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SimplyScripts Screenwriting Discussion Board  /  Movie, Television and DVD Reviews  /  Final Destination
Posted by: Zombie Sean, January 5th, 2006, 6:40pm
I'm terribly sorry if somebody has already posted a review for this movie...SPOILERS AHEAD

Now unable to fly in planes by myself anymore (actually I'm practically unable to fly in a plane period), James Wong as captured my fear and turned it into a movie, having Alex Browning (Devon Sawa) have a premonition about a plane crash, and once removed, the plane actually explodes. Now him and a few other survivors are on a list - Death's list - in the order they were supposed to die. And oddly enough, each person starts to die off one by one in gruesom, freak accidents caused by Death himself.

Now that I have given you the sypnosis of the movie, I am now able to give you my review.

I have never really seen some of James Wong's other work, but I have to tell you, this is my favorite. Imagine how much time the writer spent thinking of the plot, putting all the pieces together, and completing a terrific - and terrifying - film. There are many twists (sort of) in this movie that you really have to look out for, also.

Out of all the deaths in the movie, which were awesome and scary at the exact same time, my all time favorite is the bus hit. Terry Cheney (Amanda Detmer) walks across the street, cussing off her boyfriend after an argument about the plane crash and suddenly gets smashed by a bus. A big surprise to most people (even me), and it was intense, bloody, and now reminds me to look both ways before crossing the street.

Despite the facts that some of the deaths were out there, they kept the audience awake and entertained throughout the whole movie, from the creepy credits at the beginning, to the final (and coolest) death scene at the very end.

All I have to say is, thank you for coming up with the story, Jeffrey Reddick, and thanks to the screenplay writers (and director), James Wong and Glen Morgan.

*****/***** stars
Posted by: Blake, January 21st, 2006, 10:56pm; Reply: 1
Yeah, Final destination was a really good movie. It wasn't really that scary for me. I watched this on tv one time, they probably edited some out or something. My favorite death was the teacher's. It was the longest, which made it better with her spilling coffee on her computer, and knives falling on her chest, and i think her house blew up?? i dont know for sure. The second one had more gore, but the story was worse and the characters weren;t all that great. I also like the scene where their at the railroad tracks, and the guy whos in American Pie gets his head sliced off.

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