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Posted by: Max, May 31st, 2015, 7:15pm
Writing a script based on a real life disaster where a ton of people got killed...

My script is loosely based on the events of a recent disaster

I've changed the names but some details remain the same, I've essentially used the tragedy to create my own story and happenings.
Posted by: Ledbetter (Guest), May 31st, 2015, 9:23pm; Reply: 1

What is your question?
Posted by: LC, May 31st, 2015, 9:32pm; Reply: 2
There's no copyright on a disaster.

If you're writing your own story and characters surrounding, what? a natural disaster? I don't see a problem but you do want to be accurate and do your research I would think. If however you're writing about real people involved in this disaster then you'd want to get their personal account of what happened.

Titanic was a disaster and probably creative license was used but there were also plenty of survivors who could account for what happened.

It's a bit vague what you're asking here - can you be specific?
Posted by: Max, May 31st, 2015, 9:38pm; Reply: 3
Basically, it's based on Flight 9525...

Some of the story elements are the same, names have been changed, events been been fictionalized, locations are the same, flight number has been mentioned, along with the airport.

I think I've handled it with grace but some people might take offence which is what I'm worried about with this one.

There isn't much research involved with this because it's character based, the timeline has been skewed and the events leading up to what happened fictionalized.

Would there be any rules against writing, or changing events? Legal ramifications for posting it ect.
Posted by: LC, May 31st, 2015, 10:11pm; Reply: 4
Hmm, well I'd stay right away from that one.

Even with changes and you fictionalizing locations, flight number etc. it'll be pretty obvious what story this is if you're sticking to the sabotaging of the cockpit and taking the plane down, right? So...I'll let others chime in but like I said this story wouldn't be on my radar.

Having said that it'll probably be a U.S. movie of the week some time in the near future but I'm sure when they do it they won't bother to disguise the story or the names etc.
Posted by: Max, May 31st, 2015, 10:18pm; Reply: 5
The script doesn't quite play out like that, it's a drama.

It's hard to explain, I sent a copy to wonkavite who gave me some feedback on it, and I've added quite a few scenes since then per her recommendations.

It's dialogue heavy I would say, or at least most of the story is told through the dialogue.

It's the best short I've done IMO and it would be a shame for others not to read it.
Posted by: LC, May 31st, 2015, 10:23pm; Reply: 6
Ah well, Janet knows her stuff - didn't realize it was a 'short' either.
All the best with it and I'll look forward to reading it. :)
Posted by: Max, May 31st, 2015, 10:27pm; Reply: 7
It'll be up soon I hope, just waiting for the short window to open.

It was a challenge but I think I got a little something with this.
Posted by: Ledbetter (Guest), May 31st, 2015, 10:29pm; Reply: 8
Theres still a strong freshness to 9525.

I would thred lightly.

I mean they are still sifting though the wreckage for bits and pieces...

You might see a pretty heavy backlash even if you have "fictionalized" it.

Jeff and I are rewriting a script on Chernobyl with a fictional backstory.

But that was 30 years ago, it was cold war Soviet Union.

9525 was suicide...

I would watch how you treat it.

Posted by: Max, May 31st, 2015, 10:36pm; Reply: 9
I think I've handled it with tact to be honest, it's been through quite a few drafts now, chopping and changing ect.

I know people probably think I'm on a wind-up with this one but I thought it was worth tackling.
Posted by: DustinBowcot (Guest), June 1st, 2015, 1:23am; Reply: 10
Yeah, you're perfectly fine. Some fictional characters aboard that plane wouldn't be an issue whatsoever.
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