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SimplyScripts Screenwriting Discussion Board  /  My Work In Progress  /  March of the Cicadas - WIP
Posted by: JustinS, May 7th, 2020, 12:46pm
Hi all, I'm new here. I plan to give feedback of my own as well, but my immediate reason for joining is that I wanted comments on an opening scene for a pilot script I'm writing.

I'd call it a political space western, to identify the specific genre. The title is my working title -- it's a bit flowery, but I might end up changing it.

It's intended as a TV show, and I still have some cork-boarding to do, but I think the pilot will probably be around 50 pages.

I don't want to give too much information on the premise -- I can later on in the thread, if needed -- but here are the two opening scenes. Let me know what you think!

Quoted Text



Two steaming coffee mugs sit on a solid red table. Behind them is a large window, opening onto moonlike craters and a starry black sky devoid of atmosphere.

A HAND grabs the rightmost mug by the handle. The mug is lifted, and now we see through the window what the mug occluded: a BLUE-GREEN PLANET THAT ISN'T OURS.

JOSEPH BECKER lowers the mug from his face. He grimaces, then smiles. He's a tanned, sleek, wiry man who looks 50.

This off-world coffee tastes like the cellophane it was wrapped in.

Across the booth is ELIJAH MURPHY, who wipes his eyes as if he's just finished laughing. He looks about the same age -- with a crazy red goatee and a GRUFF VOICE.

Then you came to the right man.

I know I did.

Murphy takes a gulp from his own mug without hesitation.

Hell, I'd have brought my shipment inside. Maybe they'll clean out one of their coffeemakers for us.

No need to show anyone up, now.
Hey, want to know the first thing I do every time I buy your coffee?

It's gonna be weird, ain't it.

I get home, and I take out each bag, and I smell it individually.

Becker casually pantomimes sniffing a bag of coffee.

Murphy slumps on his side, LAUGHING HYSTERICALLY.

What's so funny?

Tears in his eyes, Murphy starts to regain himself.

You're a weird one, Becker.

Come on, I thought you'd have gotten used to me by now.

Thought I'd be used to a lot of things by now. About ten years ago I got worried there's no more surprises left for me.

And the surprises keep coming?

Let's say I get proved wrong a lot.
Here's another surprise. You don't look a day older than you were when we first met. How do you do that?

For a split second, Becker looks offended.

Well, I quit smoking a while back.

Quit smoking, huh?

I also exercise.
(gestures at Murphy)
I make sure not to drink too much.

Murphy starts LAUGHING again.

Good on you, but I dunno if I'd give up booze just to tack on a few more years at the end.
(more seriously)
It might be nice though, the few extra years. Wouldn't have to leave my wife alone too long.
(laughs again)
Then again, maybe that's what she wants.

I doubt that. People don't flit around unless the universe makes them.

I ain't ever seen you with anybody.

I'm one of those people the universe made flit around.

Young as you look, I bet you've got plenty of beautiful broads to flit around to.

I'm no dog, Elijah.

Silence. Murphy looks confused.

Me neither.

Can I ask you something?

Yes sir, anything for you.

How old do you think I am?

(long beat)
Well... I met you, what, 20 years ago, and if you were about 40 then, you must be... 60, now?

Silence again. Becker's face is dead serious.

(leans forward)


Who's listening in on this conversation right now?

Murphy's face whitens.

(looks around)
Nobody, as far as I know.

The diner looks empty. No noise comes from the kitchen.

Becker pulls out a revolver and places the nozzle on Murphy's forehead.

You get two more tries.

What are you talking about?

He COCKS the revolver.


You're crazy.

Close your eyes.


Just close your eyes.

Murphy heeds the advice.

Now I want you to picture your wife. What's her name?


I want you to picture Anastasia, but not just any way you please. Picture the way her face looks in the morning, whenever you wake up before she does.
Are you picturing her face?


What does it look like?

Murphy starts to cry.

You've been a good friend to me, Elijah. And I know that you're not one to flit around like I am. I know what you really value, and it's got nothing to do with the price they put on my head.

Stifling tears, Murphy looks up at Becker.

(long beat)
If I tell you, you need to promise me you'll let us be.

I promise.

It's the Vanguard.

Becker's expression loses its gentleness.

The Vanguard.

They said they'd-

The gun FIRES, leaving a small red dot on Murphy's forehead. Murphy slumps to the side. His face is FROZEN in a look of terror and recognition.

Becker has already left the diner. The doors SWING SHUT.





Becker turns away from the door and raises both his hands, dropping his gun. He doesn't look surprised.

In front of him are EDDIE LAURENT, 35, and JONI "JUJU" LAURENT, 28, wearing the pristine white uniforms of the Vanguard. Each has a gun pointed at Becker's head.

I killed your new hire.

Eddie glares at Becker through cold green eyes.

Not a hire. Just an illicit trader.

I don't pretend to believe in the sanctity of human life.
But I was under the impression that the Vanguard does.

Joni presses her gun to Becker's forehead.

Shut up, asshole.

Becker SLAPS Joni's gun away and lunges at her, but Eddie is quick. He SHOOTS Becker in the head. Becker PLUMMETS.

Joni peers down at Becker.

He's face-up on the ground, blood pooling beneath his head. His face looks calm, almost relaxed.

Let's get him onto the ship. He'll probably be awake by tomorrow.

Eddie carries Becker on his shoulder. Joni walks beside him.

The three figures make their way across the cratered terrain. We get a broader look of the area -- it's mostly empty, and surrounded by a giant air dome.

A few hundred yards down from the diner is a refueling bay filled with small spaceships. That's where they're headed.
Posted by: Fais85, May 7th, 2020, 1:58pm; Reply: 1
Well written. Nice world-building. Becker looks interesting character to me. Is he an android or a clone? A lab rat probably? Overall, it's a good opening sequence.
Posted by: eldave1, May 7th, 2020, 4:02pm; Reply: 2
A lot to like, IMO - s few issues

Quoted Text

I have no idea what I'm supposed to see from this header.  Perhaps an establishing shot would help.

Quoted Text
A HAND grabs the rightmost mug by the handle. The mug is lifted, and now we see through the window what the mug occluded: a BLUE-GREEN PLANET THAT ISN'T OURS.

occluded is going to send a lot of folks to Google. I'd go with something simpler (concealed or something)

Quoted Text
This off-world coffee tastes like the cellophane it was wrapped in.

I'd nuke off-world - too OTN

Quoted Text
Murphy takes a gulp from his own mug without hesitation.

You're overwriting a bit - you don't need without hesitation. Pr his own (of course it is). Just takes a sip  of coffee

Quoted Text
Becker casually pantomimes sniffing a bag of coffee.

Is there a formal way to pantomime?  Just - Becker pantomimes

Solid wiring for the most part

Posted by: JustinS, May 8th, 2020, 1:36pm; Reply: 3

Quoted from Fais85
Well written. Nice world-building. Becker looks interesting character to me. Is he an android or a clone? A lab rat probably? Overall, it's a good opening sequence.

Thanks for the warm feedback! Now's probably a good time to expand on the premise -- the year is 2604, and Earth has become known as the Mainworld, because of its few dozen extrasolar colonies. Becker is a former Earth statehead and capitalist; because of advanced biotechnology that was developed around the turn of the 24th century, he was immortalized -- literally -- in order to safeguard the interests of the capitalist class. He is one of several dozen very powerful figures who were immortalized like this.

But of course, these technologies could only be studied in practice, and it wasn't known (though it was speculated) that they could have debilitating psychological effects. Becker went insane, and before he could have his immortality removed, he escaped. So Becker is a sort of lab rat, then -- a 340-year-old space vampire-cowboy, kinda, but that makes it sound silly.
Posted by: JustinS, May 8th, 2020, 1:37pm; Reply: 4

Quoted from eldave1
A lot to like, IMO - s few issues

Thanks for this, I tend to overwrite a lot, and screenwriting is one of those things that are great practice for avoiding it. I've incorporated all your feedback, including about the establishing shots.
Posted by: eldave1, May 8th, 2020, 3:52pm; Reply: 5

Quoted from JustinS

Thanks for this, I tend to overwrite a lot, and screenwriting is one of those things that are great practice for avoiding it. I've incorporated all your feedback, including about the establishing shots.

My pleasure - best of luck with it
Posted by: Fais85, May 9th, 2020, 3:31am; Reply: 6

Quoted from JustinS
The year is 2604, and Earth has become known as the Mainworld, because of its few dozen extrasolar colonies.

Interesting! It would be interesting if it's Mainland instead of Mainworld. There are extrasolar colonies that are part of the world. So Mainland would make more sense IMO. Just a suggestion.

Quoted from JustinS
Becker is a former Earth statehead and capitalist; because of advanced biotechnology that was developed around the turn of the 24th century, he was immortalized -- literally -- in order to safeguard the interests of the capitalist class. He is one of several dozen very powerful figures who were immortalized like this.

So there are others like him. Cool! An immortal capitalist probably indicates the immortal greed and hunger of power. Governments take advantage of these situations.

Quoted from JustinS
Becker went insane, and before he could have his immortality removed, he escaped.

So the hunger of power and greed went rogue. You need to cure it before it destroys society.

Quoted from JustinS
So Becker is a sort of lab rat, then -- a 340-year-old space vampire-cowboy, kinda, but that makes it sound silly.

That's not silly at all as long as you properly justify everything.

Good luck with the script, Justin.
Posted by: MartyA, October 28th, 2020, 6:09am; Reply: 7
This off-world coffee tastes like the cellophane it was wrapped in.

I'd nuke off-world - too OTN

Or rephrase perhaps.

1. This concoction of X and Y is supposed to be coffee.
2. He sips on sludge, pining for the sweet taste of (fake brand name) back home
3. He brings a cellophane receptacle to his lips, winces, and tells himself its coffee.

Posted by: EricP, October 31st, 2020, 6:40pm; Reply: 8
Good actable dialogue. It's a bit talky but flows nicely. I'm not one to stick to a script with primarily talking heads, but there was enough verbal joisting that I didn't need to see more.

The problem is I don't know what this scene is about. I don't know the character motivations hence it's hard to feel invested when Murphy dies and Beck gets himself captured.

There are no stakes just an opening. I guess if that was the point then maybe I'm being too demanding here.

However, if I were a producer and this is all I had to go off on whether or not I felt your script would make a good movie or TV series, I probably would pass on it.

I think there is potential here because you clearly have talent as a writer, but as a producer, I need more than just snappy dialogue and action. I need to feel emotionally invested in the characters.

Just my two cents.  
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