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Posted by: Old Time Wesley, August 31st, 2005, 11:41am
It comes in a metal case, I mean what else can you ask for ha-ha

Muay Thai is a great art fighting style and shows up very well on screen, Tony Jaa may have a weird voice and isn't a top notch actor... Probably doesn't even know a word of English but I don't actually know because I'm not a biographer.

He's a great action star with even the most mundane story around him. "Oh, I lost my head, can you get it back? Oh and by the way never use your Muay Thai skills"

That makes a lot of sense, like if Michael Jackson could sleep with women, I know it's hard to picture but try.

It's an overall great film, he does all of his own stunts and they are more mind boggling than that of Jackie Chan. He can do these triple spin kicks that look like something out of the Matrix that was pre rendered.

He's cool but this DVD release is disappointing... A music video, the making of the music video and a couple of live performances of him doing the movie stunts live to prove he wasn't faking it.

It's a forgettable DVD but the film is ever lasting. Lately I've come to respect foreign films more than that of American made let downs.

Movie - 8 out of 10
DVD - 6.5 (Mostly because of the metal case ha-ha)
Posted by: Heretic, September 1st, 2005, 6:39pm; Reply: 1
Not seen the DVD, but the movie is great.  Some great action and amazing stunts.

However, I don't like Jaa nearly as much as Jet Li or Jackie Chan..the action is a little more brutal/raw, sure, but then they're sending stunt men to the hospital all the time.  I also don't think most of the action looks as nicely choreographed as Li and Chan, or anyone else..Hung, Yeoh, even Lee and what have you.  Still, I await his next film with high expectations, and Ong Bak was a damn fun movie.
Posted by: Old Time Wesley, September 1st, 2005, 7:30pm; Reply: 2
His second and third films have already been released so you're waiting for his fourth film. Sword is the one that's coming in 2006. I don't know if they'll release any of them in NA so we all may be waiting for a long time for something new.

People think he's this Muay Thai fighter who had a sex change... They made a film about a Muay Thai fighter who had a sex change and is now a woman.

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