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SimplyScripts Screenwriting Discussion Board  /  Script Reviews  /  Wonderland- Nicole Adams and Tanner Murray
Posted by: RyanWritesComedies (Guest), October 13th, 2004, 8:26pm
Not only did this script take one of the most famous pieces of literature in history and turn it into one big drug reference, the writers did it badly. I'm not a huge fan of Alice in Wonderland anyways, but this was just horrible. There was no character development, there was really no plot, and there was one of the weakest endings i've ever read in a script. And like I mentioned earlier, the whole thing was a terribly written drug reference.

No dis-respect to the writers, it takes alot of guts to post a script to the public... especially if it's as bad as this one.

Sorry, but reviews have to be harsh... because they are the truth.
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