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SimplyScripts Screenwriting Discussion Board  /  Short Drama Scripts  /  A Generous Donation - WT - Filmed
Posted by: Don, April 2nd, 2018, 11:26am
A Generous Donation by Warren Duncan - Short, Drama - A homeless man receives a beautiful gift. 1 page - pdf, format

Writer interested in feedback on this work

Filmed as "Memories"

Posted by: khamanna, April 2nd, 2018, 11:34am; Reply: 1
Oh, Indian Giver, that was beautiful.
Posted by: Steven, April 2nd, 2018, 11:37am; Reply: 2
This was a good one.
Posted by: Gary in Houston, April 2nd, 2018, 12:07pm; Reply: 3
Not as enamored with this as the others here, but still a nice little story.

Best of luck,
Posted by: Zombie Sean, April 2nd, 2018, 2:13pm; Reply: 4
A wonderful, uplifting tale. I enjoyed this one a lot, too.
Posted by: MarkItZero, April 2nd, 2018, 2:20pm; Reply: 5
That was great. Simple, effective, moving. Think I'll learn from this one.
Posted by: AnthonyCawood, April 2nd, 2018, 2:44pm; Reply: 6
This probably needs some more pages to do it justice, drama is difficult in one page.
Posted by: JEStaats, April 2nd, 2018, 2:50pm; Reply: 7
Now you've gone and got me all choked up. I guess that means it was a pretty damn good little short. Nicely done!
Posted by: ScottM, April 2nd, 2018, 8:41pm; Reply: 8
Wow, that last line gave me goosebumps!

For one page that’s impressive.
Posted by: DanC, April 3rd, 2018, 2:36pm; Reply: 9
That was sad.  Good work getting so much across in such a short time.  Again, I wish that you'd spend more time with her and less on traffic and others.

Get to the crux of the story, fast.


If that's her dad, why only throw a pic down??  Work on that part and this could be really special.  Solid 3.  If I could do 3.5 I would.  This is slightly below the other 2 that got a 4 from me.

Posted by: PrussianMosby, April 3rd, 2018, 3:20pm; Reply: 10
A Generous Donation

A super clean read. The expression isn't dramatic enough though. Like: Why didn't she care before? And why then should I be touched by those people? There's just a dramatic element missing that makes us identify more and make them reasonable. Still, not bad.
Posted by: Stumpzian, April 3rd, 2018, 5:14pm; Reply: 11
Who knows what happens next or what has happened before (or why)?
All these one-pagers are completely self-contained. Readers can infer certain things if they pay attention to what the writer has implied. This applies to a lot of scripts in this competition, which is what makes the one-page challenge so fascinating.

That said, I take this one at face value. It's poignant. Thumbs up.

Posted by: RJP, April 3rd, 2018, 10:30pm; Reply: 12
Nice little tear jerker you got there. Is this a prequel to Eat Fresh by any chance? Before our homeless hero begins to devour souls on the subway? lol

Good job!
Posted by: ajr, April 4th, 2018, 7:04am; Reply: 13
Great job. This is one I'm putting on reserve until I review the others - definitely gets a 4, may get a 5 depending on the quality of the rest.  Simple, yet moving, with the one line of dialogue being an extremely powerful statement.

One of the criteria I'm using in my head is to test if the story would be enhanced at 5 pages. This one doesn't need additional pages. The theme was conveyed perfectly, and there's a complete story within the 60 seconds of screen time.

And I won't penalize you for it writer, but please do me a favor and look up the origins of the term "Indian Giver"...


Posted by: eldave1, April 4th, 2018, 10:11am; Reply: 14
Very nice job here.


I would shorten this up:

Quoted Text
sufferer. Please help. Any donations will be appreciated. I
won’t remember your face, but I will remember your
generosity. God bless you.

It's a really long sign.

That's a real nit issue I know.

I enjoyed this one - great work
Posted by: FrankM, April 4th, 2018, 11:12am; Reply: 15

Quoted from eldave1
It's a really long sign.

That's a real nit issue I know.

It didn't bother me.

Not uncommon to see two or three sentences scrawled on a piece of cardboard on a city street. Not sure who the intended audience is for those longwinded pleas, most people will decide to stop or walk past well before they finish reading.
Posted by: CameronD, April 4th, 2018, 12:15pm; Reply: 16
Posted by: jayrex, April 4th, 2018, 4:23pm; Reply: 17
Touching, I like it.  Good job.
Posted by: LC, April 5th, 2018, 9:19am; Reply: 18
An Indian Giver gives something then wants that same thing back.

She wants him back? She's going to take the photo back? I dunno. I'm getting all confused as to whether the title is apt or whether you got confused with your title's meaning.

It's a little too 'Hallmark card' for me. And yet...
Posted by: ajr, April 5th, 2018, 9:52am; Reply: 19
I know the playground meaning of the term, however "Indian Giver" is a pejorative statement resulting from White settlers' misunderstanding of Native American culture.
Posted by: ScottM, April 5th, 2018, 10:15am; Reply: 20

Quoted from LC
An Indian Giver gives something then wants that same thing back.

She wants him back? She's going to take the photo back? I dunno. I'm getting all confused as to whether the title is apt or whether you got confused with your title's meaning.

It's a little too 'Hallmark card' for me. And yet...

You might be the one getting confused. The title is A Generous Donation. Indian Giver is the writer.

I thought that was clear.

Posted by: LC, April 5th, 2018, 10:16am; Reply: 21
Right. Thank you. Clearly went off on a nonsensical tangent here.
Picking up on something Ajr mentioned, so...

I knew what the title was btw.

Posted by: Warren, February 27th, 2019, 3:31pm; Reply: 22
A Generous Donation has been optioned to a student from the University of North Florida to be turned into a speculative commercial.
Posted by: Don, June 11th, 2019, 2:25pm; Reply: 23

Posted by: Philostrate, June 11th, 2019, 3:20pm; Reply: 24
Well done, Warren. Congrats!
Posted by: Warren, June 11th, 2019, 4:58pm; Reply: 25
Thanks for getting this up so quick, Don. I thought it might only be up after the WT finished.

So this was actually a script that was written for the last WT, so the timing is pretty cool. It also ticks off one of my goals for the year to have at least 1 short filmed, so happy days.

It's also nice to have something a little lighter filmed for a change.

For what it is, I think they did a great job. I've literally seen someone tear up watching it so I guess the intent was achieved :)
Posted by: Warren, June 11th, 2019, 4:59pm; Reply: 26

Quoted from Philostrate
Well done, Warren. Congrats!

Thanks, David. Appreciate it.
Posted by: Warren, June 12th, 2019, 6:57pm; Reply: 27

Shameless bump because I know the timing is bad. I won’t bump it again, well maybe once more after the WT ends.
Posted by: ghost and_ghostie gal, June 17th, 2019, 8:03pm; Reply: 28
Haha!  Glad you did or I would have missed the boat.   Turned out rather nicely.  Congrats Warren. -Andrea
Posted by: Warren, June 17th, 2019, 8:36pm; Reply: 29
Thanks, Andrea :)
Posted by: Warren, May 16th, 2021, 7:43pm; Reply: 30
I have quite a few shorts optioned at any time, but checking my IMDb this morning it shows a new credit with this going into pre-production once again.

Happy days :)
Posted by: LC, May 16th, 2021, 8:02pm; Reply: 31
Congrats, Warren!
Posted by: Zack, May 16th, 2021, 8:12pm; Reply: 32

Quoted from Warren
I have quite a few shorts optioned at any time, but checking my IMDb this morning it shows a new credit with this going into pre-production once again.

Happy days :)

Congrats, Dude! :)
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