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SimplyScripts Screenwriting Discussion Board  /  Simplyscripts Collaborative Effort  /  Anyone want to help me kick an idea around?
Posted by: Penoyer79, June 9th, 2022, 12:07pm
i had a dream the other night where i won the lottery but before i could cash in on my fortune I lost the ticket and my entire family turned on me.

I was thinking this might be fun to play around with. only I'd make the family a low income brady bunch.  mom, dad about a half dozen kids and an elderly grandfather all piled into a little house in the projects. happy on the surface but with cracks in the foundation. the ticket is misplaced and the family promptly turns on each other and tears itself apart...and then at the end when the dust settles on the fallout... the ticket is found.

Posted by: Gum, June 9th, 2022, 2:12pm; Reply: 1
Rarely do dreams mean what they actually are. Sounds like your higher-self is trying to tell you something... a metaphor for a lost opportunity, and rarely is money the answer to life's problems.

Friendship, family, relationships; these are all things worth way more than financial riches IMO. The script can definitely be about a lost lottery ticket, but in the end, the arc the Protag travels ultimately finds the true answer to what was missing in their life, perhaps they find something way more valuable along the way. Just my two cents...
Posted by: Arundel, June 9th, 2022, 6:40pm; Reply: 2
Sounds a bit like the beginning to Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory.  :)
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