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Posted by: BigFatSandwich, September 10th, 2004, 1:32am
Here's my resident evil 2 review! I'll try to keep it fairly short.

It sucked.

Well... what'd the rest of you guys think?
Posted by: Glass (Guest), September 10th, 2004, 1:39am; Reply: 1
I would be inclined to agree with you... even though I didn't waste my money to see it.  I just knew it would, given how utter fantastic the 1st one was "laughs and giggles"
Posted by: Old Time Wesley, September 10th, 2004, 2:53pm; Reply: 2
It's sad when screenwriters on a web site make fun of movies but hey I'll keep an open mind and watch it next tuesday for myself and form my own opinion unlike the rest of you

Follow the herd monkey, follow
Posted by: ajk88 (Guest), September 10th, 2004, 8:37pm; Reply: 3
better than the first one..

the movie seemed to have more focus on the virus then it did the zombies... so i dont think i would actually qualify it as a zombie flick...

the ending kinda left things in the air though...

i see a third part somewhere down the road
Posted by: R.E._Freak (Guest), September 11th, 2004, 11:33am; Reply: 4
I think a while back on Milla Jovovich's homepage it mentioned a Resident Evil: Afterlife or something like that. For some reason it was promptly removed from the site.

Hmm. . .
Posted by: AmericanSyCo (Guest), September 11th, 2004, 4:47pm; Reply: 5
Yes- it certainly was a piece of shit.  

Was everyone in the film retarded?  Why doesn't Nemesis have protection for his face?  Does it matter, considering the morons acting as soldiers just could not shoot the face for their lives?  Will this be Alexander Witt's first and hopefully final film?  Why does Hollywood keep giving Paul Anderson work?  I only wish I had the answers.

For a full review, I'll wait for the DVD.  In the mean time:

* out of ****
Posted by: BigFatSandwich, September 11th, 2004, 6:18pm; Reply: 6
"but hey I'll keep an open mind and watch it next tuesday for myself and form my own opinion unlike the rest of you"

I did see it before I posted my in-depth review and I did form my own opinion. My opinion: it sucked. And I did have an open mind. I wanted it to be good. I'm a big fan of the games (well, I used to be before they decided to stop releasing them on playtation which is a slap in the face to the original fans--but that's another forum entirely). I saw the trailers and I thought, "Oh. A trailer to a movie that sucked. It's gonna extra-suck. But wait... these previews look kinda alright. It looks like this one might actually be true to the actual games, unlike the first one. I'm actually going to give this movie a chance."

Boy what a mistake that was.

I got to see it for free and I still left the theater feeling somewhat cheated. First of all, if you've never played the games you're going to be totally lost because they don't explain any of the story in the movie. All they tell you is: these people are trapped, they're going to die if they don't survive.

Secondly, is this a zombie movie or the matrix?

Thirdly (is thirdly a word?), Mike Epps? Why in the world is he in this movie?!

Fourthly, how did she know they were in that church? How did she make it through that window? It was pretty high up there.

Fifthly, I know the games had notoriously bad dialogue, but c'mon! What's up with the corny one-liners? I don't remember those.

Sixtly, why does everyone's aim suck when it really matters?

Seventhly, why am I on my "seventhly" and I still haven't run out of things to talk about?

Eightly, how come some people turned into zombies right away when they were bitten and others had to get shot to death on a bridge an hour later before they turned?

Oh my god, I could go on forever. So no, it's not sad when screenwriters on a site make fun of a movie. It's sad when movies are obviously made just to make money. Do you honestly think a true fan of resident evil--given the budget this movie was given--would've made something this bad? I don't think so.
Posted by: AmericanSyCo (Guest), September 11th, 2004, 7:26pm; Reply: 7
My "favorite" part is when the hot-shot sniper (who has probably been shooting zombies in the head for a good 24 hours) promptly shoots the Nemesis in his bullet proof-jacket protected chest... twice.



You have no idea how many times I wanted to scream this throughout the film.
Posted by: R.E._Freak (Guest), September 12th, 2004, 9:57pm; Reply: 8
Man. I really wanted to like this movie. I mean really wanted to. And it wanted me to like it.

Unfortunately, it failed to a great extent. Everything that I liked about Resident Evil, everything that made it a cheesy B-horror/sci-fi flick is gone. There are so many things wrong with this movie, where do I begin?

I absolutely hated the direction. Alexander Witt is a second unit director, and it shows. The scene with the trucks picking up the Umbrella high-ups I loved, it was wonderfully photographed and shot, and really had a sense of organized chaotic tension to it.

Unfortunately, it all goes to hell after that. Whenever there are zombies everything slows down. Why? The fights also suffer from the same problem. When Alice does a spectacular flip/twirl thing through the cemetary, IT'S BLURRED TO MUCH YOU CAN'T SEE ANY OF IT! Seriously! All you see is a beige blur moving across the screen. Jesus.

Witt also had an obsession with fast cuts and close-ups. Everything is close-ups. When a zombie attacks, it moves in and moves so fast you can't see anything. I mean, there was no point in having any gore whatsoever (not that there is any) because you can't see any of it! Alexander Witt, I can honestly say, cannot direct. He is a second unit director and should leave the directing to the big boys. At least Anderson has a fast-paced style. Witt has no style, he's just taking every old trick in the book (slo-mo, fast cuts, shakey cam) and trying to make it his own. He fails miserably.

Well, aside from Nemesis, they leave the movie about thirty minutes into the movie. Seriously, none of them are important. The zombies are all done in the annoying slo-mo blur thing, so they suck. (I ask you, WHY?! For the love of God!).

The lickers pissed me off in this one. They're fucking wimps! In RE it was the king of the shjow, the ultimate creature. In this one Alice takes on THREE, that's right, THREE OF THEM, in less than two mintes.

The dogs, I couldn't stand. In RE there was a point. They were there for medical testing, so when they turned it made sense. They were skinned because they broke out of their cages. SENSE! In ths one, when do they appear? Near the end of the movie. How do they appear? (Don't laugh) A K-9 van parked right outside of the building that is the focal point of the movie.

I told you not to laugh. . . ah, fuck it, let's do this right.

Jesus fucking Christ, there are so many. Here's a list of some I found:
 - When Nicholai is killed by the dogs, he doesn't turn into a zombie though clearly infected.
 - Peyton and Ashton both turn into zombies after being shot. Yet none of the S.T.A.R.S. or U.B.C.S. do. Also, why didn't any of the chopper guards turn after being slaughtered by the mains?
 - They sent a truck to retrieve Ashton's daughter, which means she's a priority. Yet when contact is lost they just let her go without sending anyone else.
 - The cement truck that takes Angela's truck out does not stop. Where are the police? Where are the bystanders? The outbreak has not yet begun.
 - The times after being bitten are not consistent at any time.
 - The lickers are the same as RE, yet they are incredibly weaker.
 - Angela survives fine in the school, yet as soon as everyone else arrives they are attacked by zombies AND dogs.
 - Why is it that the pimp doesn't seem at all confused or so much as interested when a highly trained, heavily armed spanish guy blows away a zombie?
 - Watch the end of RE: the streets are FULL of debris. Watch REA: the streets are practically empty.
 - Why is it that there are no zombies swarming the helipad during the big fist fight, yet THE MOMENT IT ENDS they swarm the place?
 - The EMP charge from the nuke would have shut down the chopper, they would not have been able to do anything. It would have dropped from the sky.
 - Nemesis gets into the hospital and unloads both crates in about thirty seconds, before Carlos and the others arrive. Yet every other time we see him he moves at a lumbering pace.
 - When Cain tries to shoot himself the gun clicks empty. That's not how it works, it would lock open and would not fire at all.
 - The nuke was launched with a five minute detonation period. At the speed that nuke was traveling, where the hell was it launched from? Taiwan?
 - Jill walks into the police station and practically executes half a dozen people. And the other cops don't so much as blink?
 - The only exits from the city are blocked by gates. What, is the entire city in between surrounded by thirty foot walls? Wouldn't people find that a little weird, living in a city that can be locked down completely? Alternately, did they put the walls up overnight?
 - They covered up the outbreak and nuke blast as a nuclear plant going thermal. Did they just execute the few survivors who made it out of the quarantine zone? Wouldn't they go to the media first thing?
 - You can't 'run' down a wall.
 - Fun game: count the rounds everyone fires. It'll royally fuck your mind.
 - Why was not the pimp attacked by the hooker zombies? They were right there, and he took about a minute to get out and get running.

In RE it was airborne. That's how it infected everyone. The infection was contained, leaving only blood infection. That's how the outbreak began in REA. The team was attacked and infected while opening the hive, and the infected escaped. Now, that means that the random patterns of infection throughout the city means that the zombies were popping up and biting people. Also, it could not have been an airborne outbreak or it would have been a 100% infection and Umbrella would have nuked the city right away. Now, since the virus is not airborne, how do: 1. the zombies rise from sic feet underground, where even if the virus was airborne it would not reach them, and: 2. why do some people who are shot revert while others do not?

 - The zombie hookers. What the fuck is this? God damn it's twisted.
 - I loved the subplot with the priest, bringing bodies to feed his undead sister. That in itself could be a movie. But, of course, if it's a cool idea that means that the zombie has to break free at that exact moment and kill the priest. Fuckers.

One word: FUCK!!!!!!! What the fuck were they thinking? A fist fight between Alice and Nemesis? Fucking Christ.

Was the cool cowboy sniper on the roof. I mean, come on. Cowboy hat? CD player with Rammstein? A high powered rifle? Probably drunk? My kind of character. AND THEY FUCKING INCINERATE THE POOR BASTARD! He doesn't even get to fight.

So, in the end: this is quite possibly the worst movie I have seen this year. And God damn it, I was really looking forward to it. Resident Evil is bad, but in a good way. Resident Evil Apocalypse is just shit bad. I mean SHIT bad.

*** out of ****
Why such a high rating despite what I just said? Well, I loved the stuff with the trucks, and all the scenes with the people on the bridge were great. I also liked the S.T.A.R.S. and U.B.C.S. arriving and getting wiped out. In the end, there was enough to keep me happy on a purely mindless entertaining level, but if you think about it you'll find it a lot les enjoyable.
Posted by: Antemasque, September 15th, 2004, 11:04am; Reply: 9
Well at least i got in to see it for free. lol The acting SUCKED
Posted by: Chris_MacGuffin, November 16th, 2004, 9:11pm; Reply: 10
And they made Nemesis a wimp.
Although the kung fu fight was hilarious.
Posted by: Chris_MacGuffin, November 27th, 2004, 4:38pm; Reply: 11
There was so much wrong with film.

Nemesis is a lumbering wimp and a half assed version of the game version of himself.  In the game he was a hunter, who'd stop at nothing to kill S.T.A.R.S members, he stalked them and was an unstopable and calculating force.
In the movie he is computer control and just wanders around the city. Yes he does hunt the stars, but it's all comprised in a single shootout scene that ends with a lame "Lethal Weapon" style joke. He didn't even do the face grab, nor did they use the second "tentacle form."  And his death: a self sacrifice to save Alice. Come on.
True he did shoot a helicopter down in the game, but it was to stop Jill, not help her.  

Nicholi was another wimp, not the Albert Wesker character he was in the game.
The acting was horrendous, the dialogue was worse, like something straight out of a b-movie from the fifties.
Paul Anderson focuses on Alice too much and ignores everything else.
There was a lack of monsters and the zombies were nowhere near as threatening as they could of been.

The best thing to do is skip watching this crapfest, go rent Shuan of the Dead, and then read one of R.E Freak's version of the Resident Evil series.
Posted by: directoboy12, December 27th, 2004, 6:28pm; Reply: 12
This film is horrible. A big sloppy mess.
Posted by: Chris_MacGuffin, February 22nd, 2005, 7:33pm; Reply: 13
Not to sound pompous, but I know, given the chance I could direct a better flick.

Honestly, Anderson has no sense of character nor does Witt have any sense of direction. He has a few "trick" shots, most frequently close-ups and dutch angles.

On a technical level the film works - the action sequences, although obscured by the camera work, are great, the Alice running down the building was a great shot. But that's the only portion of the film that works.

Fans want gore and to remain true to the game. What annoys me more is the fact that Paul Anderson has taken nods from the games, he knows his source material, yet he chooses not to use it.  You know, it's one thing to know the mansion was called "Spencer Mansion"  then simply call a character in the film "Spence". It's another to see an underlying romantic context between Jill and Chris and play that up in the game.
Even as a survival horror game, there is a certain backstory and mythology to the game that people like to see on the screen.

To be fair, I enjoyed "Resident Evil" it had it's moments, kept true to the game by stating it was a prequel and not incorperating any characters from the game, and set up a backstory to the game.

"Resident Evil: Apocalypse" betrays the game, by including characters from the game it basically ruins the film.
Posted by: Old Time Wesley, February 22nd, 2005, 7:58pm; Reply: 14
To stay true to the game you have to have horrible camera angles and a boring story, that's true to the game. Wait, they did that. I think people wanted the game directly to the film and they didn't get that so they're mad.

I hate to say this but a lot of the scripts by people who say they can do better cannot really do much better, maybe as a director but not as a writer.

There are 4 or 5 people who I think could do better films and that's it from what's been posted on here. The best unproduced writer in the world is one guy who got booted because of one of our very own and now all I we get to read is horror here horror there horror everywhere... yay!

Maybe you could direct a better film but don't make the same mistake others have and say you could write a better one unless you are willing to do so and not just be full of yourself. Anyone can make a claim, but only a few can back it up.
Posted by: Chris_MacGuffin, February 22nd, 2005, 8:05pm; Reply: 15
True, just it pisses me off, seeing a game franchise I respect, being treated like shit by some second rate writer.
Posted by: Old Time Wesley, February 22nd, 2005, 8:41pm; Reply: 16
I don't like it when people write screenplays to be better than something that has already been made or even a sequel to something that's not there's to begin with but I can't stop them so I live with it well actually I could stop them but I choose not to
Posted by: AsianBoyToy (Guest), February 28th, 2005, 5:08pm; Reply: 17
I only saw half of it. I stopped when alice and nemesis started fightin.

I have sum questions.
Did the gangster, jill, or terri died.
I know terri died from a friend, but how did she.
She was  my fave. character

Posted by: Old Time Wesley, February 28th, 2005, 6:49pm; Reply: 18
She got eaten by children, the next RE needs Michael Jackson so the zombie children can get there revenge on that silly white man
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