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Posted by: Andrew, September 12th, 2016, 7:48pm
Kevin, it's that time again, my old sparring partner.

I'm curious as to your views on Trump, his possible electability, and whether you'd prefer Clinton?
Posted by: Grandma Bear, September 12th, 2016, 8:06pm; Reply: 1
Kevin is not here anymore.

He's not a Trump fan though, if that's what you were looking for.
Posted by: Grandma Bear, September 12th, 2016, 9:02pm; Reply: 2
So, I forwarded your post to Kevin. This was his response. I guess that makes me some kind of go between. :)

"Hello Andrew, hope all is well.

Not happy with any of the candidates. I am a libertarian conservative, social liberal, economic conservative.

Trump is poorly qualified, seems largely ignorant of things like world affairs and the Constitution.
He's also dangerously egoistic., almost in a way that makes him fragile.

Clinton is not only corrupt, but heads one of the most corrupt political machines we've seen in the modern political era.

Johnson is not even really libertarian. He's liberal Republican. Seems like a nice guy. But his plan to reduce the already gutted military by 45% is foolishly dangerous.

Stein should be limited to seminars in Bohemian coffee shops.

So my pick?

Honestly don't know. Tempted to sit it out. If not for the selection of judges, I would choose Clinton, despite her dishonesty and corruption. Her time as Secretary of State was a disaster. But presumably she learned much, Trump has learned nothing. I'll probably go with Trump and hope he somehow is not the disaster he seems likely to be.

I'll read your response, but I am no longer a member, so I won't reply back, or it would drive poor Pia crazy!

Oh, I guess I did not answer regarding electability. I can't see Trump winning, but there will be October surprises. If the stock market crashed(or some other financial crisis), Trump would win...that was how Obama won.  I suppose a really bad terrorist attack at home might change it.

If Trump really wants to win, he needs to swing part of the minority vote. That seems unlikely, but celebrity can be very powerful if used right. If I was Trump I would spend a weekend with a family in the projects in Chicago or Detroit and come out Monday morning saying he's learned alot and wants to help. It might swing just enough votes."

For me personally, you both write too fucking long responses! :)
Posted by: eldave1, September 13th, 2016, 10:30am; Reply: 3
Okay, now I'm thinking about voting for Kevin
Posted by: Dreamscale (Guest), September 13th, 2016, 4:23pm; Reply: 4
Trump all the way!!!!

Peeps have been saying he has no chance for well over a year, and each time, he comes up the winner.

Don't be shocked when that happens again in November.
Posted by: eldave1, September 13th, 2016, 4:27pm; Reply: 5
Regardless - he is a moron
Posted by: DustinBowcot (Guest), September 13th, 2016, 4:44pm; Reply: 6
I like Trump... I don't think he is a moron. He couldn't have made all that cash being a moron. I do think the media have a tendency to portray him as one. It's quite easy to edit somebody to make them look however you want. One thing I do like about Trump is his honesty and that he genuinely seems to want to end corruption.

Particularly the Clinton type of corruption. Bill and Hilary are an inconvenient lying pair of bastards.
Posted by: bert, September 13th, 2016, 5:08pm; Reply: 7
Oh boy -- I do not see this thread ending well.

Pia, why are you feeding this??  I am traveling right now, so YOU are in charge of keeping an eye on things, missy!

No name calling.  No personal attacks.  You guys know the rules.  Get ugly and I might just slap a ban on you for a few days when I get home.  Fair warning.

Can't believe I am leaving this up...
Posted by: LC, September 13th, 2016, 5:47pm; Reply: 8

Quoted from bert
Oh boy -- I do not see this thread ending well. Can't believe I'm leaving this up...
Always reminds me of the homosexuality thread. That one didn't do well...
Speaking of which, Gay Marriage is going to a plebiscite (referendum please) Feb here in Oz. Campaigns will cost millions. They darn well should just put it through Parliament. NZ, Ireland! We look like hicks from a backwater here in Oz. No comments needed, carry on - or Bert will have conniptions.

I have no opinion on the US race other than Trump scares me with his bigotry etc. Building any kind of wall only leads to trouble if you ask me. Walls coming down literally and metaphorically is what we need.

So, better the devil you know.

Posted by: Grandma Bear, September 13th, 2016, 6:52pm; Reply: 9

Quoted from bert

Pia, why are you feeding this??  I am traveling right now, so YOU are in charge of keeping an eye on things, missy!

You know I don't care for political or religious threads or other subjects that all they do is cause heated debates that never ends well, but in this case, a friend and occasional writing partner was called by name specifically. If not, I would've let this thread drop down the portal and disappear.

Don't worry. I'll handle it. If not, I'll give Don a tearful call in the middle of the night begging for help. So, you just enjoy your time in some exotic locale. Don't worry about me...  

Where's that Guinness?  ;D

Posted by: eldave1, September 13th, 2016, 7:04pm; Reply: 10
I think we can keep it civil and if you don't agree go fu-- (kidding).

Donald's billions don't make him any more smart than having a script sold and produced makes someone a good writer. Crappy scripts are sold. What it does is make him is successful. Not smart.

Hillary is smart and knowledgeable  (IMO) but I would never argue that she is trustworthy and she may be the worst campaigner in history.

I agree that Donald's appeal does have it's roots in his no b.s. speaking style and American's are hungry for frankness and tired of political speak. So, yeah I trust what he says I just hate what he says.

Long winded way of saying that there is not an outstanding choice here. I've made mine (Hillary) but will hold my nose when I pull the lever.

Posted by: crookedowl (Guest), September 13th, 2016, 7:31pm; Reply: 11
I, for one, am eagerly awaiting the shitstorm (both in the election and this thread.)
Posted by: ghost and_ghostie gal, September 13th, 2016, 10:45pm; Reply: 12
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Posted by: wonkavite (Guest), September 14th, 2016, 7:31am; Reply: 13
Ghost -

I love that post!  Did you personally sit down and "draw" it?  Beautifully done - and not being sarcastic at all there. :))

Okay, since we're leaving this thread up as long as civility reigns...

While Kev and I don't agree politically on a lot of things, I think he's got a *pretty* good assessment of none of the candidates being a great choice.

Clinton: Horribly corrupt, and not at all dedicated to a true progressive platform.  Her only real concern is cementing her "legacy" as the first woman President, and getting votes.  Don't forget - she supported DOMA.  No rational person who cares about people (which is kind of a prerequisite for governing), would have done so.  And the email server issue - a serious breach.  (Ben Ghazi - OTOH - was a witch hunt, IMO.) If Clinton's elected, things will just drag on as they have been.  Economic structural woes that won't be addressed. But her donors will be happy.

Trump: An absolute disaster.  Clearly, a narcissist sociopath - who very well may have Alzheimers (his father died of that inheritable disease.)  A man who's being currently sued for underaged rape (and there's a witness), who has a track record for not paying the contractors he works with, is monstrously misogynist, thin-skinned, has no political knowledge or capacity for diplomacy. Who is on record of having been prescribed a version of Speed in the past, and probably is still on it.  And who is a very, very lousy businessman.  Speaking as someone who worked in Finance for over a decade with HNW (that's High Net Worth) clientele - i.e.: $5M, $50M and up), I can tell you - there's something very, very incompetent about a person who inherits over a million dollars, and his job from Daddy - files four bankruptcies - and doesn't even do better than investing passively in the S&P500.  The man's completely incompetent.  And that's even *if* he's worth what he claims.  And he's likely to start a nuclear war as President.  If he wins, I'm heading to Canada full speed.

Johnson - A nice guy.  But Kev's right, only limited Libertarian.  Plus, Libertarianism in general would be a disaster in fixing what's wrong with the US today.  And that's coming from someone who used to be staunchly Libertarian.  An unregulated free market, with a Night Watchman state would be a disaster, and just make the growing oligarchy worse.

Stein - Okay, she's certainly doesn't have the political experience.  But at least she's honest (Trump and HRC aren't at all); and at least she has a clue re: desperately needed changes in the US.  No, I don't agree with her 100% - but given the other choices, she's about the best we've got.  Will she win?  Of course not - but voting third party is better than throwing one's vote away on the lesser of two utter evils.

Problem is - speaking as someone in the "trenches" right now, there are purely 50/50 odds that this could go Trump or HRC.  There are enough people disgusted with HRC's corruption that they're swinging toward voting for a ballistic madman instead.  Many of whom would've voted for Bernie, if given that opportunity.  Sanders polled far better against Trump than Hill did. (Not on an ideological level - Sanders and Trump have nothing in common. But Sanders took away Trump's "sick of the establishment and politicians in general" vote.)  

The prospect that Trump could win now is horrifying.  I now know how Hitler gained power - pandering to desperate people who wanted a "strong man" who promised to fix everything... while pointing to minority scapegoats.

Sigh.  The US could be on its last legs.  I'm not kidding.

Done.  My 15 cents.  :P
Posted by: Dreamscale (Guest), September 14th, 2016, 10:11am; Reply: 14
I'll keep it simple...

Trump will make America great again.
Posted by: wonkavite (Guest), September 14th, 2016, 10:46am; Reply: 15
I'll keep it simple, as well.

Trump will destroy America.  

There's multiple evidence that Donald Trump is a rapist.  

There's PROOF that he's misogynistic and a terrible business man.  

He lies and flip-flops constantly on his positions, can't remember anything (probably has Alzheimer's, since he couldn't remember who David Duke is in an interview.)  

He's being sued for multiple fraudulent business practices.  Has filed bankruptcy four times, and couldn't even keep a casino open.  A casino - which is a cash cow industry. Given what he inherited, he's done worst running Trump Industries than if he'd passively invested in the S&P500 all these years.

And he has absolutely no clue or skills for the job he's seeking.

He's running solely on the theme that "he's a billionaire" - but somehow refuses to even release his tax returns (which would probably prove him worth far less, despite the fact he previously promised to release them by now.)  And that's something that Presidential candidates have done regularly for quite a long time.... including Nixon, who was under audit.

It's honestly likely that Trump'll bring around a nuclear attack on the US.  (Missiles or a terrorist nuke.)

Folks, if he's elected - we'll probably be seeing the end of the United States. Even if he flakes out and steps down a month after election - which he could 'cause he backs out of things a lot, along with his teeny tiny hands - that leaves Pence, a rabid homophobic, at the reins.
Posted by: Bogey, September 14th, 2016, 10:53am; Reply: 16
Trump is likely not a billionaire, which is one of the reasons he won't release his tax returns. He's also not honest or sincere - he's a TV actor, and a good one. Believe anything he says at your peril.

Hillary - also dishonest. But I don't think being dishonest is mutually exclusive from being well-intentioned when it counts. I can live with her dishonesty, because I think she's sincere about what she believes, and she's spent a lifetime helping people who need help. I cannot live with Trump's dishonesty, because he's spent a lifetime screwing people over. It's a lesser of two evils for me.
Posted by: Heretic, September 14th, 2016, 10:58am; Reply: 17
I don't think the U.S. needs to be made great again. Y'all seem pretty alright.

Would've felt new and exciting to see a Trump/Sanders race. As is, it's all gotten a bit depressing. Jacob Silverman wrote, "...we'll soon see a sentient pile of corporate TPS reports shadowbox an angry carny for the country's top prize." More or less. I stopped following.

Good luck to you U.S. citizens with a vote that I would find very difficult to cast.
Posted by: wonkavite (Guest), September 14th, 2016, 11:04am; Reply: 18
Bogey -

I agree with you... to an extent.  In fact, I'd say 95%.

Hillary is far, far, far safer than Trump.  Yes, she's corrupt and dishonest.

But she's sane, which is a definite plus.

Honestly?  I don't think she's well intentioned.  Don't forget, this is a woman who openly supported DOMA - an Amendment meant to cement unequal status for some United States citizens (those who were gay) right into the Constitution.  Why? Because it was politically expedient.  

And she's also spoken out loudly against progressive (and very rational) fixes to our economy that, by all rights, she should be in favor of.  For instance, a Medicare for all single payer option.  Instead, she begrudgingly threw a "public option" into Obamacare due to the Sanders pressure... while making a point of not telling anyone that it's *only* good for people over 55.  In other words, she's sneaky and has to be backed into a wall to do the "right thing."

Is she the lesser of two evils when it comes to her vs. Trump?  Oh Gosh, yes indeed!

But this election, I *cannot* vote for her.  Because when one consistently votes the lesser of two evils, you bolster the chances that that's all you'll be given, again and again.

And the only thing worse than the lesser of two evils is "evil given a mandate."  I assure you, if Hillary wins, she'll wave that success around as "proof" that she's terrific.  Vs. the fact she got into office ONLY because she was running against someone far worse. :(
Posted by: wonkavite (Guest), September 14th, 2016, 11:08am; Reply: 19

Quoted from Heretic
Jacob Silverman wrote, "...we'll soon see a sentient pile of corporate TPS reports shadowbox an angry carny for the country's top prize."

OMG - that's a dead-on description!  God help us all.

FWIW, we're really not THAT great a country.  There's such a cultural rift right now, and a drastic skew towards anti-intellectualism that it's scary.  The United States is heading for Idiocracy.  

And Mike Judge thought he was writing a satire....  :P
Posted by: Bogey, September 14th, 2016, 11:18am; Reply: 20

Quoted from wonkavite

But this election, I *cannot* vote for her.  Because when one consistently votes the lesser of two evils, you bolster the chances that that's all you'll be given, again and again.


Isn't the lesser of two evils the only choice we ever really have? I can't think of a single Presidential election where I sprinted to the polling place, cast my vote, did a fist pump and spiked the ball. We never get the most qualified people to run for office, and it's no wonder why given the public scrutiny they have to endure. So we're left with people who covet power - sometimes ruthless, often unprepared, and invariably susceptible to advisers we don't even know.

I'll hold my nose, vote for Hillary, and hope for the best. A vote for anyone else only assists Trump - just being real.

Posted by: wonkavite (Guest), September 14th, 2016, 11:51am; Reply: 21
Bogey -

While I fully understand your position (and Phil's doing the same as you, incidentally), it actually took a UK citizen to point this out to me:

The concept of "throwing away your vote by voting third party" is actually flawed, given our voting process.  Thanks to the electoral college, the US isn't a one-person-one-vote true democracy.  

If you're in a swing state - yes.. it makes sense to vote HRC out of terror of Trump..  

If you're in a predominantly blue or red state, then actually - voting FOR the mainstream candidates out of fear is throwing away one's vote.  

Because it's the amount of votes that a third party candidate gets (and polling numbers) that helps qualify them for better inclusion in the next election: debates, etc. (If our system wasn't absolutely rigged, there'd be four people on the debate stage this year.) IE: if you live in a non-swing state and don't vote your conscience, nothing will ever, ever change.

I *would've* sprinted to my polling place this year if Sanders had been the nominee (then again, I live in NYC - where 25,000+ primary votes - including mine and Phil's - were somehow "purged".)

I think there comes a time - and the time may be now - that one has to say "no more", and stand up to corruption even when it holds a Trump gun to your head.

Myself, I'd invoke two analogies.  One: imagine being held up at gunpoint...  do you forever hand over your wallet?  Or when do you realize that it's just encouraging the muggings to continue, and fight back?

And: "incrementalism" is dead wrong when lives are at stake (as they are here, due to the ravaged economy and other US issues.)  

Thank Goodness that *some* of the public eventually woke up, fought slavery, and battled for women's rights to vote (to use two extreme examples.)  Because - compromising with evil is... still evil.

And on top of that - I don't expect Hillary to do more than a mediocre job - which will pave the way for the GOP to point to a still-lousy economy, a wasted 4 or 8 years, and push someone just as bad on us next election.... maybe even worse, and win. :(
Posted by: DustinBowcot (Guest), September 14th, 2016, 12:09pm; Reply: 22
Hilary Clinton being sane very much depends on what one deems insane.

Whoever the US citizens vote for is going to affect the entire world. The US control the economy - the single biggest thing on this planet. It's what makes the world go around. It's what we fought for control of during WW2. This shit is important. It will determine our future mindset. It's very interesting what's happening int he world right now... and it's all down to characters like Trump.
Posted by: Bogey, September 14th, 2016, 12:14pm; Reply: 23

1) I always hand over my wallet at gunpoint, because I don't own a gun.

2) Fighting for a good cause is always the way to go, and if there were a qualified third party candidate, I'd be with you. But there is no Michael Bloomberg, Steve Forbes, or even Ralph Nader in this one. The two others on the ballot are woefully unqualified. Good people, but not for President. Bernie would have been smart to stay true to his independent status and run as an independent from Day 1. But he didn't...

3) I'm not on board with the electoral college argument. I'd rather not see a Gore/Bush scenario where Gore won the popular vote and Bush won the election. I think that's bad for the country, and would hope Hillary wins both the popular and electoral votes.

4) For what it's worth, I think Trump's success in this election will open the door to "qualified outsiders" in the future. I think you'll see Howard Schultz enter the arena the first chance he gets.  
Posted by: Grandma Bear, September 14th, 2016, 12:32pm; Reply: 24

Quoted from Bogey
Fighting for a good cause is always the way to go, and if there were a qualified third party candidate, I'd be with you.

Are you saying a two term governor who started his own business and grew it into a 1000 employee business is not qualified?
Posted by: Bogey, September 14th, 2016, 1:23pm; Reply: 25

Quoted from Grandma Bear

Are you saying a two term governor who started his own business and grew it into a 1000 employee business is not qualified?

Yes, I'm saying that. I've listened to him on televised town hall meetings, and while he seems like a nice guy, his knowledge of foreign affairs and national defense issues is, I'm sorry to say, vague at best, incompetent at worst.

Also, 1,000 employees isn't really that many. That's still considered a "small business" under most of the U.S. Small Business Administration standards. And he was governor of a state that ranks 37/50 in GDP.  

Again - nice guy, competent business owner, decent governor of small economic state, but President of the United States?
Posted by: Grandma Bear, September 14th, 2016, 1:41pm; Reply: 26

Quoted from Bogey

Again - nice guy, competent business owner, decent governor of small economic state, but President of the United States?

A harvard law professor community organizer  and first term senator is better? IMHO, no one is ever perfect to be president. Most of them have lots of ideas, but soon realize once they are elected that things work a little different than they thought. I'll take Johnson over any of the other.

And that's the full extent of my political comments. But you all can carry on. :)
Posted by: Bogey, September 14th, 2016, 1:57pm; Reply: 27

Quoted from Grandma Bear

A harvard law professor community organizer  and first term senator is better?

He wasn't a Harvard law professor. He taught at the University of Chicago (Constitutional Law). He was also a civil rights lawyer for 11 years and an IL State Senator for 7 years before a U.S. Senator.

Maybe President Obama didn't have the central casting experience for the White House, but Gary Johnson isn't even in his league when it comes to Obama's pre-election knowledge of the issues and his intellect. Last week, Johnson blanked on national TV when asked what he would do about Aleppo. "What's Aleppo?" he said. Check please.

Posted by: Hunter, September 14th, 2016, 2:02pm; Reply: 28

Quoted from wonkavite

Clinton: Horribly corrupt, and not at all dedicated to a true progressive platform.  Her only real concern is cementing her "legacy" as the first woman President, and getting votes.  Don't forget - she supported DOMA.  No rational person who cares about people (which is kind of a prerequisite for governing), would have done so.  And the email server issue - a serious breach.  (Ben Ghazi - OTOH - was a witch hunt, IMO.) If Clinton's elected, things will just drag on as they have been.  Economic structural woes that won't be addressed. But her donors will be happy.

Trump: An absolute disaster.  Clearly, a narcissist sociopath - who very well may have Alzheimers (his father died of that inheritable disease.)  A man who's being currently sued for underaged rape (and there's a witness), who has a track record for not paying the contractors he works with, is monstrously misogynist, thin-skinned, has no political knowledge or capacity for diplomacy. Who is on record of having been prescribed a version of Speed in the past, and probably is still on it.  And who is a very, very lousy businessman.  Speaking as someone who worked in Finance for over a decade with HNW (that's High Net Worth) clientele - i.e.: $5M, $50M and up), I can tell you - there's something very, very incompetent about a person who inherits over a million dollars, and his job from Daddy - files four bankruptcies - and doesn't even do better than investing passively in the S&P500.  The man's completely incompetent.  And that's even *if* he's worth what he claims.  And he's likely to start a nuclear war as President.  If he wins, I'm heading to Canada full speed.

I agree with this so much! So exactly.

I voted Sanders in the primary, by far better than anyone else in my opinion. I really, really wish he had won, but he didn't, so, as much as I hate to do so, I'm voting for Clinton.

I know that many Sanders supporters are going to vote Stein, but the problem with that is that a stronger Green Party (or any party on the left) means a greater chance that the Republican party wins presidential elections, because it splits the vote on the left side of the electorate. This is why it is a two party system. I wish it wasn't, but it is. I think that the only time that voting Green doesn't hurt the Democrats is in the few states that have a top two primary (I know that Washington has this, I think that California does, Louisiana has something similar, and maybe there are a couple of more states). That's the only time when it isn't splitting the vote.
Posted by: wonkavite (Guest), September 14th, 2016, 2:52pm; Reply: 29
Hunter -

Thanks!  I voted Sanders as well (although my vote got "purged" along with about 25K other votes in NYC alone). That said, Sanders was heads and tails over every other single candidate; a man with integrity, intelligence and dedicated to more than lip service to get votes.

I completely understand people who end up voting for Hillary out of fear that Trump may win.  (Hubby's going to take that strategy as well.)

I can't. Choosing the lesser of two evils - while understandable - means that the truly qualified and optimal candidates who play by the rules will never win.  

Plus, I'm a resident of NYS, which is overwhelmingly blue.  Therefore, if I vote for Hillary, *that's* when I'll be throwing my vote away.  

Better to vote my conscience. If the Green party earns sufficient votes, that'll provide *some* leverage that Hillary won't back out on the compromises she made to supposedly woo the Bernie supporters.  

And really - when it comes down to it - if Trump wins... I place the blame directly on Hillary and the DNC.  Both of whom knew quite well that Bernie polled better against Trump than she did.  But they still rigged the elections in her favor.  (She didn't even have the guts to debate Sanders one last time. Neither did Trump.  And they both got away with it.)

No fan of HRC - but fingers crossed that she wins over Trump.  He would be an utter disaster. She would be - just more of the same old limping along.  The middle class will continue to crumble - and the GOP will continue to stonewall everything she does.  :/
Posted by: wonkavite (Guest), September 14th, 2016, 2:56pm; Reply: 30
And - for anyone STILL in favor of Trump: you owe it to yourself to read a Newsweek article that broke today.  Showing that - in addition to being incompetent and unhinged -  Trump has a clear conflict of interest between his duties as POTUS and his business.  

I'll provide both a quote, and the whole link:

"This relationship puts Trump’s foreign policies in conflict with his financial interests. Earlier this year, he said South Korea should plan to shoulder its own military defense rather than relying on the United States, including the development of nuclear weapons. (He later denied making that statement, which was video-recorded.) One of the primary South Korean companies involved in nuclear energy, a key component in weapons development, is Trump’s partner—Daewoo Engineering and Construction. It would potentially get an economic windfall if the United States adopted policies advocated by Trump."
Posted by: Scar Tissue Films, September 14th, 2016, 3:00pm; Reply: 31
Got to be Trump for the lolz

I, and the world, want to see him try and build that wall.
Posted by: Bogey, September 14th, 2016, 3:59pm; Reply: 32

Quoted from Scar Tissue Films
Got to be Trump for the lolz

It was amusing in the summer of 2015. Now it's just terrifying.

Since this is a screenwriting forum, my choice for the movie title that would best match a Trump victory in November? Apocalypse Now.

Posted by: AnthonyCawood, September 14th, 2016, 4:00pm; Reply: 33
So you have an unenviable choice between a frying pan and a fire...

One is an egomaniaical lunatic with no experience of governing.
The other is a corrupt flip flopper who's trying to line her pockets, and is allegedly a lot sicker than she's letting on.

Or is that rock and a hard place?

Don't worry Janet I hear the Canadians are very nice, and despite having a lot of guns too... they don't shoot each other so frequently.
Posted by: DustinBowcot (Guest), September 14th, 2016, 4:46pm; Reply: 34

Quoted from Scar Tissue Films
Got to be Trump for the lolz

Precisely. I just want to see what he does. Things will probably be the same... but instead of pretending to help 3rd world countries while fucking them, we'll just outright admit to fucking them and not give a fuck about it.

Posted by: albinopenguin, September 15th, 2016, 4:10pm; Reply: 35
This might be the absolute worst thread on this forum. Seriously, if I was a newcomer and saw these pro-Trump posters, I'd be out in a heartbeat.

Anyways, fuck Trump and fuck Clinton. Fuck this year's election and fuck this discussion. No one's going to learn anything, no one's going to listen, and no one's going to change their viewpoint.

So let's just fight for the sake of fighting.
Posted by: DustinBowcot (Guest), September 15th, 2016, 4:30pm; Reply: 36

Quoted from albinopenguin

So let's just fight for the sake of fighting.

In the old days we just used to admit it... we didn't need to invent a load of shite. We just went to war. We did it mainly to rob other countries, but I suppose they had fun doing it.

We still do exactly the same thing today, although we're way smarter about it... only, our government also fucks over its own people such is the level of corruption.

Nobody really cares about enslaved Africans working the diamond mines for British and US corporations... do they? Honestly? I mean you may say that you do, but you're taking home your phat wages, driving your phat car.. shagging your fat partners (not talking to anyone specific here). How many African lives have you saved? What? You give to charity? Yet another profiteering organisation with execs taking home 6 figure salaries and 7 figure performance bonuses?

Slavery never went away, we gave it a new name, like serfdom and indentured servitude. Now it's just called 'work'.

Anyway, the issues with the world are not my problem. I'm just glad that I was born into the greatest power on the planet... because I also realise that if we hadn't of done them first then they certainly would have done us.
Posted by: Bogey, September 15th, 2016, 4:59pm; Reply: 37

Quoted from albinopenguin
Fuck this year's election and fuck this discussion.

How constructive. You realize that this election is a red line choice for the makeup of the Supreme Court that will follow, right?

F a woman's right to choose?
F unfair minority voting rights restrictions?
F equality for LGBTQ housing, workplace, and education rights?
F rights for undocumented residents?

I don't think so.

Posted by: albinopenguin, September 15th, 2016, 7:24pm; Reply: 38
Ugh, I really don't want to get sucked into this conversation but here goes...

Of course, we shouldn't say, "fuck it" to these issues. But honestly, there shouldn't even  be a discussion about these matters. A woman should have a right to choose, LGTBQ should all have equal rights, etc. It's discouraging that we're even debating these issues when there's clearly a correct answer. European countries don't have these debates because they've existed longer than America and they've moved past these "hot button" controversies. So America is simply experiencing growing pains. The country will become more liberal and socialistic over time because that's the way every "free" country progresses.

As for this election, I honestly don't think Trump is half as crazy as he appears (and he's simply pandering right now) and I don't think Clinton is half as trust worthy as she wants people to think. That being said, you'd have to an ignoramus to vote for Trump.

Anyways, this election is more hostile and more polarizing than ever before. And threads like these divide members.
Posted by: Grandma Bear, September 15th, 2016, 7:38pm; Reply: 39

Quoted from albinopenguin

Anyways, this election is more hostile and more polarizing than ever before. And threads like these divide members.

Agree on this election, but as far as this thread goes, there's been one just like it every election year. This one, is actually more civilized so far than other year. We're keeping an eye on it though. As long as there are no personal attacks, no harm in expressing your views.  :)
Posted by: Grandma Bear, September 15th, 2016, 8:24pm; Reply: 40
Another comment from Kevin L.

"Whoever is elected the country will not fall apart. Yes, elections matter, but the system is set up precisely to prevent dramatic and arbitrary change.

Change is easy to dictatorships.

So there's no need to go to Canada...unless you're hunting bigfoot. Or visiting Chris the Heretic.

90% of what with candidate says they will do they will not even attempt. In some cases, they will do the opposite.

Hillary says she will crack down on Wall St. She will be the greatest friend Wall St ever had.

Trump says he is against abortion. He could care less about abortion and has no interest in messing with access to it.

Hillary says she opposes the Pacific trade deals. She doesn't...she helped set them up.

Trump plays to the Evangelical crowd. He won't touch gay rights.

Don't get me wrong, the election matters. But the truth is not much will change. And that's more of a good thing than a bad one. "
Posted by: Dreamscale (Guest), September 16th, 2016, 10:41am; Reply: 41
Back to keeping it simple...

Trump will make America great again.

Hilary will continue the Clinton lies and cheating.

Trump in 2016!!!!
Posted by: Bogey, September 16th, 2016, 12:15pm; Reply: 42
"Whoever is elected the country will not fall apart. Yes, elections matter, but the system is set up precisely to prevent dramatic and arbitrary change."

Fall apart? Of course it won't.

Dramatically change for the worse if Trump is elected? I believe so, yes.

There is currently one Supreme Court vacancy, and two current justices over 80. If you are a woman, a minority, a member of the LGBTQ community, a Muslim, insured under the Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act, or receive public aid, among others, the next President will be a Supreme Court game changer, and the rights you currently enjoy will likely be affected.
Posted by: DustinBowcot (Guest), September 16th, 2016, 12:40pm; Reply: 43

Quoted from Bogey

There is currently one Supreme Court vacancy, and two current justices over 80. If you are a woman, a minority, a member of the LGBTQ community, a Muslim, insured under the Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act, or receive public aid, among others, the next President will be a Supreme Court game changer, and the rights you currently enjoy will likely be affected.

Will likely be affected? In what way will they be affected? Is he going to rewrite all of the laws? From what I've heard of him speak he is for all US citizens. He seems like a guy who has his opinions but can also see sense and will admit when he's been wrong.
Posted by: Bogey, September 16th, 2016, 1:16pm; Reply: 44

Quoted from DustinBowcot

Will likely be affected? In what way will they be affected? Is he going to rewrite all of the laws? From what I've heard of him speak he is for all US citizens. He seems like a guy who has his opinions but can also see sense and will admit when he's been wrong.

Since the Reagan Administration, the Supreme Court appointees have been based more along political and religious philosophies than judicial competence. Republican Presidents appoint judges with pro-life, anti-affirmative action, anti-marriage equality track records, and Democratic Presidents appoint just the opposite.

Prior to the recent death of Justice Scalia, the votes on these issues have been close - many at 5-4.

You're correct - the President can't rewrite a law. But a President possesses the the power to appoint vacant Supreme Court seats, and that Supreme Court has the power to strike down state laws that are unconstitutional (laws that prevent legal abortions, restrict voting rights, prevent colleges from considering race in admittance criteria, etc.). If the Supreme Court has a Trump-leaning philosophy, I believe many of the rights that people have enjoyed through laws passed during the prior 60 years may be negatively affected.

As for Trump, the next time he admits that he's been wrong will be the first.
Posted by: DustinBowcot (Guest), September 16th, 2016, 1:20pm; Reply: 45
The way I see this playing out... is you vote for keeping things exactly in the same fucked up way they are now, or you vote for change, and you do so in the most extreme manner, by voting in Trump.
Posted by: Bogey, September 16th, 2016, 1:28pm; Reply: 46

Quoted from DustinBowcot
The way I see this playing out... is you vote for keeping things exactly in the same fucked up way they are now, or you vote for change, and you do so in the most extreme manner, by voting in Trump.

I think that's where I tend to disagree, because I think the change under a Bernie Sanders Presidency would have been positive, but the change under a Trump Presidency would be detrimental to the country, maybe the world. Things can actually get worse than they are now. I don't want to find out how much worse.
Posted by: DustinBowcot (Guest), September 16th, 2016, 2:12pm; Reply: 47
Only Trump has the real strength to do anything. Everyone else is too weak. They may even have the best intentions, but once in office would they be strong enough to make the change we all know we need? Trump claims he will pull out of the Middle East, for example. Sounds like good intentions to me.
Posted by: Bogey, September 16th, 2016, 2:40pm; Reply: 48

Quoted from DustinBowcot
Only Trump has the real strength to do anything. Everyone else is too weak. They may even have the best intentions, but once in office would they be strong enough to make the change we all know we need? Trump claims he will pull out of the Middle East, for example. Sounds like good intentions to me.

Trump's businesses have filed for bankruptcy 6 times, and he's currently embroiled in a trail of lawsuits for fraud - some being prosecuted by State Attorney Generals. I don't get it why people continue to believe that he's capable of doing anything he promises. Pull out of the Middle East? I don't think I've ever heard him articulate a Middle East policy, and I follow this every day. He has stated that he was against invading Iraq from the beginning, but audio from his radio interviews just prior to the invasion confirm that he supported going to war.

Posted by: eldave1, September 16th, 2016, 4:41pm; Reply: 49

Quoted from Bogey

It was amusing in the summer of 2015. Now it's just terrifying.

Since this is a screenwriting forum, my choice for the movie title that would best match a Trump victory in November? Apocalypse Now.

If he wins and replaces Obama, will the television series be:  "Orange is the New Black"?
Posted by: Andrew, September 17th, 2016, 7:04am; Reply: 50
Seems there is an appetite for this kind of discussion! Never understand the need to shut it down. We all have views, and as long as things stay civil, we should always seek to not curtail discussion.

Anyway, as a man politically positioned between Obama and Blair, I disagree with much of Trump's political views, but am mature enough to separate the man from his politics, and admit there is something inherently likeable about him in the sense that you know if you met him in the pub you'd have a laugh.

Also, we on the left must realise that he speaks for many who feel disenfranchised not just by Democrats, but mainstream Republicans as well. If you listen to many, it is about what they perceive to be a stifling "PC culture" and there is undoubtedly some truth to that across both the US and UK. We on the left should be looking at giving these people voice and not labelling them a "basket of deplorables".

We also need to be consistent on issues. Many Jeremy Corbyn supporters (the far, far left) complain about biased, unfair, ridiculing media coverage and, staggeringly, celebrate and revel in Trump being meted out the same coverage. This sneering elitism, hypocrisy and self-righteousness is what drives many to support Trump rather than sexism, racism, homophobia or xenophobia. We on the left need to restate our case for centrism and rather than labelling those we disagree with, seeking instead to build bridges.

Long story short, demonising Trump is considered demonising his supporters by them. We can disagree with bans on Muslims, building walls and taking away a woman's right to own her body and her choices without ridicule. And we must be mature, humble and wise enough to realise that not everything Trump - or Clinton for that matter - says is wrong because it is spoken by them.
Posted by: eldave1, September 17th, 2016, 10:24am; Reply: 51

Quoted from Andrew
Seems there is an appetite for this kind of discussion! Never understand the need to shut it down. We all have views, and as long as things stay civil, we should always seek to not curtail discussion.

Anyway, as a man politically positioned between Obama and Blair, I disagree with much of Trump's political views, but am mature enough to separate the man from his politics, and admit there is something inherently likeable about him in the sense that you know if you met him in the pub you'd have a laugh.

Also, we on the left must realise that he speaks for many who feel disenfranchised not just by Democrats, but mainstream Republicans as well. If you listen to many, it is about what they perceive to be a stifling "PC culture" and there is undoubtedly some truth to that across both the US and UK. We on the left should be looking at giving these people voice and not labelling them a "basket of deplorables".

We also need to be consistent on issues. Many Jeremy Corbyn supporters (the far, far left) complain about biased, unfair, ridiculing media coverage and, staggeringly, celebrate and revel in Trump being meted out the same coverage. This sneering elitism, hypocrisy and self-righteousness is what drives many to support Trump rather than sexism, racism, homophobia or xenophobia. We on the left need to restate our case for centrism and rather than labelling those we disagree with, seeking instead to build bridges.

Long story short, demonising Trump is considered demonising his supporters by them. We can disagree with bans on Muslims, building walls and taking away a woman's right to own her body and her choices without ridicule. And we must be mature, humble and wise enough to realise that not everything Trump - or Clinton for that matter - says is wrong because it is spoken by them.

Well thought out, Andrew.
Posted by: Bogey, September 17th, 2016, 10:42am; Reply: 52

Quoted from Andrew
... there is something inherently likeable about him in the sense that you know if you met him in the pub you'd have a laugh.

Except for one'd never meet him in a pub. He never mingles with anyone other than rich and famous, and he claims that his lips have never touched a drop of alcohol.

As for the laugh part, I used to laugh at him, because he was basically a parody of a classless rich guy, but the racist and violent speeches he gives make nothing about him laughable anymore.

If I come across as a liberal who just doesn't want a Republican in the White House, that's not my motive. I've voted for Republican Presidential nominees in the past, and might have even done so this year had the party nominated a reasonable centrist like Rand Paul. Even my father and brother, both conservatives and decorated members of the military for their service abroad (WWII and Vietnam), shiver at the thought of Trump in the White House.
Posted by: Andrew, September 17th, 2016, 1:30pm; Reply: 53
Donald blatantly knocks back a few sherries.
Posted by: Andrew, September 17th, 2016, 1:31pm; Reply: 54

Quoted from eldave1

Well thought out, Andrew.

Thanks, El.
Posted by: wonkavite (Guest), September 17th, 2016, 3:27pm; Reply: 55

Quoted from eldave1

If he wins and replaces Obama, will the television series be:  "Orange is the New Black"?

Damn, Dave, that's perfect!!  My hat's off to you for that quip! :)
Posted by: eldave1, September 17th, 2016, 3:28pm; Reply: 56
Posted by: Bogey, September 18th, 2016, 12:06pm; Reply: 57

Quoted from eldave1

If he wins and replaces Obama, will the television series be:  "Orange is the New Black"?

Good one. Remember this?

At the :43 mark--
Posted by: wonkavite (Guest), September 18th, 2016, 12:59pm; Reply: 58
BTW - you guys all know about good 'ole Donald's underage rape case, the likelihood he has Alzheimers, and is a Speed Freak.  I'm NOT kidding.  (Though I wish I was!)

The assault case:

Alzheimers (which is hereditary, and his father died from it):

Speed Kills (or at least makes you an orange a$$hole):

Gotta love this stuff!  (I'm not saying Hillary's a good thing at all - but there's a difference between voting for corruption and insanity.)  :P (And I vote neither - Jill Stein for me, just so it's not on my conscience for what *either* of them do.)
Posted by: Bogey, September 18th, 2016, 1:40pm; Reply: 59

Quoted from wonkavite
BTW - you guys all know about good 'ole Donald's underage rape case, the likelihood he has Alzheimers, and is a Speed Freak.  I'm NOT kidding.  (Though I wish I was!)

The assault case:

Alzheimers (which is hereditary, and his father died from it):

Speed Kills (or at least makes you an orange a$$hole):

Gotta love this stuff!  (I'm not saying Hillary's a good thing at all - but there's a difference between voting for corruption and insanity.)  :P (And I vote neither - Jill Stein for me, just so it's not on my conscience for what *either* of them do.)

I also recall that during Trump's divorce from his first wife (Ivana), when she accused him of rape, his lawyer took the position that it's not rape if you're married. No wonder Trump gushes over the "great" Bobby Knight - who once said in a 1988 national TV interview, "If rape is inevitable, relax and enjoy it." Pigs of a feather.

Posted by: SimonM (Guest), September 18th, 2016, 1:56pm; Reply: 60
The worrying thing is that humans never learn from their past - and so are condemned to repeat it.

Trump is written off as a joke, a buffoon, a racist, a sexist - a man who could never win an election in a civilised country.

Unfortunately, history proves that buffoons, racists, sexists, men who dangerous ideas who don't even hide them, do win elections, do take power, and then the result can be disastrous, and not just for the country in which they take office.

It can only be hoped that, come the day, enough Americans see sense and vote against Trump. Because God help us all if he wins.
Posted by: wonkavite (Guest), September 18th, 2016, 2:37pm; Reply: 61
Bogey - yup... there's that, too.  And even though Ivana "recanted", she had to because of the divorce settlement (there's always a non-disparage agreement.)  And she testified under oath that not only did Donald assault her, he also tore out handfuls of her hair in the process - because he was upset about what a doctor she recommended did to his scalp.

Beautiful people we're considering for the office of US President.  And our media - equally "great" for not calling out the candidates on things such as this.

And Simon - sadly, you're very right.  You don't know how many people I've talked to that want to vote Trump.... specifically because they hate Hillary and view Trump as "anti-establishment."  That man *could* win.  Which would be a disaster.  (Even if Trump gets "bored" and steps down, that leaves Pence in charge.)
Posted by: Scar Tissue Films, September 19th, 2016, 12:26am; Reply: 62
Voting for more of the same is not an option for anyone in the West.
Posted by: bert, September 19th, 2016, 6:45am; Reply: 63

Quoted from Scar Tissue Films
Voting for more of the same is not an option for anyone in the West.

I would take a third Obama term in a heartbeat.
Posted by: Grandma Bear, September 19th, 2016, 7:46am; Reply: 64
I can't vote so what I think is sort of meaningless. I know one thing though, I can't wait for this election to be over.

My observation compared to previous election years though, is that I see basically NO political stickers on cars or in yards this time around. Other years almost half the cars have them. What does this mean? No one is happy with the choices available. Bernie stickers were often seen until he was squashed by the DNC. After that, those stickers disappeared. In conclusion to my little observation, neither HRC nor Trump excites anyone. FWIW, I live in a liberal university city.
Posted by: wonkavite (Guest), September 19th, 2016, 7:47am; Reply: 65

Quoted from bert

I would take a third Obama term in a heartbeat.

Oh man - that's so right!  I'd vote Obama in seconds (despite his endorsement of HRC, and failure to call out the DNC on the obvious primary rigging/corruption.)

I refuse to vote for either Trump or Hillary.  

Trump - because he's literally insane, racist, misogynist, criminal, violent and - as a clinical Narcissist - not in touch with reality or what his competencies are... if he has any.  

Hillary because she's amazingly corrupt, only interested in votes, money and power - and would be only "more of the same."  This isn't a strategic game with no consequences... voting Hillary in (vs. a third party such as Bernie or Jill Stein) just means that the economic mismanagement will continue.  Unnecessary wars, and people having their lives ruined due to lost opportunities and lack of basic essentials (such as healthcare, education, and a healthy job market.)  And no - Hillary isn't going to fix those things.  Everything she's proposed as a "compromise" to Bernie is carefully worded to mean nothing.  And this is a woman who supported DOMA when it suited her.  I don't trust her an inch.

Obama?  Yep, I'd definitely take him back.  Intelligent, reasonable, thoughtful.  Perhaps not perfect (because he got "in bed" with Hillary) - but he's been a solid President during a very difficult time for the US.
Posted by: Bogey, September 19th, 2016, 8:17am; Reply: 66

Quoted from Grandma Bear

My observation compared to previous election years though, is that I see basically NO political stickers on cars or in ards this time around. Other years almost half the cars have them. What does this mean? No one is happy with the choices available. Bernie stickers were often seen until he was squashed by the DNC. After that, those stickers disappeared.

This is so true. In my neighborhood I only see yard signs for some congressional races, but not too many of those either. I suppose it's possible that social media has replaced the old fashioned yard sign/bumper sticker marketing, but I sense it's more than just that.

Posted by: ghost and_ghostie gal, September 20th, 2016, 1:53am; Reply: 67

Posted by: Wes, September 21st, 2016, 2:16am; Reply: 68
Oh hell.

I finally circle back around to engage in this site and find this.

The best post on this thread is from _ghostwriter. Great art work and totally fitting.

Followed by wonkavite's response. Which sums things up nicely.

There are just a couple of things . . .

Yeah, HRC is corrupt. On a global scale. But the Trumpster is also corrupt. It's only on a national scale but boy, is it ugly. Has HRC claimed global baknruptcy? SIX times? Has HRS driven hundreds of companies to close their doors because she refused to pay them? Or shorted them threatening to bankrupt them in court if they tried to collect? How many people have been injured or died on Trumpster construction sites and been denied injury claims? How many different races and sexuality types has HRC admitted she hates and will oppose? How many emails did the Bush administration loose track of? How many men died under Bush? And under HRC? How many wars did she fuck up? How many did the republicans?  

I see Trump attempting to run the country just as he did his business. Problem is, other nations will not tolerate stalling, law suites and bullshit.  But the wannabe Aryans if this nation will finally get their chance to be the supremacist they've always wanted to be.

That terrifies me enough to go out and buy a assault rifle. And that speaks volumes. I know I will have to defend myself against the Trumpkristallnacht that will one day come to pass if he is elected.

I believe that under Trump the Muricans will be "Purified". Wars against those who oppose us will be waged with great pride and idiotic hubris.

And before Trump's reign is over, this nation will be no more.

Sounds like a movie to me.
Posted by: Alex_212, September 21st, 2016, 3:35am; Reply: 69

"Brewster's Millions" ----- "Vote for NONE of the Above"
Posted by: khamanna, September 21st, 2016, 5:40am; Reply: 70
I'm surprised to see so many not voting for Hillary. I don't care if she's corrupt or else - those who are against Trump shouldn't let him win. And there's just one way to do that - vote for Hillary.

At this point I don't care learning more about her. And I wouldn't want to put her down on forums either because all I know - that guy should not make it.
(yes, I'm American as well)
Posted by: Stumpzian, September 21st, 2016, 7:08pm; Reply: 71

Quoted from Wes

But the wannabe Aryans [of] this nation will finally get their chance to be the supremacist they've always wanted to be. That terrifies me enough to go out and buy a assault rifle...I know I will have to defend myself against the Trumpkristallnacht that will one day come to pass if he is elected.

You might want to see someone.
Posted by: BenL (Guest), September 22nd, 2016, 6:44am; Reply: 72
I'm not a US citizen and I don't live in the US but I just hope that Trump doesn't win. This guy is a lunatic, just like some of the people supporting him (Ann Coulter for example, what the hell is wrong with her?).

Please America, vote for Hillary. I'm sure she's got a couple of skeletons in the closet too but she's not nearly as insane as that bloated idiot from New York.
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