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Posted by: Old Time Wesley, October 1st, 2005, 11:28pm
I didn't see this already on here which is shocking but I'll give my two cents on this oldie but goodie film... People like myself start enjoying certain actors later in life, me with Bruce Campbell and so far after watching MAn with a Screaming Brain which is good and Bruce Campbell vs Army of Darkness I have become a fan of his work.

So after talking with heretic he suggested I watch this film and I ordered it that night...

Plot Outline:

In New York a series of people are slayed and strangled to death brutally on an open street. All witnesses agree that the murderer was in a cop's uniform. Soon the police search and find a suspect in it's own rows: Jack Forrest (Bruce Campbell) turned in by his own wife. To prove his innocence, he has to investigate on his own.

This is for 1988 a really well done film. Is it a horror film? Could it be that I actually enjoyed a horror film? I don't know but it seems as if that's how it is.

Bruce isn't a great actor (I know but it's true) but with what he has (Raw talent for being enjoyable) he works for me anyway in almost every film or show I've seen him in.

The film has some problems and at times seems really cliche but it just works as a whole and I wouldn't change anything. They build a story and add in a bit of misdirection, though they do kill off a lot of characters and the body count is high. (The Maniac Cop kills around 12 people in the span of 3 minutes) this is what film making used to be about, raw original films with basically unknown stars.

All in all I'd give it a 8 out of 10.

The DVD is pretty bare bones but I guess that's to be expected.
Posted by: Balt (Guest), October 2nd, 2005, 12:16am; Reply: 1
LOL! WOW! I never would'a guessed you for a MANIAC COP liker, either ;)

This series was pretty good. I have to admit, it's one of them... I'm not gonna tell my friends it's better than Friday the 13th... but it really is, kinda things.

MATT CORDELL, the zombie/maniac cop from hell!

These movies were often pretty violent with a high body count and virtually no plot. I like the 2nd one the best. They have this amazing scene where he goes into the Police station and kills, kills, kills, kills and you know what...? He kills somemore.

I didn't, however, know this was out on DVD... I need to get this for my collection. Thanks for the heads up, WES!

P.S. Hey, bro, if you like BRUCE check out a movie called -- SUNDOWN that he did. It's amazing. It's a little known movie that well... nobody really knows about. It was filmed in the ass end of the 80's and it envolves a ghost town "so to speak" full of VAMPIRES... but it's set in the modern age.  It's a kick ass flick!

Also check out WAX WORK 2 -- the highlight of that entire movie is his story in it... it's filmed in Black & white and just comes off classic!
Posted by: Heretic, October 2nd, 2005, 12:27am; Reply: 2
Maniac Cop!  What a film.  As I recall, 2 is the best, but I understand that it's not on DVD -- for some reason only 1 and 3 are.    

Poor Robert Z'dar never went on to do much.  He was in A Gnome Called Gnorm, directed by Stan Winston.  Unfortunately, he was in Pocket Ninjas, hands down the worst film I've ever seen.

Balt's recommendations are excellent ones -- Anthony Hickox's best two films in my opinion (I own both).  When watching Sundown, watch (well, listen) for a sample used in Army of Darkness.  Bruce plays a descendant of Van Helsing and he's absolutely brilliant, a perfect performance to complement David Carradine's fantastic turn as Count Mardulak.  

When watching Waxwork II...laugh your ass off.  You will.  Bruce's story is just absolutely bizarre hilarious slapstick, also starring Marina Sirtis of all people, Counselor Troi of Star Trek TNG.  
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