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Posted by: Chris_MacGuffin, October 18th, 2005, 1:25pm

What to say, what to say. This is bad, even for the often lackluster Return of the Living Dead series. It's refreshing to see old fashion zombie gore with little or no CGI, but it's within the realm of an utterly pathetic entry. Watching this on sci fi, I wasn't surprised in the least why this film skipped theatrical release. I think the plot was something along the lines of this guys friend has a motorcycle accident, is taken to the hospital, which then transports him to this some laboratory to test on. Now if that's not utterly unbeleivable enough, now his friends, come to save him. So what do they do, they gear up, with weapons, biking gear and other equipment that they never use. Obviously, the people at the labs don't check the bags... and guess what, zombie horror ensues.
This could have been funny, it could have been scary, it could have been original. It wasn't any of those.

Return of the Living Dead 4: Necropolis

1/2* out of ****
Posted by: Balt (Guest), October 18th, 2005, 1:49pm; Reply: 1
I laughed at this movie and it's counter part "RAVE TO THE GRAVE" which was even worse than this one.

I don't buy these 16 year old kids all riding dirt bikes. I don't buy them shooting flame throwers and sub machine guns... Hell, I don't even like holding a gun and wouldn't know the 1st thing about shooting a flame thrower... it's not logical. It just isn't logical to believe that a kid would be skilled in knowing how to light up and shoot a flamethrower.

They all knew karate. All of them. Even the Zombies. Yes, they have zombie fist fights in this one.

The cast could not act. None of them. It was totally absurd. No one was even cool. They all got on my nerves. Of course they had the token black guy in with all of them... I always laugh at this. Why the hell would 1 black guy hang out with 7 white people? He wouldn't! It's stupid! In a perfect world, maybe... but in reality this doesn't take place often... it does, some place, somewhere but not everywhere and not near enough to warrent it as reality. It's like dragons and other mythical creatures... they probably didn't exisit.

I just don't buy the "ONE" black guy with a swarm of white people. He was also skilled at ridding bikes, hacking computers, chemestry and even battling with nunchucks. << Yeah a regular B.A. Barakus >> It was friggin' stupid.

The story had nothing going for it... at all. The zombies "the actual zombies" were decent... better than Land of The dead and the gore "for TV" was brilliant. I loved the gore in the movie had some of the best I've seen in a long time and that's sad. Then they thru it into the whole R.E. universe with Super Bio Zombies... which really Return 3 really did this, so R.E. kinda took from it... I'm not all together gonna toe tag this for theft, not in this case... R.E. did steal the idea for Bio Zombies and shit from Return 3 I believe.

Anyways at the end of the day... the movie was shit. BOTH of them 4 and 5. I couldn't believe that this "high tech" lab had nobody working there... they had 3 staffing people, that was it. Two security guards and the uncle... Oh wait! Oh wait! LMFAO the kids best friend worked their too... LOL! A girl who worked as head of security... yeah right! She was a kid and they let her work in this lab... it was amazing how they wanted us to buy even half of the shit that went on in this movie.

Then of course the incredible "CHRISTMAS IS COOL" line... what is that? LOL! What the hell does that mean? This movie is worth a watch just to laugh at... it is. I simply cannot think of a funnier set of zombie movies than 4 and 5 return of the living dead.

1 out of 5 -- I won't even get into RAVE TO THE GRAVE... it's not worth my time.
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