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Posted by: Old Time Wesley, March 27th, 2005, 5:44am
I don't think Kevin recieves the credit he is due for what he does for dvd... I mean all these films come out and bring out lame ass dvd's and yet Kevin someone who is screwed over and over by his so called fans who say his films suck and the films get really bad in theatre profit and yet he stills makes stellar dvd releases...

I'm confused as to why good films like Spiderman 2 which promised from 3 - 6 hours of great special features in which was a lie, 2 hours of that was counted towards the boring commentary and boring interviews with Stan Lee where they let him go on for hours and hours and some make up effects people blah blah Nobody cares.

Underappreciated Mr. Smith is. Lord of The Rings, From Dusk Till Dawn and Kevin's films are the only quality one off the top of my head that are really worth it for extras. From Dusk comes with a 2 hour documentary and what does Hulk give us a second disk with 4 scenes and a crappy video game demo... Give us the full game for the money we waste on yuor crap.

A lot of films just say F you to us all and have no features and these are the films you'd want to see something behind the scenes or how they made it.

So, with that said...

Dvd Features and presentation 5 out of 5
The film itself gets a 4 out of 5

It features some sweet commentary tracks with most of the key actors, many extended scenes, outtakes and a lot of good stuff.

Here's something Kevin Smith doesn't like Paul Thomas Anderson's style of film making... Don't confuse this guy with the AVP guy, it's odd that Smith even knows who this guy is since he's not really in his way.
Posted by: RyanSmith, March 27th, 2005, 10:35am; Reply: 1
kevin smith is my favorite director and i love all his movies. And yes, the extras he seemingly poops out into hs DVDs are great, just look at Clerks X and JASBSB.

Posted by: Chris_MacGuffin, April 5th, 2005, 5:53pm; Reply: 2
I'll have to check this out.
Posted by: Higgonaitor, April 5th, 2005, 9:56pm; Reply: 3
I loved dogma, and the dvd was really cool, full of hilarious extras and stuff, it was great
Posted by: R.E._Freak (Guest), April 6th, 2005, 4:41pm; Reply: 4
This is the one movie from him (not counting Jersey Girl, but let's not go there) that I have yet to see. I don't know why I keep putting it off. Maybe I just don't think it can be better than Mallrats (my favorite). Good old Brody.
Posted by: Old Time Wesley, April 6th, 2005, 6:13pm; Reply: 5
Not much is better than Mallrats, to be honest with you he should have made Mallrats 2 instead of Clerks 2 because eventhough Clerks is cool Mallrats is high and above.

But it's Kevin Smith, maybe Clerks 2 will go to the mall. Jersey Girl is a pretty good film and you kinda forget it's a Kevin Smith film while enjoying but if you listen to the commentary you'll know it's Kevin.
Posted by: RyanSmith, April 9th, 2005, 6:14pm; Reply: 6
mallrats 2 would never work as well as Clerks 2. The ybuild off how the movies did in theatres, and more people know of clerks for some reason... mallrats awas a huge flop in the box office... and its a shame cause the poeple promoting it "couldn't promote themselves out of a paper bag" <<<quote taken directly from Kevin Smith from the Mallrats DVD

I have heard rumors of Mallrats 10th anniversary to come out sometime this year... anyone else hear this??
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