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SimplyScripts Screenwriting Discussion Board  /  Movie, Television and DVD Reviews  /  Wake of Death
Posted by: Old Time Wesley, September 25th, 2005, 5:59pm
I'm just shocked at how violent this film is when it's supposed to be Van Damme's return to the genre he became a star in... I don't know if I'd call this a retun because it's just so violent and raw.

So the story is Cynthia Archer brings home a little girl who they find on a ship trying to smuggle in imigrants (The little girl witnessed her mother being killed by her father) her father comes to America to get his daughter back and kills Cynthia. Ben Archer (Van Damme) losses his mind and goes after them and what comes next is probably the most intriguing violent action movie I've seen in awhile.

Torture with a power tools, pools and pools of blood, bullets piercing body parts and a head literally exploding... You'd think it was a horror film but it's not.

This is not a great film but it deserves a little bit more than it has gotten.

The DVD has a 10 minute making of and other than that it is very bare bones but it's worth about 7 bucks.

I thought it started really slow and got really good and ended horribly though because they don't even resolve the burning question I had.

6 out of 10 because it was a different film even if the story was the typical revenge story.
Posted by: Heretic, September 26th, 2005, 12:53pm; Reply: 1
Glad to hear it!

I do like Van Damme.
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