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SimplyScripts Screenwriting Discussion Board  /  Things you are looking for  /  Eraserhead Script
Posted by: -Ben-, November 11th, 2005, 12:52am
i googled it, and just found info about the script, NOT the actual script. I found a transcript, but im more intersted in the descriptions BY THE ACTUAL DAVID LYNCH. Ive seen the film im just wondering how he managed to cram all that into twenty pages of script. The OFFICIAL script not a scirpt by someone whos seen the movie a million times.

Thanx in advance. (I'll proabbly say thanks again but ill say it now just in case)
Posted by: Pete B. Lane, November 11th, 2005, 1:34am; Reply: 1
Twenty pages? Where do you get that number from? The film is about a hour and a half, so I wouldn't think the script would be only 20 pages. Of course, it was written and directed by Lynch so he may have used a shorter than normal shooting script, I don't know. Actually, twenty pages would be more of a treatment than a real script. Since he was going to direct it he might not have thought it necessary to go into great detail.

But sorry, I don't know where to find it. I would like to read it, though.

ETA - I just looked into it and confirmed the script was only 20 pages. Interesting.
Posted by: bert, November 11th, 2005, 10:27am; Reply: 2
Twenty pages for 90 minutes.  That's why some of the shots seem to drag on for soooooooooo long.  It's the biggest weakness of this film.

Lynch had some great ideas, sure, but in the end, he was a little too pleased with himself to make some much needed cuts.
Posted by: the goose, February 12th, 2006, 8:45am; Reply: 3
stop posting crap, kevan.
Posted by: Helio, February 12th, 2006, 12:39pm; Reply: 4
Hey, hey, hey buddy! Calm down! Kevan just want ton help!
Posted by: -Ben-, February 13th, 2006, 3:19am; Reply: 5
Thanks, Kevan, although it really didnt help .Tahnks to anyone who posted. (Still havn;t found it, but I'm kind of over it now)
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