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Posted by: AmericanSyCo (Guest), May 30th, 2004, 9:11am
While not as laugh-out-loud funny as Broken Lizard's previous endeavour, cult favorite "Super Troopers," "Club Dread" has something about it that I can't help but enjoy.

For one, the directing is fantastic.  I was absolutely floored at some of the camera angles and tricks used to show the killer.  One decapitation scene towards the beginning is actually quite ingenius.  Jay Chandrasekhar, the director (and co-writer and co-star) does a great job taking the rather mundane directing of "Troopers," and turns it into something new and stylish.

The other great thing is... well, Broken Lizard.  These guys know comic timing and the film really shows this.  Whether it's deadpan expressions or straight up slapstick, the troupe really knows how to pull a gag off really well without over doing it... except for the 10-minutes-too-long ending.  But that's a minor gripe...

...compared to the bigger ones.  Okay, so the directing and acting were good.  So what's the problem?  Well, while the comic timing is good, you'll actually wish there was more of it.  Jokes don't fall flat, there's just not enough of them.  As a matter of fact, certain scenes actually gave me that scary movie feeling in which you hope a character will live.  Now, that's all good and dandy in an actual horror flick, but in this it feels sorely out of place.

Really, when it comes down to it, you know if you will like this or not.  After all, not everyone enjoyed the strange coupling of sketch comedy and straight up acting goofy with "Super Troopers" and I assure you that "Club Dread" is no different.  Still worth a rent, though.

Movie: **1/2 out of ****

DVD Extras: **1/2 out of ****

For extras, there is are two nice commentaries and a sound track listing.  That's about it.
Posted by: Heretic, May 30th, 2004, 8:11pm; Reply: 1
Personally, I didn't much like Super Troopers, but I'll rent Club Dread if it's worth renting.
Posted by: mwr311, May 30th, 2004, 8:18pm; Reply: 2
I love the movie. ***1/2 for everything
Posted by: Old Time Wesley, May 30th, 2004, 10:41pm; Reply: 3
I heard it was bad but it was funny so that kind of confused me because films can be bad yet funny and still enjoyable to a certain extent

Guess I'll have to borrow it off my brother and see for myself what it's all about
Posted by: R.E._Freak (Guest), May 31st, 2004, 1:05pm; Reply: 4
It was good, I'd give it *** 1/2. It just didn't really know what it wanted to be. One minute you're laughing, the next you're cringing as someone's brutally killed.
Posted by: Old Time Wesley, May 31st, 2004, 1:50pm; Reply: 5
Comedy Horror now that's new, watch the small indy film (I think it's an indy film) called Scream Bloody Murder

It sucks so bad and it is so predictable at least they could have did with there blatant lesbien bore fest is have some T and A, this is either the worst film ever made or whatever that film is this would give it a run for it's money
Posted by: MacDuff, June 1st, 2004, 2:54pm; Reply: 6
Big fan of Broken Lizard. I truely loved Super Troopers, and I also loved Club Dread...though Wesley_Curse is right that this movie has a mighty different feel than Super Troopers. I thought that it was a smart horror/comedy flick, that sometimes lacks in the laugh factor (though, again there are some ingenious scenes....Pac-Man anyone?)

I'd give it **** out of *****

Posted by: TwilightPro1, August 10th, 2004, 10:21pm; Reply: 7
I've never seen SUPER TROOPERS,  the idea just didn't attract me to it, but seeing CLUB DREAD I have to say I've become a fan of this bunch.

First, I love the tributes.  The film wreaks of FRIDAY THE 13TH and HALLOWEEN homage sequences.

Secondly,  the characters couldn't be any funnier than they are.  Bill Paxton's character was laugh out loud funny.

Third, the commentary with the cast is truly funny.  Loved listening to them talk about it and deconstruct it, cracking jokes along the way.

Although the features on this disc, were bare bones I'll glady fork over the cash for another edition.
Posted by: Old Time Wesley, August 10th, 2004, 10:45pm; Reply: 8
By now I have seen both this and Super Troopers and all I have to say is people laughed at the films I like. As simple as that
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