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Posted by: Andy Petrou, August 14th, 2005, 9:41am
Quite simply, wow.

My goodness I forgot how amazing this movie is. I am a sucker for the concept of 'what if' and 'had I done that instead' - this movie really makes you think about those things. It questions the roles that fate and chance play in our lives.

Brilliant acting on the part of Gyneth Paltrow, who also did a superb job of a believable British accent!

This was not only a touching film, it was thought-provoking and left you with a sense of belief in fate. It made you think about the fact that everything happens for a reason. It might seem wishy-washy to all those who don't believe in destiny, but at the end of the day, it makes you remember that any action, in a split second, can have dramatic consequences.

I urge you to see it! If you in any way enjoyed the Butterfly Effect or as a friend told me, Donnie Darko (as I am told there are similar themes that cross over there), then I think you will like this.

Great film and just totally re-inforces my belief in fate again. The split timezones and parallels were executed brilliantly!

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