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SimplyScripts Screenwriting Discussion Board  /  Getting to know you, getting to know all about you...  /  Hey, I'm Dan
Posted by: DanC, March 27th, 2015, 3:01pm
Hi there,
    I have been lurking for a few weeks and decided to join a few days ago.  I'm excited to be here.

So, what can I tell you about me?  

I'm from Buffalo, NY.  Went to College and Grad school here locally.  I have worked all kinds of jobs, and seen lots of things.  I have even been homeless for a while.

I was never "healthy" but, over the years, my health has gotten much worse.  I have a crushed spinal cord and 9 herniated discs.  Long story short, I have 4 oxygen depravation illnesses which aged my spine geometrically.  Meaning, when I turned 20, it turned 40.  When I turned 40, it turned 120 and so on.  it's never ending pain, and some days, it's a battle just to keep my head upright.

I'm almost 50.  I started playing Dungeons and Dragons in the 80's in high school and LOVED IT.  It was at that point that I knew I enjoyed creating my own stories.  I have been writing off and on for years.  I placed top 3 in my college writing contests.  In Grad school, I did everything for my thesis, writing, directing, producing, editing, etc.  It was the most tiring and AMAZING experience of my life.  

That was then, this is now.  With my health somewhat stabilized, resulting in me being home-bound, I have decided to write all of my ideas down before my spinal cord snaps, leaving me paralyzed from the neck down.

What do I enjoy?  Everything from Horror, suspense, terror, fantasy, science-fiction, regular fiction, anime/animation, even comedies.  And all that is what I enjoy writing too.

I have 3 TV series ideas, and about 40 movie ideas that I would consider to be "really good."  The weakest part of my writing is the grammar.  I know a few people who are "grammar nazi's" and they said they'd help with that aspect.  I also have a few people who said they'd read my stories and help point out any issues.

But, I am so far out of the game, the world has changed in the last 20 years when it comes to screenplays.  When I was writing them, it was done on a typewriter and that was it.  Now, it's on computer.  All the old stories and screenplays that I have done are useless, so, I have to start over.  

When anyone reads my work, I want them to be tough, but fair.  The way I look at it is that the people who will read my stories won't be nice, so, I don't need "yes" people.  I need people who will dive in and break it down.

My promise to every one of you is to do the same for your work.  You don't get anything unless you give something first.  On the main site, I have read several works, including Gary Rowlings and Debra Johnson, and watched the seamstress and All about Janet, and have left pretty long breakdowns of what I thought of each piece (sorry, Emotionless writer, just didn't like the world you created).  

I hope to be a positive influence to everyone on here, and I'm generally happy when a good person makes it in this business.  Please note, if I am not on here, I'm most likely in bed, in agony for the day.  I wrote the first 2 episodes for my fantasy anime series "tales of sysmer zelyaeu" and believe they will be posted here later in the week.  I was in bed for 3 days after that.  My head felt like that scene from Alien, all of you know the scene i mean...

Favorites IMO:

Fav horror:  The Exorcist.  Every scene is for a reason.
Most underrated horror: April Fools day.  What a gem.
My fav Anime/Animation tie:  Fullmetal Alchemist and The Legend of Korra
My fav Tv series:  hmmm Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Night Court, Game of Thrones
My fav fantasy:  Lord of the Rings

I could write a lot more, but, I'd ramble more then I already am! :)

If anyone wants to know anything else, feel free to ask.  
Posted by: IamGlenn, March 27th, 2015, 3:23pm; Reply: 1
Welcome to the boards Dan.

Hope your keeping well and writing, for me anyway, is a great way to escape the traps of everyday life.

A lot of great people here that will help and review anything you've got. Once you take part, it's a rewarding place to be.

Look forward to seeing some of your stuff.
Posted by: eldave1, March 27th, 2015, 4:44pm; Reply: 2
Welcome Dan - glad to have you on board
Posted by: LC, March 27th, 2015, 8:01pm; Reply: 3
Happy SSing, Dan. :)

Look to the Portal and Recent Posts on the Discussion Page for what's current as well as the Home page.
Posted by: Reef Dreamer, March 28th, 2015, 3:32pm; Reply: 4
Hi Dan,

Hope you are well despite your challeneges

Welcome to SS.

As we say to all newbies rememeber to read and review others - something you have already started to do.

I hope you enjoy the site.


Posted by: AnthonyCawood, March 28th, 2015, 3:57pm; Reply: 5
Welcome Dan - wishing you as many pain free hours as possible,

Great to see you are already contributing.

Posted by: DanC, March 28th, 2015, 6:50pm; Reply: 6
Thanks guys,
     Yeah, I know that you don't get anything without first giving something.  So, I thought I'd dive right in and look at a few screenplays in genres that I enjoy.  

Like all screenplays, they can be tightened a bit (or a lot :)) and I do have a lot of knowledge from years ago, in a world long since forgotten...  The 80's and 90's.

I have all aspects of filmmaking know-how, having done a feature length video movie for my thesis.  So, any way that I can help, let me know.

I've been told that my strong points are the creative side of it, and the grammar is the worst part.  I have met a few "word nazi's" and they said they'd help me with that part.

I am one of those people that are generally happy when good people get breaks.  So, I hope to see a lot of that on here!!
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