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SimplyScripts Screenwriting Discussion Board  /   General Chat  /  New, free, screenwriting listings site now live!
Posted by: AnthonyCawood, August 1st, 2016, 7:06am
CJ Walley, a great writer who's scripts have appeared on SS on a regular basis, has decided to build and launch a new script listing service akin to (but better than) Inktip and The Blacklist.

Script Revolution - - is free to join and free to host your scripts on.

When you register and load up a script CJ has created a system with multiple variables you can enter to make it easier for producers searching for scripts.

There's literally no downside to this great new service.


++++Don's Edit++++

Just wanted to add that I think this is really neat and very similar to an additional direction I want SimplyScripts to move to for writers who don't need help with a script so much as a way to market it (as evidenced by my "Site Usability Suggestions" posting.  

So, please give CJ's site a try.  And, note that sometime in the future I'll be offering up something very similar.  

- Don
Posted by: Dressel, August 1st, 2016, 7:51am; Reply: 1
I think it could grow to be something really cool - or potentially just become really confusing - but either way, he shouldn't call it an "altruistic" endeavor.  Given that more than half the scripts are his on the page, he's clearly doing this for his own benefit, thus taking away any altruism.  I get what he's saying - that he's paying for it out of pocket - but he's very much doing this for himself as well.

The reason I bring this up is because it comes off as slightly disingenuous, which could be detrimental when starting up a new website.  I think he should just be upfront about how this benefits everyone - including himself - and drop the altruism bit.
Posted by: DustinBowcot (Guest), August 1st, 2016, 8:22am; Reply: 2
Good luck to him.

Noticed a typo on the home page though:

Quoted Text
Their is no paying your way to the top, no elitism, no block voting, and no spamming.

Posted by: oJOHNNYoNUTSo, August 1st, 2016, 8:34am; Reply: 3

Quoted from Dressel
Given that more than half the scripts are his on the page, he's clearly doing this for his own benefit, thus taking away any altruism.  I get what he's saying - that he's paying for it out of pocket - but he's very much doing this for himself as well.

I think it's too early to call him out on that. CJ might be just using his own stuff for a launch point so folks can see how it works visually.

Posted by: AnthonyCawood, August 1st, 2016, 9:11am; Reply: 4
Cj has tested it with his own scripts, more people add theirs then the less obvious this will be... He's not charging anyone to add their scripts to the site though - to me that's altruistic!
Posted by: eldave1, August 1st, 2016, 9:46am; Reply: 5
Looked interesting - like the concept
Posted by: Dressel, August 1st, 2016, 9:49am; Reply: 6

Quoted from oJOHNNYoNUTSo

I think it's too early to call him out on that. CJ might be just using his own stuff for a launch point so folks can see how it works visually.

Not calling out as much as making an observation.  It's very hard to be altruistic in this business, and trying to be can come off as disingenuous.  The truly altruistic don't need to say they are.  What Don's doing on this site is true altruism.
Posted by: Grandma Bear, August 1st, 2016, 10:31am; Reply: 7
Signed up! But my pic got stretched! I look rather meatball like.  ;D
Posted by: AnthonyCawood, August 1st, 2016, 4:24pm; Reply: 8
Uploaded all my short scripts... see what happens...
Posted by: DustinBowcot (Guest), August 1st, 2016, 4:52pm; Reply: 9
I am wondering where these producers are going to come from. From my experience with websites I know they are hard work and something like this should cost a shit load of money purely on advertising costs. Either that or the webmaster will need a shitload of contacts in the industry.

Anyway, I found this in the FAQs:

Quoted Text
Are top level industry members browsing on Script Revolution?

I think it's safe to say most top level industry members are swamped with submissions and have their readers working day and night to provide coverage on a seemingly never ending slush pile. I know some script listing services out there make a real song and dance about who's looking through their listings, I'm not going to do that. It's going to take time for Script Revolution to build it's user base and I expect the vast majority of it to come from those who aren't the privileged few - I'm talking small independents, students, managers at the start of their careers. I'm talking those hundreds of thousands outside of Hollywood and around the world.

OK... so he's bottom feeding. Nothing wrong with that.... where there's muck there's brass, as the old saying goes. However, how are these students going to hear about this website?

The site may be free... but in all honesty, how could he actually charge? Make people pay for non existent producers? Even worse, pay for producers that will make your work look like it was written by a chimp?

I'm not hating on him or his site, I genuinely wish him the best. But, at the moment, he has nothing. Putting up a website doesn't generate traffic on its own. Not even with good SEO. You'd need to pay for pro help on that... that's coupled with paid advertising and putting in the many hours spamming sites like this for members.
Posted by: AnthonyCawood, August 1st, 2016, 5:20pm; Reply: 10
CJ will try and get the word out everywhere he can... though he hasn't 'spammed' this site - I did ;-)

Only time will tell if it flies, but I'm in and will help him where I can.
Posted by: MarkItZero, August 1st, 2016, 6:30pm; Reply: 11
I'm rooting for you CJ, but I have a couple suggestions/critiques:

I'd feel more comfortable with a copyright disclaimer at the top of the search scripts page (rather than the very bottom of the site). Something along the lines of what Don has here. You mention in your FAQ the potential for nefarious individuals to steal a script. I'm less worried about that than I am individuals who don't even realize what they're doing is stealing. Some people think everything on the internet is free game to take and use as they please. Will a couple lines actually deter anyone? I don't know, but what's the harm in including it? It would make me feel better about putting my stuff up there.

Also, your FAQ has a ton of typos. You should really go over it very carefully because it makes the site look less professional overall.
Posted by: LC, August 1st, 2016, 9:22pm; Reply: 12
Anthony, FYI, A Face In The Crowd - logline has a typo - it's its.

Good luck and well done CJ.  :)
Posted by: AnthonyCawood, August 2nd, 2016, 1:33am; Reply: 13
Bugger - thanks Libby
Posted by: DustinBowcot (Guest), August 2nd, 2016, 1:44am; Reply: 14

Quoted from AnthonyCawood
CJ will try and get the word out everywhere he can... though he hasn't 'spammed' this site - I did ;-)

Only time will tell if it flies, but I'm in and will help him where I can.

I didn't say that he did spam this site.
Posted by: TonyDionisio, August 2nd, 2016, 2:34pm; Reply: 15
Signed up. Will upload asap.

Thx CJ
Posted by: Don, August 2nd, 2016, 7:35pm; Reply: 16
I'm on vaca, but I wanted to make a quick posting on this.

Just wanted to add that I think this is really neat and very similar to an additional direction I want SimplyScripts to move to for writers who don't need help with a script so much as a way to market it (as evidenced by my "Site Usability Suggestions" posting).  

So, please give CJ's site a try.  I would love to hear how it works out.  And, note that sometime in the future I'd like to offer up something very similar.  

- Don
Posted by: DustinBowcot (Guest), August 3rd, 2016, 2:25am; Reply: 17
The difference here Don, is that you already have a web presence. It would be far better for all involved if you set this up and had CJ run it as a sub domain of SS.

There are lots of sites that list scripts. reddit does it... and that gets a lot of hits... genuine hits. Yet, it still isn't a very good place. I've had scripts listed there for a couple of weeks now and only had one bite from a producer.

CJ's site will take years to gain a reputation. Seems silly to go through all of that when you guys could work together and have this thing take off right away.
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