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SimplyScripts Screenwriting Discussion Board  /  Thriller Scripts  /  White Hot Winter
Posted by: Don, October 11th, 2014, 5:59pm
White Hot Winter by Jack Strickland - Thriller, Mystery - After a man is murdered and another goes missing, a group of small town people receive threats from the killer responsible and fight for their lives before the town explodes as ultimatum. 128 pages - pdf, format 8)
Posted by: TomV, October 15th, 2014, 9:55am; Reply: 1
Hello Jack -

One thing I was taught is "know your audience." For screenwriters our audience isn't movie goers, it's filmmakers and they hate to read because they want to make movies. Our goal is to make a script who's writing is as simple and streamlined as possible. Imagine writing at a high school level.

Think of a screenplay as a blueprint for a film.

Clearly you have a great and impressive command over the english language but some parts of your screenplay are very dense.

Scriptwriting is more technique, its about using the right words in a sequence at the right time.

ELADIO MARQUEZ, Mexican chef, recovering addict, swivels
from pan to plate, phone cradled in his ear. He presses his
rosary to his forehead and kisses it, gritted gold capped
incisors unclench as he sighs at the person he’s speaking
to. Grass green eyes focus on food, steam billows over
stainless steel and blanches his shaved head. He’s in his
early forties and incredibly good looking, had he not found
faith and gained a few pounds, no woman would be safe.

This is just way too much and some of the lines are impossible to show on film.

You have  cool story here and I hope this helps.

Good luck!
Posted by: JackS, October 20th, 2014, 2:14pm; Reply: 2
Hey Tony,

Sorry it took so long to respond. I've been on the road the past couple weeks and it's nice to come back to some constructive notes. I was fearing and hoping I'd be ripped a new one, but your feedback was relatively positive and I plan on trimming all the fat right away. I will also be giving as much as I take (being a new member and active writer etc).

Looking forward,

Posted by: JackS, October 20th, 2014, 2:17pm; Reply: 3
I meant TomV. Sorry!
Posted by: JackS, October 20th, 2014, 3:40pm; Reply: 4
I noticed that people post clips of scripts as they critique. I've looked through the site trying to figure out how to do that. No such luck. You mind?
Posted by: DustinBowcot (Guest), October 20th, 2014, 4:19pm; Reply: 5

Quoted from JackS
I noticed that people post clips of scripts as they critique. I've looked through the site trying to figure out how to do that. No such luck. You mind?

It's copy and paste from the script. Then use the BB code tags for {quote}{/quote} or {code}{/code}. Only switch {} for []
Posted by: JackS, October 20th, 2014, 4:25pm; Reply: 6
Thanks Dustin. Stoked to be here.
Posted by: DustinBowcot (Guest), October 21st, 2014, 3:54am; Reply: 7

Dew sodden crabgrass feathers the edge of the road as an
empty Budweiser box tumbles along burnt roman candles and
airplane bottles, halting behind the heel of a Chuck Taylor
strapped to SANFORD WINKLESTEIN, 20s, knee pressed into the
asphalt, shaggy red chin, hot mess, a candy apple Letterman
jacket powder kegs his stature.

Wow. With an edit or two this would be great in a novel. As said by someone above you have a great command of the English language. Unfortunately, screenplay writing is not about showing off your vocabulary and ability to write really long sentences. It is about being short and to the point. You punch images into the reader's mind. That's it.

What you have above should be split into two action blocks. I like the first bit:


Dew sodden crabgrass feathers the edge of the road as an
empty Budweiser box tumbles along burnt roman candles and
airplane bottles.

That's great. Leave that as the opening image. Then move onto the next shot (star a new action block) which is your protag,  

SANFORD WINKLESTEIN, 20s, shaggy red chin, hot mess,
a candy apple Letterman jacket, kneels...

I'm actually a little lost how to finish that as I can't figure out whether he's in a cabbage field or on a road. Maybe there is a road through the cabbage field?

Make things clear and break up your action blocks. You are doing the right thing in trying to keep an action block to one sentence and not doing too much wrong actually, as you can tell from edit of the second action block. I'm sure that had you broken up the action block yourself you would have written it punchier.

So you're definitely on the right track. This is a long script. If you want it to be picked up by producers then it's going to need a rewrite.

Remember the come in late, get out early rule of screenplay writing. Kill your darlings. Rewrite this and I'll give it another read. If I read it now I'll find it difficult to read again. I usually only watch things once.
Posted by: JackS, October 21st, 2014, 9:58am; Reply: 8
Shall be done. I actually had that as my opening block and then sandwiched it all together for some reason. Before completion I'd been working on this thing for so long that during my polish I made some quick  last minute decisions before showing it. I added rather than cut.

I'm developing characters for my next story at the moment but will slice and dice white hot winter over the next several days and hopefeully get some more feedback.

Thank you kindly for your notes.
Posted by: DustinBowcot (Guest), October 21st, 2014, 11:42am; Reply: 9
Thanks for taking it the right way. I'll definitely give your script a read after the rewrite. Try to cut at least 11 pages from it too.
Posted by: JackS, October 21st, 2014, 12:29pm; Reply: 10
No problem Dustin and I'm looking forward to your notes. I'm already thinking of five scenes that can be trimmed and still get the point across.
Posted by: dead by dawn, October 21st, 2014, 5:20pm; Reply: 11
The best way to trim down shit is to 1) "show it, don't say it" and 2) to find a way to combine multiple scenes into ONE SCENE.

I like the title, it sounds cool.  I can tell by glancing over your writing that you got style.  It may just be me, but I think your dialogue is pretty good and several times it's left me grinning.  It reminds me of dialogue from the 30's and 40's - snappy, cool and badass.

But there's something missing from the first 15 that I read.  It's not attention-grabbing enough.  Besides everybody talking cool, what's happening that's gonna make me want to sit around for 130 pages?  That's a long haul.

Like Dustin, I'm not a big fan of reading someone's script twice, so if I see potential with something that's not all there yet, I like to bail out early and wait for the re-write just so I don't have that "been there, done that" feeling during the second read.
Posted by: JackS, October 21st, 2014, 6:17pm; Reply: 12

Thanks for the kind words. Yeah I wasn't practicing what I preach in terms of show don't tell, but I tried to keep all the unfilmables within the character introductions. Thought I might be able to get away with that. That was dumb. Either way my action lines need to be trimmed like crazy and they will be over the next week. Should have a smoker real soon. Thanks again for skimming. I really appreciate it. Also this is an ensemble screenplay...don't cringe, spent two years and five months writing it but who's counting?

Looking forward,
Posted by: JackS, October 23rd, 2014, 2:10pm; Reply: 13
Do you have to post re writes the same way you submit a script? Sorry if this is an annoying question.
Posted by: bert, October 23rd, 2014, 2:44pm; Reply: 14

Quoted from JackS
...don't cringe, spent two years and five months writing it but who's counting?

Quoted from JackS
Do you have to post re writes the same way you submit a script?

Two years is nothing to be ashamed of, but a rewrite in less than a week?  Methinks you are rushing things a bit.

Friendly advice is to sit on it a bit, do it right.  As mentioned prior, few will read through a script twice.  Polish and polish again, then submit.

Plus the "one week challenge" scripts are about to be posted up this weekend, and nobody will be looking at anything but those for a few weeks.

All the more reason to take your time.

But yes, post the rewrite as before, with a note to Don in the message box (look for it and you'll see it) that this is a rewrite.  He will swap it out for you.
Posted by: JackS, October 24th, 2014, 11:42am; Reply: 15
Thanks Bert,

To tell you the truth I'm just really fucking excited, but you're right. No point in selling myself short.
Posted by: bert, October 24th, 2014, 12:14pm; Reply: 16

Quoted from JackS
To tell you the truth I'm just really fucking excited...

Nothing to be ashamed of there, either   :)

Posted by: JackS, December 7th, 2014, 2:24am; Reply: 17
Re write is up. Took a u turn at the script exchange board 'cause I'm classy like that. I'd like to trade with anyone, you'll get page for page notes since mine is still long (although shorter than before).
Posted by: JackS, December 9th, 2014, 5:02am; Reply: 18
Nobody wants to trade swift kicks to the nuts/bollocks? I swear it'll be constructive!
Posted by: Dreamscale (Guest), December 9th, 2014, 10:22am; Reply: 19
Jack I gave Page 1 a look and had to pull out quite quickly, as this thing is so overwritten...on literally every single line, and at 128 pages, I know it will continue this way.

It's quite obvious you're a good writer...maybe a very good writer, even, and you have a nice command of interesting, flowery description and words as well.  If this were a novel, I'd be very impressed...but, it's not a novel, and that's where the problems come in.

Not only are you just flatout overwriting, you're also overdescribing, and by that, I mean giving details of things that you shouldn't...things that don't come into play and simply aren't necessary.

In the same breath, I'd also say that you have a way of letting your words and descriptions get away from you and although very detailed, some don't make complete sense as written...or are unclear.

Listen, I'm all for strong visual writing as well as strong technical writing, but there's a fine line and in this case, there's also a not so fine line.  You've crossed both of them, sorry to say.

For me the dialogue that I read didn't ring true or sound realistic.  Remember that every single time you use a name or anything that can be used as a name in dialogue, it has to be set off with a comma(s).

Also remember that every passage should contain only 1 shot, thought, or description.  Break them up properly and the read gets much easier.

I read the feedback and although I agree for the most part with what everyone said (as you can see from my comments), I don't agree in dumbing everything down as some said.  Find your voice and keep it, but make sure you're not going overboard in your writing.

Hope this helps.
Posted by: JackS, December 10th, 2014, 4:12am; Reply: 20

Thank you for your reply. I'm not gonna lie to you. I’ve been writing screenplays for about seven years now and only within the past three have I cut my teeth with the craft. I flipped through Sid way back and just went for it. I didn't show the screenplays to anybody, didn't ask for legitimate help, I just pressed print, rented a Panasonic dvx and the stream of consciousness followed. Those were the best days of my life, and I'm glad I got it out of my system enough to really hunker down and wake up to the fact that I couldn't write a fucking story. Cassavettes could pull it off but he's a genius. White Hot Winter started as Riley and Angus, then Codeine, then Red House, then I finally pulled it all together enough to where I could say "this is ready to be critiqued." In a way, I evolved as the screenplay did.

This isn't my baby, this is a bad relationship that I tried to keep afloat. This is a dead shark. I just wanted to trade my dead shark with someone else’s and build a fruitful networking relationship in the process. I know all of what I'm saying isn't the point of the discussion board, and I did take your notes to heart, but the script trade board isn't used enough for writers to get anything out of it. Actually the last post said to just trade stuff here.

You say I might be a good writer or a very good writer, that doesn't really mean much to me. That's not why I write, I write because I have to. That isn't supposed to sound romantic at all. Actually if it were up to me I'd bury this curse and get better at cooking, but it's the worst case of poison ivy known to man.

With that being said, the first page has focus. "Dew sodden crabgrass" was supposed to illustrate the fact that it was cold, "letterman jacket powder kegs his stature" means Sanford's a big man and he's ready to blow, and then his head really does blow up. Every description can actually translate to film, setting aside some of the character description but I thought you could still get a free pass with that.  "The Night ranger's campaign hat towers over the little town like a felt mountain" could've been written: WIDE ANGLE SHOT: The Night ranger peers at the county in the distance, from where he's standing it looks as though his campaign hat towers over it. As in the camera is behind him/cu his head takes up most of the frame with the county in the distance and the way the shot is constructed gives the illusion of his hat enveloping the town. I could write in camera cues but then it would look like a rookie mistake.

I don't want you to think that I'm all butt hurt and reactionary because I'm not. I swear. I've learned that you have to be a punching bag that cannot break, and I always, always always always love to get notes.

I will trim the description but the story will still be the same. I guess I just wanted to clarify that this ain't my first rodeo. I read at least a script a day and I've read every how to book under the sun.

You read a page and it turned you off, but I thought I was avoiding purple prose, I thought I was modestly shoving images into the readers brain, I thought I was walking the line. It was description that came naturally. I was really hoping for critiques on character and story and dialogue. Well you did mention something about the dialogue.

Within the context of the film, I think the dialogue does ring true on the first page. Two gay jocks in a small town sealing their love. Alluding to Sanford owing someone money. It's my inciting incident that ties all of the characters in white hot winter together, and it's not like some drawn out love confession, he proposes and gets his head blown off. It's a morality metaphor.  

Thank you, thank you, thank you for even giving me your time. Truth is, I've simply spent way too much energy trying to perfect this and I'm gonna have to come back to it. I was really hoping to see overarching problems that I can't even see anymore.

This post took forty five minutes to write. That's honesty.

Hope to talk soon.
Posted by: Dreamscale (Guest), December 10th, 2014, 10:42am; Reply: 21
Jack, I hear what you're saying, and I feel your pain.

In all honesty though, bro, you're just way overwriting.

I just read through Grady's LONG speech on Page 9, and nothing has fact, the overwriting has gotten worse.  Now, I'm seeing asides, 5 line passages, which are pretty much all charater description, and almost every action/description line contans at least 1 adverb or adjective.

Asides are a personal pet peeve of mine, but some like them and others don't give a shit.  BUT, you're laying them on thick early on and they're of the nature where some will take offense to them, especially when you use profanity, which IMO, has no place in a script, other than in dialogue.

Your passages are long due to the overdescribing, as well as the fact that you have multiple ideas/shots/descriptions in the passage.

And the biggest issue I can see so far is your constant use of adverbs and adjectives.  You'll find some peeps who'll say don't use them period.  I say use them sparingly and when they make a positive difference.  You can't seem not to use them, though.

Check out your action/description sentences and see how many have totally unnecessary adverbs and adjectives in them.  My bet is you'll find well over 50 in the first 10 pages alone.

You know 127 pages is too long, I think, right?  There's a glaring reason why it's so long and that's what I'm trying to help you with.  I understand you see each scene in great detail in your head and that's really is.  The thing is though, that you have to find a way to write it so that it's visual, but not containing so much unnecessary info and description.

Colors only matter if you're going for some kind of theme, or to differentiate characters or vehicles.

Facial hair or even hair in general doesn't matter on bit players or characters that die within seconds of being intro'd.

Many, many other examples such as these all need attention here to get this down to a workable and readable length.  IMO, your opening 9 pages could and should easily be chopped down to no more than 7 and a half, probably 7 pages.  You do this for every 9/10 pages, you'll see your 127 page script shrink down to 100 - 105 pages, which is most likely where it should be.

And the beauty is that you don't have to lose a single thought or action - you just have to tone the detail way down...and you'll most likely have to cut some unnecessary dialogue, lose the irritating asides, and be a hawk when it comes to eliminating orphans and potential orphans.

If I were you, I would not give up on this, especially since you've put so much time into it.  Take my advice and just edit out the opening 9 pages and see what you're left with and read it next to this version and see what you think.  My bet is that you'll go forward and do it to the whole script and repost here with 108 pages and then peeps will find the read much easier to digest and you'll get the real feedback you're after.

Just trying to help, bro.  Hope it comes off that way.

Posted by: JackS, December 11th, 2014, 2:43pm; Reply: 22

I'm taking all of your advice to heart. I'm working on characters for my next screenplay so I need to focus on that right now. I plan on coming back to whw with your notes in mind.

Thanks again.
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