is get in close with some peeps here at SS.  You can do that by reading posted scripts and providing feedback.  It's a Quid Pro Quo world here, and you'll find that the time you spend giving here, you'll get back in spades.

Send me 5 pages of your script and I'll give you honest feedback and let you know what you've got.  I've got some time available today, but once this afternoon rolls around, I'll be booked all weekend.

Send me an E-mail with either the first 5 pages or the whole thing.  Understand that chances are good I'll only read 5 pages though.

Take care.

Hey Jeff. Thanks for the offer. Would you want the first 5, last 5, or any 5? Just curious if you have a preference thats all. I appreciate it.
Posted by: Dreamscale (Guest), November 23rd, 2012, 10:04pm; Reply: 21
First 5 or 10 is cool.  I'll see if I can help out.
Posted by: dxer07002 (Guest), November 23rd, 2012, 10:17pm; Reply: 22

Quoted from Dreamscale
First 5 or 10 is cool.  I'll see if I can help out.

Thanks Jeff. I just sent the first 5 or 6 pages. Any advice you have is greatly appreciated. The email came from a yahoo address.
Posted by: Dreamscale (Guest), November 24th, 2012, 9:48am; Reply: 23
Bobby, I'm going to reply directly to your E-Mail.  We'll keep this private, but if you want to make it public, feel free.

Comments coming over shortly.
Posted by: dxer07002 (Guest), November 24th, 2012, 11:02am; Reply: 24

Quoted from Dreamscale
Bobby, I'm going to reply directly to your E-Mail.  We'll keep this private, but if you want to make it public, feel free.

Comments coming over shortly.

Thanks Jeff. Looking forward to your comments.
Posted by: dxer07002 (Guest), November 24th, 2012, 10:04pm; Reply: 25
I must say I think I may actually post the script to the site for review. Jeff's comments encouraged me to seek more from actual writers who know what they are talking about. Yes, it is nice to have a friend say they liked the script and story, but it does wonders to know what writers think. In the end, real opinions and helpful comments will only make me a better writer. I'm now noticing a lot of my mistakes (again, thanks Jeff!!!) and am working on trying to fix them up. I don't know if I should post the fixed up script or what I  have now. I was thinking of posting what I have now so everyone can read my first draft. That way i can use the comments and suggestions in my second, third, and 100th draft.

I am now seeing how valuable this site will be for me, as it has been for all of you.
Posted by: Dreamscale (Guest), November 24th, 2012, 10:25pm; Reply: 26
Bobby, my advice is to give it at least a once over and polish some things up.

Also, you do need to read and comment on some other peeps' scripts, as it will help you with your writing and it will get you reads on yours.

Don't jump the gun.  Put your best foot forward every time.  Just my advice.

Best of luck.
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