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The original film is one of the ultimate guilty pleasures. Dumb fun with an amazing soundtrack. I'm stoked for the new movie. Looks awesome! At the very least, it should be a vast improvement of the pile of dog shit that was Annihilation.
Don't get it right. Get it written.
"If you can't handle people not liking what you do, you shouldn't be in the business." - Rob Bowman
Annihilation is one of the worst movies ever made. Horrendously bad.
I'm stoked for the new one. I'm expecting to be disappointed, they can't get away from their own source material, but it looks like they at least tried to give it a story with heart, and the action looks dope.
Annihilation is one of the worst movies ever made. Horrendously bad.
My mom took my brothers and I to see Annihilation in theaters. Even though I was only eight, the movie was so bad that I was actually embarrassed to have begged my mom to take us. I distinctly remember apologizing to her on the way out of the theater. Lol
Don't get it right. Get it written.
"If you can't handle people not liking what you do, you shouldn't be in the business." - Rob Bowman
My mom took my brothers and I to see Annihilation in theaters. Even though I was only eight, the movie was so bad that I was actually embarrassed to have begged my mom to take us. I distinctly remember apologizing to her on the way out of the theater. Lol
That'd make a great thread: Worst movie you recommended and the story behind it.
Ashes - Semi-contained psychological horror thriller/Feature The Hand of God - Low budget, semi-contained thriller/Feature Wait Till Next Year - Disney-style family sports comedy/Feature
Many shorts available for production: comedy, thriller, drama, light horror
When I first read your comment about Annihilation I thought WTF?! I loved that movie...oh wait, different movie, phew. I know what I'm watching tomorrow night.
My biggest regret and apologetic movie moment was 'The New Mutants'. I paid new release streaming rental and damn near forced my wife and daughter to watch it. It's been three months and they still bring it up. I can't be sorry enough. Now that it's out on HBO Max, you've got to watch it. Share in my lost hours of life and chronic misery.
Seriously, has anyone committed the crime of watching that piece of shite?
When I first read your comment about Annihilation I thought WTF?! I loved that movie...oh wait, different movie, phew. I know what I'm watching tomorrow night.
My biggest regret and apologetic movie moment was 'The New Mutants'. I paid new release streaming rental and damn near forced my wife and daughter to watch it. It's been three months and they still bring it up. I can't be sorry enough. Now that it's out on HBO Max, you've got to watch it. Share in my lost hours of life and chronic misery.
Seriously, has anyone committed the crime of watching that piece of shite?
I've long since given up on the X-Men franchise.
I actually thought the trailers for New Mutants looked interesting, but word of mouth was beyond bad, so I just avoided it.
Don't get it right. Get it written.
"If you can't handle people not liking what you do, you shouldn't be in the business." - Rob Bowman