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Posted by: Antemasque, August 1st, 2005, 8:20pm

What you do actually think about the scripts you have written and do you think it is a good read.

Be honest here. I'll get around to doing it soon.
Posted by: George Willson, August 1st, 2005, 8:39pm; Reply: 1
Not everything I have written is gold. My first one was about a weird religion in a small town, almost big brother type environment. It had lots of holes, and I didn't see it until I'd read it much later. Not a bad story, but not complete.

I know I don't write something unless I will enjoy it, so I tend to currently enjoy what I've written. Will anyone else enjoy it? Well, some have before, but I couldn't decide that for anyone.

I like The Fempiror Chronicles the most of all that I've written, if I had to pick something. It is the most universal story, can be handled by a larger audience than the others, and will probably have the biggest appeal. The other stuff I've written would have a much smaller audience.
Posted by: bert, August 1st, 2005, 9:13pm; Reply: 2
Sure.  I love my own stuff.  Sometimes I go back and read it again just for fun.

That does not mean it's perfect.  That does not mean it needs no revisions.

But if you post something you don't like yourself, you are just being silly and wasting everybody's time.  I hate reading posts that say, "...this is a piece of crap I knocked off in two hours."  Why do they think anyone cares?
Posted by: Scoob, August 1st, 2005, 9:48pm; Reply: 3
I have only so far written two scripts and although they are not masterpieces, I enjoyed writing them and gave them a lot of time and thought.

The first one, Friday The 13th Rotten Flesh, well I cant say I have actually made any rewrites on it. I made a couple of alterations and then I considered it complete. It is not an original and its not mindblowing by any means, but as a first effort Im very pleased with it.

I feel my second script. "Season Of The Devil", is a much superior script as it is original and completly my own idea. Thanks to some of the people that have posted on the thread, the next draft is coming along well and I actually enjoy making alterations whereas I was not really too fussed about my Friday 13th script once it was finished (due mainly to the fact its not really my idea, anyone can write a Friday 13th script).

Posted by: R.E._Freak (Guest), August 1st, 2005, 10:20pm; Reply: 4
When I edit the name of a file to include the suffic "fnldft" I feel that I have done everything I can on my own. I'm never 100% pleased with what I write, because there is always some little way, even if it's a single word, that you can change to make it better. To say that a script is finished, done, needing no changes isn't true. Scripts always need changes, and they always will be changed. I'm actually more pleased when someone points out numerous errors which my scripts. That means they're not done yet, that I can still work to improve them and make them far better.
Posted by: KINGPIN, August 20th, 2005, 10:22am; Reply: 5
R.E. freak I know what you mean, not all writers are ever 100% happy with their final draft I know I'm not.

But What I think I've wrote may be rubbish, someone else may think it's gold dust. Because I think it's trash and belongs in that trash bin under every writers desk (mine is not over flowing for once) doesn't share someone's else's liking over it.

Your script could be the next big thing, I think that all the time but also still in the same I think it's trash written for the trash. But no writer is ever 100% happy with their screenplay. They always seem to have a new and better idea for the script after the final draft, meaning Do i use this? or leave it out?

It's tough and non one said it was an easy business. But since I sold my script a few months ago I now feel more confident.
Posted by: jerdol, August 30th, 2005, 10:37am; Reply: 6
Everything I've written so far I think is very good.  Of course, I haven't really written anything so far... (I'm in the middle of my first script - just finished draft one)

Seriously though, I would never write something I didn't like.  If I don't like something, I'll either keep working on it until I do, or (more likely) delete it.  I realize my stuff isn't gold, but I still think it's pretty good.
Posted by: MacDuff, August 30th, 2005, 10:43am; Reply: 7
50/50. Some of the stuff I love, some of the stuff I don't really like.

As long as I'm improving with each project, then that's okay for me.
Posted by: -Ben-, October 11th, 2005, 4:16am; Reply: 8
i dont lime rewriting becaus eim afraid il ruin the script or knock out a part that is impoant/good..i guess that complies for the lack of revision in my scripts.
Posted by: greg, October 11th, 2005, 5:37pm; Reply: 9
I think my stuff is a good read...most of it anyway.  I'm probably more fond of my comedies but after revisions my other shtuff should be up to par.
Posted by: Balt (Guest), October 11th, 2005, 9:08pm; Reply: 10
I won't lie at all... I'm a huge fan of my material. I think I've got some of the best Horror/thriller/si-fi/twilight zone inspired stuff around.

I don't think all of it's solid gold or perfect or flawless or nothing. I think that my idea's are solid, original and innovative, though... To the point you've never fully seen anything I've done, done before.

That, in itself, constitutes me being a fan of my own work.
Posted by: Old Time Wesley, October 12th, 2005, 7:56am; Reply: 11
I hate my work, absolutely positively hate it but for some reason people enjoy them. Sometimes I think it's okay but I'm never thinking it's great.

I'm not amoung the group of people who enjoy my work... The saying you're your own worst critc is very true with me.

I've written about 20 screenplays all in which the people who read them think highly of them but I just cannot stand the lot. (Not including series)

I did release 2 of them and they were well recieved but since I cannot stand the review process and waiting for people who could care less about anything that isn't there's is a waste of time and effort.
Posted by: Andy Petrou, October 12th, 2005, 12:56pm; Reply: 12
Well, as vain as it sounds, I love both my scripts!!! I can't wait to re-read my Goonies one, as it's been ages since I read it last, in one go. I sadly crack myself up at it, but hey, at least I amuse myself, LOL!

As for House of Fun, I actually want to re-read that cos it was done in 2 days, but I remember feeling like my dialogue was good in that one, so yeah, of course I will re-read it at the next chance I get. I only dislike the fact that I have new ideas which could be incorporated into both scripts, but I find re-writing very hard to do and it never feels finished either!

If I don't like my own work, I can't imagine anyone else will either!!!

Andy x
Posted by: fartistic, October 25th, 2005, 6:17pm; Reply: 13
I love Death Lives!

Most of the dialogue is derrived from my own personal views, sillyness, and pet peeves. It's a personal piece that I wanted to get out of the way before I made a serious attempt at writing something for the masses. I just had to get it out of my system. I myself find it as funny as hell. I don't think many people will understand it though. It's not for everyone.

I'm positive that I have quite a few issues with structure (and a few other things too!). I hate structure. I hate following a format. I have to learn to buckle down. I could also use a high school English teacher by my side too. Just to nitpick at my grammar.

I also hate proofreading.   
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