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SimplyScripts Screenwriting Discussion Board  /  Movie, Television and DVD Reviews  /  Alien Apocalypse DVD
Posted by: Old Time Wesley, October 15th, 2005, 2:22pm
Chiseled to the point of caricature, Bruce Campbell, the star of the EVIL DEAD series, is an actor who mixes the extremes of action and comedy beautifully. In ALIEN APOCALYPSE, he plays a doctor and astronaut named Ivan Hood, who has just returned from a space journey. Upon his arrival on Earth, Ivan finds a vastly different world than the one he left--a world that has been taken over by nefarious aliens. Now it is up to him and Kelly, his lovely fellow astronaut, to revolt and take back their world.

It's good, not great but good.

I'll elaborate on that. You see Bruce Campbell as an actor is an acquired taste and if you enjoy his films you'll like this one very much and if not you'll hate it. Probably even think it's worse than Gigli.

It has Renee O'Connor from Xena fame in it as the leading female who does a pretty good job and is still very good looking after these last years of not working... much. She deserves more work than she gets.

The story is okay, the dialogue is bland and the voices don't match the actors because they dubbed about 90% of the actors with other actors who could speak english. I hate that in films.

All the features a Behind The Scenes look, commentary and stuff are all really good and bring the overall score back up but still I guess it's right where I expected it to be. Mediokre. (They filmed this and Man with the Screaming Brain back to back.)

Movie - 6 out of 10
Overall DVD - 8 out of 10
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