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SimplyScripts Screenwriting Discussion Board  /  My Work In Progress  /  Life as a screenplay mini-series WIP
Posted by: Clark, March 25th, 2019, 5:06pm
Logline: An actress turned vigilante hunts down a rapist, afterwards, her sister falls for a club owner caught in the wake.  

Genres: Drama/Action/Comedy

More than a little about me and this script.

The characters I have here are my “babies”. I’ve had them in one form or another over the years. I originally wanted to be a comic book artist and they were influenced by Frank millers run on Daredevil back in the 80’S? But, when I switched to wanting to be a writer, they evolved to be regular people would see on TV, but I did keep an element to it, that being Cassie plays a costumed hero on a TV show.

About the script:

This is a meant to be a mini-series that will launch 4 separate series. The events in this alter peoples lives and continues on. Basically the goal in this mini-series is for Amber to meet Alan (a really messed up way to meet).  

My writing style; I wrote this some time back. So it is ruff and I know, I know, it is to descriptive (like a novel) but again, these are my children and knowing everything about them how they think and feel and act got the best of me.  

I don’t know if this happens to anyone else, but characters I had in mind didn’t come out the way I thought they should. So with my next draft I’ll look at redoing some or removing. Case in point: “shovels” I pictured him as more recluse maybe even on oxygen, on his boat next to Cassie. He was there, someone Cassie looked in on? But when I wrote him, he did not come out that way.

Also, Cassie was to be a loner, not really interact with people and when I wrote it she has people in her life like Ronnie etc, so her being alone isn’t working out as I envisioned.

Anyway, I know I’m still not following format and will try to work on that in 2nd draft. The order I have written is:
Life as a screenplay  
Life as a screenplay: coming of age
Bob’s burgers
fantastic four the heroes within

I think I stared to get a style with the ‘coming of age’. I have a clearer direction for my 2nd draft with a new beginning that suits my style now and will make clearer what the intent of the series will be. I need to also, separate the mini series in two parts of the rape and of Amber meeting Alan.

So anyway read
Life as a screenplay  (1st)
Life as a screenplay: coming of age (2nd)
(everything else if you can).
Posted by: HyperMatt, March 25th, 2019, 5:23pm; Reply: 1
That's ambitious.
Is this a whole script, or split into parts, as a mini-series should be?
Posted by: Clark, March 26th, 2019, 12:25am; Reply: 2
Hey Matt, I wrote this well as a movie (still to long). I'm going to rewrite this as a mini-series and rework it. I got a new opening in mind. I'm gonna study some new script books I going to try my best to do it right. Still my hope is to find a collaborator.

I'll need to find a way to split it After Cassie and When Amber goes off with Alan. The new direction I have will make it clearer where I'm going with all the series. My dream is to do them say five years, but they have to end at the same time as I have the ending mini-series in mind that ends all four and all I can say is what happens the shows can't go on.

So they have to wrap up who ever handles each one. I would really need a show runner to tie all this in. I believe there shouldn't be a lot of cross overs. Maybe guest appearances. Each show would have it's own feel with a whatever you call it, the long plot that weaves here and there through out and then it will become clear.    

It all has to do with a writer.
Posted by: LC, March 26th, 2019, 1:27am; Reply: 3
Clark, all due respect but if you're wanting feedback you've a task ahead of you with a script that is 243 pages, a very talky opening, and lots of errors/typos that are hindering me getting into story. I tried...

What you're attempting is very ambitious and, dare I say, optimistic.

I strongly suggest you proofread what you have and post it in installments/episodes.

P.S. I see you're in the process of reworking this.
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