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Posted by: eldave1, March 11th, 2019, 1:15pm

Quoted from JohnI
Read a post ion another’s site that had the top “100 log lines” of 2018 and 2019. It was link to article.

According to site
50% were sci fi
25% were sup hero
20 % were horror

Not a lot of room left for a good old fashion drama or thriller with good dialogue and interaction to carry the plot instead of CGI.

Read another where 80% of protagonist in 2018 movies were female (seems a little high) and over 60% minorities or LGBT. (Nothing wrong with this just amazed at the numbers)

Are we in a stereotyped outline writing box?

Sad state of affairs.
Posted by: FrankM, March 12th, 2019, 8:06am; Reply: 1
It might not be as bad as it looks since there is overlap between those genres, but 80% female protagonists seems like a knee-jerk reaction ("knee-jerk" in the time scales of movie production) to #MeToo superimposed on the organic shift toward more three-dimensional female characters.

How many years had over 80% male protagonists? I don't think that's a small number.

I remember one comedienne in the late 80s saying,

And here's my impression of everyone nominated for Best Actress this year...

"Go get 'em, Honey!"

By the way, the #MeToo influence is not, "OMG we need to treat actresses with more respect!" but rather what gets rated highly in focus groups. Hollywood is still picking movies with an eye on the box office.
Posted by: JohnI, March 12th, 2019, 12:04pm; Reply: 2
Took down original. As somebody told me my numbers were “slightly off” from the article. I’m trying to find the article again, but having a hard time. As soon as I find it I’ll post it.
Posted by: Lon, March 12th, 2019, 12:10pm; Reply: 3

Quoted from JohnI
Not a lot of room left for a good old fashion drama or thriller with good dialogue and interaction to carry the plot instead of CGI.

To dismiss the possibility that a genre film can also contain strong drama, dialogue and characterizations/interactions is to ignore that each of the three genres you mention are rich with examples of exemplary writing.  A good movie is a good movie, genre be damned.  You can't look at something like, say, The Exorcist, or the original Dawn of the Dead, or Psycho, and accuse those films of films of being void of real drama or rich characters.

Are we in a stereotyped outline writing box?  I'd say that if those numbers are right, and the past year has indeed seen a massive increase in female- and LBGT-lead films, then that is decidedly non-stereotypical, considering the industry is historically male-dominated.  Except, of course, for horror, which has a long tradition of strong female leads.

Funny how it's taken this long for every other genre (except maybe romantic comedies) to catch up to the strong female example horror established many decades ago, isn't it?
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