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Posted by: Old Time Wesley, July 20th, 2004, 11:07pm
I don't have a whole giant review because I just seen this movie but before I went to see it I was thinking Will Smith (I'm not a fan) probably will give a boring robot film a chance to make the money they wasted and give me a giant laugh when it's over

Well was I wrong. For one it actually had an intriguing story and a couple possible bad guys that you just never knew who dun it, sure it had predictable stuff and lacked in action without all the CGI but i don't think any of that brought the overal film down.

I, Robot features a robot named Sunny actually as a main character, kinda reminded me of A.I. with Haley Joel.

I wont place any spoilers so it doesn't ruin it for people that want to enjoy it with family or friends but I will say that it is a good watch for those of you who like naked Will Smith or Robots that can think, keep secrets and dream

Hope you enjoyed our time for now, if you have seen the film and have more comments feel free to jump right in

I'll give the film a 4.5 out of 5
Posted by: R.E._Freak (Guest), July 21st, 2004, 12:41pm; Reply: 1
I read somewhere it wasn't actually based on I, Robot, it was an original script that they rearranged a bit then gave the title.

That alone kind of made me worry. But now I'll have to try and see it.
Posted by: Heretic, July 21st, 2004, 4:54pm; Reply: 2
Having read the was pretty damn different.  That said, it was good entertainment with too much CGI as usual.  

The script, what many of us are most interested in, was largely Will Smith being witty and clever in his usual way.  I didn't like it.  It was frankly bad.  The ending one liner made me want to cry.

I thought that it laid a basis for some good philisophical and moral questions, but never really capitalized on them.  

The action was pretty lame as well, in my opinion, although there was one fight between the robot Sonny and two others that was pretty stylish.
Posted by: Old Time Wesley, July 21st, 2004, 10:51pm; Reply: 3
Will Smith is about as funny as people having there heads cut of on tape, the other day i was looking in the bookstore for I, Robot and I found it. Beside it was I, Robot with Will Smith on the cover, so I'm guessng they also had a book made for the movie

They did the same thing for Spiderman 2, I seen the book. Every film has become a hooker these days for money, do they need it that bad? Or do they just want more of it just in case people hate all the other sequels they make?

But back on topic, when you see a film in theatre it's a little different than on dvd or vhs in my opinion. Not because of the size but because you may like it or hate it than but change your opinion when you see it at a later date
Posted by: the goose, August 13th, 2004, 12:51pm; Reply: 4
I saw it today and have to admit that I really enjoyed it.
Posted by: taka (Guest), August 16th, 2004, 2:26am; Reply: 5
I really liked it!! Unfourtunately i saw the movie and am now reading the book so there are some things that are diffrent and things I would haved like to have seen in the movie but overal I thought it was pretty good. not oscar worthy but entertaining all the same.
Posted by: Raiden, August 22nd, 2004, 4:39pm; Reply: 6
I've seen it I thought it was a very good movie the CGI sucked.

When Smith walks around the robots you can see that it bluescreen.

It was like seeing special effects from the 80:s.
Posted by: sophie16, September 4th, 2004, 11:58am; Reply: 7
In overall I enjoyed it, and I think the main character is supposedly Sonny. Will Smitt is witty, as usual, but I still enjoy his act. Overall I give it 8 out of 10. the end is vague though...
Posted by: Old Time Wesley, September 4th, 2004, 12:02pm; Reply: 8
The end was kinda Sonny's sweet victory, they had that picture or something earlier in it where it showed the same scene as the ending with him standing on a mountain

I honestly expected The Robot to die, I knew Willie and the girl would live because if they didn't all the fan boys of film would cry.

I haven't seen it since the day after it came out so forgive me if I am wrong
Posted by: Impulse, May 30th, 2005, 11:38pm; Reply: 9
I predicted the ending a little too early with who the real bad guy/girl/robot was. I won't say anything more, though. And there's nothing that I hate more in a movie than a predictable ending. However, I thought it was a good movie anyway.
Posted by: Old Time Wesley, May 31st, 2005, 1:07am; Reply: 10
A lot of films have a predictable ending, sometimes it's an educated guess other times like in horror films it's blatent.
Posted by: Impulse, May 31st, 2005, 4:31pm; Reply: 11
Movies that steal my heart are the ones that don't have a predictable ending .. so as you can imagine, I have a short list of favorites.
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